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Physical Measurements

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Carlo Erba 1108 Elemental Analyzer (Heraeus, Hanau, Germany) was subjected to elemental analyses. The compounds used were all within the theoretical values of ±0.4%. Similarly, a Varian spectrometer was used to record 13C NMR and 1H NM spectra, EM-390, 600 MHz, while TMS was applied as an internal standard reference. The compounds’ FT-IR spectra (4000-400 cm-1) were recorded as KBr disks through the application of FT-IR (Shimadzu) spectrophotometer model 8400. The automated continuums of the ligand and its metallic compounds were prepared in 10-3 M DMF solution using an Angstrom UV-V’s spectrophotometer approach 1100 under the scope of 200-900 nm. Equally, the Brucker, Model: EMX, X-band spectrometer was used in the recording of ESR spectrum of Cu (II) complex while Hewlett-Packard mass spectrometer, Model MS 5988 was applied in the recording of the mass spectra of the compounds.
Samples were directly applied to the examination and the disintegrations were done at 300 degrees Celsius and 70 eV. The Gouy method was applied in the measurement of the magnetic predispositions of the complexities at a room temperature through the application of a magnetic susceptibility balance (Johnson Matthey, Alfa product, Model No. MKI)). The effective magnetic moments were computed using the formulae µeff = 2.828 (χM.T) 1/2 B.M., where χM represents the molar predisposition that is corrected through the application of Pascal’s coefficients for the diamagnetism of all molecules in the complexes while T represents the absolute temperature.

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The pH and conductometer apparatus Model 14831 (Italy) were applied in the establishment of the molar conductance of the mixtures in moles of the solid compounds in DMF. Similarly, the Stuart melting point instrument was applied in the measurement of melting points that were not corrected. Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) data was established from temperature to 800°C at a warming frequency of 20°C /min in a vigorous N2 atmosphere. The Shimadzu TGA-50H tool was used in obtaining the data while the thermal analyzer was equipped with a thermo-balance. Lastly, the sample was controlled in a bloated designed platinum band in the center of an incinerator.
1-[4-(3, 4-Dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-sulfonyl) phenyl]ethanone (QSE) and Cyanoacetohydrazide (CAH) were blended in line with the approaches stated in the literature. Nickel (II), silver (I), cobalt (II), Iron (III), and copper (II) ions were applied as nitrate salts and Merck or BDH. Sigma-Aldrich was used to obtain organic solvents (absolute ethanol, methanol, diethyl ether and dimethylformamide) and they were used as supplied.
Synthesis of the Schiff Base Ligand
The ligand was synthesized through the addition of 1-[4-(3, 4-dihydro-2H-quinoline-1-sulfonyl) phenyl]ethanone (QSE) (3.15 g, 20 mmol) that dissolved in hot absolute ethanol (30 mL) to Cyanoacetohydrazide (CAH) (7.04 g, 40 mmol) in outright ethanol (30 mL). The reaction that resulted from the mixture was heated under reflux for 4 hours. Consequently, the orange crystals were sieved, cleaned with ethanol and then air dried in an open atmosphere. Recrystallization was used in obtaining fine crystals from ethanol, and the ligand was kept in a desiccator until used. Equally, the yield obtained was 3.96 g (88 %), m.p. 207-209C. The Schiff base, H2L, the ligand was branded by elemental analyses, 1H-NMR and electronic spectra in both dimethylformamides (DMF) solution and solid state by IR and mass spectra. An illustration of the formation of H2L ligand has been provided.
Synthesis of Transition Metal Complexes of the Schiff Base H2L Ligand
H¬2L ligand (3.96 g; 10 mmol) and metal salts (10 mmol) in (50 mL) methanol mixtures were stirred in a cold environment for 1 hour and then heated under reflux for 5 hours. The resulting precipitates were obtained in a cold environment after the mixtures underwent a total evaporation until near dryness. Subsequently, the products were filtered off, washed with diethyl ether, and then they were air dried. Similarly, the compounds are solvable in most diluters. The following comprehensive preparation is an illustration on how other complexes were achieved by an analogous approach.

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