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Nestlé’S New Communication Strategy

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Nestlé’s new communication strategy

Nestlé has directed its communicational strategy focused on the health and well -being of its consumers, changing its message, coupling market evolution with increasingly demanding consumers.

Nestlé dynamically promotes the consumption of its Kit Kat star chocolate, making its consumers known that it is the first 100 % chocolate produced in a sustainable way for its good work and environmental practices in their production processes.

Kat Kit, who for 75 years has been in the life and breaks of the people. “On March 17, 2010, Greenpeace, the world’s largest environmental organization, launched a campaign through social networks against Kit Kat, one of Nestlé’s brands. According to the environmental group, the Swiss company was using palm oil from the Jungle of Indonesia.”A video posted on YouTube by Greenpeace in which it was shown that such chocolate production made by Nestlé was not sustainable as they stated it, this video became viral in a matter of hours and people felt deceived by the company. Nestlé’s mistake regarding his communication strategy was to deny the bond that he had with palm oil producers and want to hide what was already seen by millions of people on the Internet.

The lack of honesty of the company and the lack of acceptance of criticism unleashed a number of attacks on social networks, in response to this Nestlé left its victim position and changed its communication strategy, publishing an article in which the crisis that was going through and the steps he was implementing to overcome it.

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One of the most radical actions was to cut business ties with their old palm oil suppliers and associate Forest Trust, who are responsible for certifying that suppliers have sustainable crops, to combat the deforestation of jungles in Indonesia.

Today its communication strategy has changed remarkably, which includes the Cocoa Plan, which aims to improve the living conditions of small farmers with low income living in poor communities and that are part of its cocoa supply chain. Often workers from these plantations resort to their children as labor to carry out work that could be considered that they are harmful to the physical and mental development of minors.

Nestlé’s communication team to avoid events such as those mentioned above, is responsible for monitoring social networks reactions 24 hours a day, so that when there is a problem, the communication unit generates notices in which doubts are clear to the consumers, in addition the company’s reality is timely reported, its products are promoted and the way in which its production is increasingly conscious and regulated.