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Pedagogy As A Notion Of Contemporary Process Towards Modernity

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Pedagogy as a notion of contemporary process towards modernity

A new pedagogical thought is established from the Renaissance, when ideas and doctrines with an eminent humanistic sense that need from that moment on the value and character of education, acquiring qualities for the recognition of the values ​​of the person, their nature and their integrity, making it more authentic and with the possibility of cultivating according to their capacities and potentials embodied in your life project.

Currently various human sciences consider through their theories to education as a space that encourages the exploration and construction of knowledge, as a permanent process in the personal, cultural and social sphere focused on the human quality of the student; where it develops the analysis and interpretation capabilities that arouse attitudes and develop skills in a broad curricular spectrum where there is coherence between thinking, saying and doing, conceived from the values ​​and principles that admit the true sense of educating with human quality; Just as Freire in the pedagogy of the oppressed (1970, p. 42) "… the one that must be elaborated with him and not for him"; Certainly, pedagogy revolves around traditional positions, pedagogical knowledge that underlies nuances from experience and must encourage the opening of new paradigms focused on forming man to be; guaranteeing a comprehensive pedagogical process, capacities development and the formation of moral convictions, attitudes and features.

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These looks intersect in the historical context and the pedagogical foundations that influence the Venezuelan education system, highlighting and maintaining their validity the pedagogical currents of Don Simón Rodríguez and the teacher Luis Beltrán Prieto Figueroa among others; whose ideas are embodied in the current national curriculum, giving foundation to the educational system adapted to the country in response to training from a humanistic vision of the individual to the social; as established by the legal elements (CRBV, LOE) whose purpose is to develop the creative potential of each human being and stimulate the full exercise of their personality.

It is essential to assess Venezuelan education since its origins, the way it has evolved and all the significant contributions of great pedagogues in the search to form an integral human being. In this sense, education in the country is framed in the advances of societies and international treaties such as UNESCO, initially oriented in the dimensions of learning to be and to know. Consequently, the educational structure supported by the ideals of freedom, justice, originality and emancipation, takes up the philosophical postulates of Simón Rodríguez; Highlighting education as a human continuum that brings together teaching and learning processes, with the idea of ​​articulating the educational process based on the needs of today’s society, which forms an individual with values ​​and principles for full coexistence; Considering, what refers to social lights and virtues (1840): "In proof that with accumulating knowledge, strangers to the art of living, nothing has been done to form social behavior" (we invent or err, 2007, p.29)

In this sense, the national curriculum refers to education as a process through which it is educated for life and for the full development of the human being, including family, values, experiences, self – esteem and freedom of knowledge ; as well as, for creative potential, integrity and full development of his personality, "the human being is a being that lives and develops in relation to other people and with the environment" (MPPE, 2007, P.16). Hence, its purpose is to serve as an instrument to develop human potential, the formation of an integral, social, supportive, critical and harmonious being; in such a way that education seeks to be able to choose its own knowledge with determination, to establish its goals and responsible for the self-realization of it; promoting the training for life and development of the capacities of being, knowing, making and living of each person according to their aptitudes, established in the fundamental pillars of education (UNESCO, 2008)

Pedagogical ideas have been articulated with the educational policies developed in the course of history in Venezuelan education, to understand educational events within the framework of the pedagogical transformation that goes to the individual, social and cultural of the student; establishing trends and regularities that favorably impact the teaching and learning process to promote the creativity and participation of the individual. That is why educational policies have revealed fundamental aspects in each of the stages that constitute a reflection on the pedagogical bases that support it, influenced by a libertarian pedagogy, contextualized in an education for elites, refounded in the instruction decree Public from 1870, modernized under positive philosophy with little inclusion and development of the education sector, until reaching changes and adaptations proposed in the Bolivarian National Curriculum (2007) "oriented to the consolidation of a humanistic society".

Indeed, in the pedagogical conception of Venezuelan educational policy, the implementation of learning pedagogical projects has highlighted, integrating all actors: family, school and community at all levels; accentuating harmonic interrelations linking content and experiences; This proposes an inclusive popular education of a multiethnic nature that promotes the values ​​of solidarity, cooperation and patriotism framed in the exercise of universal law. Likewise, these transformations that are currently being produced in the educational field, based on the conception of knowledge within a humanization process, seeks the human development of the person and the ability to integrate a dynamic and changing society that every day It is more demanding following technological globalization.

Under this perspective, UNESCO (2018) raises as a basic pillar of education "learning to live together knowing others, their history, their traditions and spirituality …"; Thus, try to strengthen and develop creative qualities for personal and academic performance, interaction to achieve the configuration of a new social being, with participation and committed to its communication, to become aware that all their actions as a human being have their importance and that you must develop skills to reason, discern, dialogue from a social ethic and learn to reflect; conceived as the production of alternatives to transform thinking into different scenarios in a critical and creative way. 

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