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Media Accessibility

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Media accessibility


At present, it has been observed, by news, Rivera, mentions that not all people have devices with which the information that the government can see, do not have the chances of working from home, since they do not have a computer or a laptop , it is more there is a percentage of the population in Peru, which do not handle a smartphone, this is due to different variables, such as lack of money, ignorance of information technologies or also for the simple fact that they do not consider them useful.


For this reason, with the precautionary measures that the government took to reduce the spread of the coronavirus, classes are virtual, to which electronic equipment such as TV, radio, smart cell phones and the Internet network has become a service more required by people. Taking this situation into account, Rivera, mentions that not all homes have a computer or only internet, and if that were only one for perhaps three children at home, moreover, if parents must work away, that would cause a dilemma in the term of the one who used the artifact.

According to Berrios, he speaks that 90% of students and their families have access to radio and television; while two thirds in the urban area and only one third in the rural area have the Internet.


To conclude, the use of telecommunications are unlimited for the group of people who can access them, but in rural areas the same situation does not apply, it is what is shown today with the pandemic in the country, which It forces us to social isolation and our governments to incur the media so as not to prolong the teaching of Peru.

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In the same way, companies induce their employees to work from home so that they do not fall bankrupt.

In Peru, a country in development, there is the course of telecommunications management, but for that it needs to go a long way, that reaching an agreement and a study of the access indicators to the Information Society, for that obtains broad and detailed coverage, giving way to the inculcation of ICT to the entire population that lacks this necessary service, leading to the progress of our nation.

Bibliographic references

  • Rivera, Carlos. Impact of mobile telephony in the populated centers of Huaracalla, Huaylla and Huandobamba of the district of Ambo, Province of Ambo, Huánuco Region. Thesis. Lima: Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, 2012. 
  • Berrios, miracles. There will be school classes online and also by radio and TV [online]. The Republic. March 27, 2020. [Date of consultation: April 26, 2020]. 

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