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Mr Bill

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Formula for total daily expenses
To sum up daily expenses, Fj = SUM (Bj:Ej), where, j is the column number.
For instance, total daily expenses for;
14-Sep = F5 = SUM (B5:E5)
15-Sep = F6 = SUM (B6:E6)
16-Sep = F7 = SUM (B7:E7)
17-Sep = F8 = SUM (B8:E8)
18-Sep = F9 = SUM (B9:E9)
19-Sep = F10 = SUM (B10:E10)
And the grand total for all daily expenses = F11 = SUM (F5:F10)
Weekly totals
The formula for weekly totals per class of expense will be given by:
Auto/Gas weekly totals = B13 = SUM (B5:B11)
Hotels weekly totals = C13 = SUM (C5:C11)
Meals weekly totals = D13 = SUM (D5:D11)
Weekly totals for other expenses = E13 = SUM (E5:E11)
Receipt required
Print YES
To print YES in column G where daily expenses are greater than or equal to $100
14-Sep = G5 = IF (F5>=100, “YES”)
15-Sep = G6 = IF (F6>=100, “YES”)
16-Sep = G7 = IF (F7>=100, “YES”)
17-Sep = G8 = IF (F8>=100, “YES”)
18-Sep = G9 = IF (F9>=100, “YES”)
19-Sep = G10 = IF (F10>=100, “YES”)
Part 2: Networking
As the modern business environment becomes more complex, networked computing systems are equally becoming a preferred solution to the complex business problems (Donckels & Lambrecht, 1995). In essence, Bill requires a well-networked system through which most business activities and processes can be completed. Morgan (2013) notes two suitable networking options that can be applied in small businesses.
Gigabit Ethernet connectivity that consists of fast compound internetworked Ethernet cables. To install a Gigabit Ethernet network, you need Gigabit Ethernet switches through which all computers within a 100-meter radius can access high-speed connectivity of up to 1000Mbps or over.

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Besides acquiring the cables, you’ll also require a router for sharing the connectivity to other computers within the network. Morgan (2013) further notes such networks as cheap and easily affordable and eliminates messy power plugs that could be costly. On the other hand, Donckels and Lambrecht (1995) reports Gigabit networks as highly restricted to the distance within which they can optimally support several computers to 100-meter radius.
Fiber optic connectivity, which confers fastest computer inter-connectivity. However, its installation is both cost and technically expensive as it requires advanced techniques. Here, you acquire a 500 to 2,000-meter transceiver through which communication between computers is done. Moreover, you have to outsource advanced networking expertise from specialist fiber optic technicians who connect the electromagnetically immune fiber optic cable to your computer system. Despite the high speed attributable to it, Morgan (2013) reports fiber optic as highly susceptible to damage if not installed correctly.
Part 3: Network and data security concerns
Secure networks have become a critical part of every organization’s priority (Shailja, 2011). With network security threats increasing every day, networked services have lately become less reliable and more insecure (Florence & Swamydoss, 2011). As a result, Bill’s adoption of a networked system should have a secure portal through which various security concerns relating to his business can be effectively addressed. These include the following:
Secure user identification and authentication procedures: These relate to accurate identification of users accessing any computer within the network at a given time. While networked computers should have various security and authentication procedures, the identification procedures adopted should offer optimal data security (Florence & Swamydoss, 2011). Therefore, Bill should consider the use of encrypted security passwords that are difficult to access and use by third-parties. Besides, each user should have a unique password through which he/she uses to access a computer in the network. Therefore, encryption and decryption software will be required.
Virus and malware attacks: While external attacks within a network are common, virus and malware attacks to files stored within the network can equally be destructive (Shailja, 2011). Therefore, you should consider acquiring effective anti-virus program that detects and eliminates computer viruses and malware before destroying the documents and files stored within the network. With latest user ranking indicating AVG internet security 2015 as the most effective antivirus, it is recommended that you acquire its latest version as the antivirus of use within the network.
Hacking and cyber-attacks. Despite computer networks employing various security enforcement techniques (Florence & Swamydoss, 2011), they remain highly susceptible to hacking, and other forms of cyber espionage (Shailja, 2011). As consequence, there is need to adopt effective firewall systems that not only deter but also facilitate detection of potential cyber-attacks and hacking before it occurs. Here, it is recommended that firewall systems be implemented within the network.
Data loss due to crashed computers: At times, data loss may not result from espionage, hacking or viral and malware destruction but from crashed computers (Shailja, 2011). Though its cause is at times unclear, a backup system is always required. Therefore, you require a backup system where all data within the network is safely and securely backed up.
Donckels, R., & Lambrecht, J. (1995). Networks and small business growth: An explanatory model. Small Business Economics, 7, 273-289.
Florence, M.L., Swamydoss, D. (2011 July). Security issues in computer network architecture. Journal of Global Research in Computer Science, 2(7), 153-156.
Morgan, J. (2013). Networking a small business office from scratch [Weblog]. Retrieved from, P. (2011 May). Modern network security: Issues and challenges. International Journal of Engineering Science & Technology, 3(5), 4351. Abstract retrieved from EBSCO Host database.

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