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Othello As a Tragic Hero
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A tragic hero who is the character of this story which is having a hard fall from the grace. The tragic hero who is the character and who has all going for her or him, however, he or she has a flaw that will spark their fall. Due to pride or hubris the heroic appeal, realizes her or his unfortunate error too late to change. Othello who is a solder and a military general and who is appreciated and respected by all the regime and most if not all of the individuals in his community in Italia. On the other hand, Iago is the nemesis or antagonist who is working contrary to Othello. Due to Iago’s vengeful and envious personality, he builds the fall of Othello. This is shown when Iago says “I am not what I am.” Iago dislikes Othello since Othello has endorsed Cassio as an alternative of himself (Campbell, L. B., 2013). Then and there, Roderigo also hates Othello as he has an affection of Desdemona, Othello’s wife. In conclusion, Brabantio who is Desdemona’s legit father dislikes Othello for wedding his beloved daughter without seeking permission from him. Despite Othello’s courageous leadership, he is tainted by Roderigo’s, Brabantio’s and Iago’s feelings on Othello’s national origin and race. Keep on notice Othello who is from North African and is a Moor. “Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see: / She has deceived her father, and may thee.” Brabantio said. He has achieved a lot and is the one and only African in the Italian community and as a result, of this he is exposed to the inspection of others.

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“Then must you speak / Of one that loved not wisely, but too well; / Of one not easily jealous, but, being wrought, / Perplexed in the extreme.” Said Othello showing how much he loved Desdemona.
The play which is set and played in 1600s. By that time the interracial weddings were not at all times appreciated or accepted. When Othello weds Desdemona who at the time is a lady of the Noble birth, at hand are some individuals who consider that Othello who is Desdemona husband is not worthy of her. Nevertheless, Desdemona loves and adores her Moorish hubby unconditionally and completely. She ends up losing the love and respect of her biological father and yet she decides to stand side by side with her husband of a different race. Othello is from a different race from the wife, but the race aspect is not a bother or concern for Desdemona. Nevertheless, Othello starts to speculate if his spouse would desire an Italian hubby. Othello’s major fault is jealousy and luck of trust, which points to his emotions of doubt and insecurity. In the play he said “Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them.” Once Othello starts to become doubtful and insecure of his affiliation with his spouse, jealousy persuades him, his loving spouse Desdemona has developed the habit of been unfaithful. Instead of believing his loving innocent relationship, he trusts Iago when he Iago proposes that his friend Cassio who is having a thing and an affair with Desdemona (hill productions, 1993).
Eventually, Othello’s jealous flora leads his jealous mind and thoughts to kill the only lady he has loved or ever loved that is Desdemona. At the conclusion of the wonderful play, several individuals are deceased including the military general Othello (Kirsch, A. C., 2010). Othello who has everything going so well for him. Nonetheless, the tale ends sadly for the reason that the hero who is also the general of the tale finally dies a shameful death. A disastrous hero is always of the noble greatness and status. Therefore tragic hero holds a human propensity to make mistakes in judgment or decision. The tragic protagonist has a sad flaw. Othello is honorable and quite gifted as a leader and spear header. He is elected to guide and show leadership in the entire military strength in contrast to the Turkish attack against Cyprus. Even though he is of the high greatness and stature, he is human and also creates a fault in his decision and judgment against the loving wife, Desdemona. Othello, who is an awful protagonist since he allowed some jealously to overwhelm him, and he altered these word. “An honorable murderer, if you will; / For naught I did in hate, but all in honor,” claiming his killing was done in honor. It is said that its more or one thing or entity to become jealous, but he Othello act on behalf of his jealousy and bad judgment and he killed his loving and adorable wife called Desdemona. Because a jealous friend Iago embedded spores of jealousy in him and Othello was later taken and leaded into a trap. Othello, who loved the wife, should have had faith and trusted in his wife but he trusted and believed the wrong guy and his existence ended in catastrophe. Even though Iago embedded seeds of dishonesty and jealousy in Othello and he killed his wife that showed the great leader lacked and did not have self-control. He was not able and could not be able to control his anger and rage. This lead to a tragic flaw. Othello allowed his jealousy to eat up and consume him entirely. He was consumed and totally overwhelmed with anger and jealousy, but rather than believing and trusting his beautiful and beloved spouse he choked her because of jealousy and anger. Finally, he decides to take action in his hand and eventually takes the own life because of absolute hopelessness.
Othello slays his spouse, Desdemona, depriving her casual to clarify her innocent situation. Desdemona’s integrity is so pure that she not ever expected Othello to act how he did. “Farewell! Othello’s occupation is gone!” he said that to himself after realizing what he had done. The maid in the act discloses her character in the hankie episode and making it so late when Othello realizes his stupidity hence commits suicide. Emilia said “Thou hast not half that power to do me harm / As I have to be hurt.” Referring to Othello. Been a leader he was Othello was very unfair to his wife, he killed her and never gave her the chance to defend herself or give the side of her story but he acted as the judge and made a sole decision out of his friend reason since the friend played him because he was jealous of him (Welles 2014). Othello was a respected man and loved in his community by all the people and he was respected in his ranks in the military because of his leadership skills to lead the men in war and came out victorious. These characters he showed while in the military are the same characters he should have shown back in his place at home and given his wife the chance to prove what he was feed was nonsense and out of jealously of another man who could not have her. “For she had eyes, and chose me” those are word Othello spoke but did not live by them, jealousy was his downfall and his friend contributed to it. Military generals are much respected because they are people of wisdom opinion makers unlike Othello who acted contrarily against the morals and code of honor. The maid in the play finally reveals her role. But by the time Othello realized that he was on the wrong side it was too late and he could not change anything he had done for it was already done, the only option he thought could save him was to commit murder. The general commit murder was a sign of pain and desperation. His downfall is caused by himself and it was an accident or malignant fate. His tragedy was caused by an override of error in judgment. He made the wrong judgment and the results did not help him at all but just caused more misery than consolation (Crowell, 1961).
In this matter of Iago and Othello, it cannot justly be upheld that Iago who was the bad guy that he was the solitary root of the tragedies that occurred to Othello “Were it my cue to fight, I should have known it / Without a prompter.” In overall it must and should be said he was not hence there been no Shakespearean calamity in the obligation for the action of the protagonist and the successive calamity can be erased from him and to another individual of the act or drama. Shakespeare with no hesitation has not had the outset of the impact of public services that some current dramatists show that is an idea fit into the past century. Lecturer Stoll is very correct after he said “In no case does Shakespeare represent men as overwhelmed by anything so vague and neutral as social forces,” nevertheless he is certainly in fault when he said, “or as devoured by their passions alone.” It is in this very notion of the intense and damaging power of desire that results from the advantage of Shakespeare’s commencements over those of his colleagues (Welles, 2014). This “fatalism of overmastering passion,” as it was called by another Professor called Corson therefore is the unique article of Shakespeare’s notion of man’s relative to the domain as shown by Othello’s play and thus marks the conclusion of the Othello drama in addition its advantage to the conventional play where males are overwhelmed by outside fortune. In the situation of Othello, for instance all if not all other calamities, it is the passion of the protagonist that will be the mainspring of all or any action of the drama that in conclusion and certainly finishes the hero or the protagonist. There are dual or three kinds of such desire in Shakespeare, permitting to their ethical charm, but all similar give growth to the act of the drama and tip the protagonist to his fate. HYPERLINK “” Othello, who is a true military hero, and well-respected in the Senate “You are—a senator” Said Iago to Othello, and also loved by Desdemona his new spouse. At the start of the drama he seems and looks calm, eloquent and controlled. But then again by the conclusion of the act , Othello who has given up himself over to intense jealousy and anger so much that he hurts an epileptic apt and cannot speak or say anything. Shakespeare decides to use this to demonstration Othello’s development from armed hero to disastrous hero. Even though Othello who is the most tragic character, Iago is the chief personality in the drama. He was present and passed up and down for a raise and this seemingly explains his retaliation plot counter to Othello, but when the drama progresses, it develops seeming that Iago may just be the wicked guy. He controls just approximately everybody else in that drama and is the reason behind the deaths of more than a few guiltless characters and personalities. He even attempts, stabs and slays his spouse. Iago’s plan damages many more individuals than just general Othello (Dean, L. F., 1961).
The research show Othello was disturbed desperate and a jealous person, jealousy can lead to someone committing an offence that is regrettable and so horrific. Many people tend to commit murder due to jealousy as shown in the play hence it is something worth looking into.
Bradley, A. C., Brown, J. R., & Bradley, A. C. (2007). A.C. Bradley on Shakespeare’s tragedies: A concise edition and reassessment. Basingstoke [England: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kirsch, A. C. (2010). The passions of Shakespeare’s tragic heroes. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.
Campbell, L. B. (2013). Shakespeare’s tragic heroes, slaves of passion: With appendices on Bradley’s interpretation of Shakespearean tragedy. New York: Barnes & Noble.
In Dean, L. F. (1961). A casebook on Othello. New York: Crowell.
Welles, O., Cloutier, S., Mac, L. M., Coote, R., Shakespeare, W., Academy Entertainment (Firm), & Castle Hill Productions. (1993). Othello. S.l.: Academy Entertainment.
Bloom, H., & Heims, N. (2012). Othello. New York: Bloom’s Literary Criticism.

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