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Planning Effective Instruction for all Students

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Before beginning this task, read the complete directions provided in the CalTPA Candidate Handbook.
Step 1: Academic Content Selection and Learning about Students
Directions: An important step in planning instruction is to learn about your students. Select one class, one content area, and the state-adopted academic content standards or state-adopted framework (if your single subject content area does not have content standards) for this task. Respond to the questions below about this class, unit of study, and how you learn about the students.
Grade Level

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right0Save DraftContent area

Industrial technology education
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right0Save DraftSubject matter

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right0Save Draft1. List the state-adopted academic content standards or state-adopted framework that you will cover for this unit of study.
The course is in alignment with the state adopted academic standards or framework as listed below
Technical knowledge and skills
right0Save Draft2. Describe the unit of study that addresses those standards.
Woodworking is designed and structured to teach and deliver basic woodworking knowledge and skills in the preparation for advancement in the woodworking career. Several woodworking construction theories and woodworking techniques will be taught in compliance and alignment with the state-adopted standards and framework    Count
right0Save Draft3.

Wait! Planning Effective Instruction for all Students paper is just an example!

What is/are the academic learning goal(s) for this unit of study?
Understand and apply appropriate safety practices pertaining to the woodworking
Safety and care use of non-powered woodworking tools
To be able to estimate and evaluate material requirements, tools and create cut lists and material lists
Use both hand and power tools to give accurate and simple plans, measure, mark, cut and assemble various wood working projects
To enable student to care and provide safety use of stationary and portable power tools    Count
right0Class Information
Save DraftAge range of students

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right0Save DraftNumber of male students

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right0Save DraftNumber of female students

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right0Save DraftTotal number of students

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Linguistic Background
Save Draft1. What information that may influence instruction do you want to learn about your students?
The language that students speak at home and the literacy level of the native language
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right0Save Draft2. How will you learn about your students? Describe the methods you will use and why you have chosen to use those particular methods.
In-class student survey will be most appropriate because it will allow me to answer any kind of question in class and get the information at instant.
Save Draft3. How will you use this information in planning academic instruction in your selected content area?
The information will give me an insight about their language difficulties that students might experience during the learning process. Hence, understanding this difficulties will allow for adaptable plan in advance.
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right0Academic Language Abilities, Content Knowledge, and Skills Save Draft1. What information that may influence instruction do you want to learn about your students?
What kind of academic difficulties are students facing? What score did they have in the last year test?
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right0Save Draft2. How will you learn about your students? Describe the methods you will use and why you have chosen to use those particular methods.
I will use student records, cum file and set a meeting with their former subject teachers. The method will allow me to know their background in term of performance an review of their documentation    Count
right0Physical, Social, and Emotional Development Save Draft1. What information that may influence instruction do you want to learn about your students?
Do students have any social difficulties, mental health or physical issues?
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How will you learn about your students? Describe the methods you will use and why you have chosen to use those particular methods.
I will consult their former teachers and cum files and counsellors as well as nurses or doctors. This is because the method provide a direct and first-hand information in a more effective way.
right0Save Draft3. How will you use this information in planning academic instruction in your selected content area?
The information about their development issues will allow me to create their classroom environment very comfortable for each individual student. It is very important and teachers’ obligation to ensure that students feels secure, safe and supported in the classroom. I can effectively plan, secure and support my student if am fully aware of their emotional, social and physical development
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right0Cultural and Health Considerations
Save Draft1. What information that may influence instruction do you want to learn about your students?
Do they have a decent and planned diet? Do they have cultural, religious or any traditional beliefs that might be opposing my curriculum
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right0Save Draft2. How will you learn about your students? Describe the methods you will use and why you have chosen to use those particular methods.
I will use the survey method in form of questionnaire designed for the parents. This is because parents are the most reliable information for reflecting health and cultural beliefs of their children. Also, it’s a good method involving and engaging family in the learning process.
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right0Save Draft3. How will you use this information in planning academic instruction in your selected content area?
It is a very important information to have in my disposal because it is hardly and almost impossible to anticipate the range of responses of the parents concerning their cultural and health beliefs. For instance, some students were absent because parents never wanted their children to participate and celebrate Halloween
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right0Interests and Aspirations
Save Draft1. What information that may influence instruction do you want to learn about your students?
Do students participate in extracurricular activities? Ask about their interests, favorite and aspiration.
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right0Save Draft2. How will you learn about your students? Describe the methods you will use and why you have chosen to use those particular methods.
I will also apply the in-class student survey in order to get answers immediately and give students an opportunity to express and shout out their opinions.
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right0Save Draft3. How will you use this information in planning academic instruction in your selected content area?
The information is very usefully because it will enable me as instructor and my students have a planned curriculum that is enjoyable and involve both of us. Knowing their favorites, interests, hobbies and aspiration will give me an opportunity to select appropriate activities and filed trips for the unit at hand.
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right0Step 2: Learning about Two Focus Students
Directions: Select two focus students from the class you identified in Step 1. Select one student who is an English learner and one student who presents a different instructional challenge. Use some of the methods you described in Step 1 to learn about these two students. Consider your selected content area and subject matter when describing what you learned about the two focus students. Complete the section below. In each box include:
a description of what you learned about each of the students
An explanation of how the information will influence your academic instructional planning.
Note: Single subject candidates for a credential in Languages Other Than English who are delivering instruction in the target language may choose another student with a different instructional challenge rather than an English learner. Student 1: An English Learner
Save DraftGender
right0Save DraftAge

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right0Save Draft1. Why did you select this student?
I selected the students because he is an ELL student and I am really interested in learning more about his proficiency, difficulties and challenges    Count
right0Save Draft2. What did you learn about this student’s linguistic background?
Spanish is the native language of the student and it is a language that is often used at home. He is not that good or proficient in this native language.
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right0Save Draft3. What did you learn about this student’s academic language abilities in relation to this academic content area?
The student can speak English but he is facing difficulties in writing and communicating during class. He has problems in sounding out or pronunciation and memorizing vocabulary. According to the recent scores, it reflects that he is facing difficulties in comprehension and writing.
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right0Save Draft4. What did you learn about this student’s content knowledge and skills in this subject matter?
He facing difficulties when it comes to pronunciation and writing which hinders his communication skills.
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right0Save Draft5. What did you learn about this student’s physical, social and emotional development relevant to this academic content area?
The student is normal with regard to his emotional and physical development. I doubt his social development relative to his classmates. He is very shy and feels withdrawn hence isolates himself from others. Also, he is anti-social.
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right0Save Draft6. What did you learn about this student’s cultural background, including family and home relevant to this academic content area?
He is from Latino background, a middle class family who have a very strong religious belief, Christianity and are highly defined by their conservative ideas.
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right0Save Draft7. What did you learn about this student’s special considerations, including health issues relevant to this academic content area?
The student has no learning disabilities nor health issues but his diet is very poor. This is due to the campus environment where many students do not take their lunch. And if they take lunch, they eat junk food which is not that good or conductive for learning.
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right0Save Draft8. What did you learn about this student’s interests and aspirations relevant to this academic content area?
He loves hearing arts especially drawing but has many problems with the practical part of the unit.
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right0Save Draft9. Describe other information relevant to this academic content area that you learned about the student (e.g., attendance, extracurricular activities).
The student is very punctual and most of the time, the student does not finish his assignments. The excused is due to the fact that he spends more time doing extracurricular activities.
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right0Student 2: A Student Who Presents a Different Instructional Challenge
Save DraftGender
right0Save DraftAge

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right0Save Draft1. Why did you select this student?
I chose the student because she is a non-ELL student in my classroom
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right0Save Draft2. How is the instructional challenge that he or she presents different from that of the other student?
The student is suffering from stuttering which is a language disorder. As such, she poses a great instructional challenge in my classroom that is very different from the other student.
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right0Save Draft3. What did you learn about this student’s linguistic background?
The student is a native English speaker. Very proficient in communication or speaking English because English is often spoken at her home environment.
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right0Save Draft4. What did you learn about this student’s academic language abilities in relation to this academic content area?
She participates in class discussion and ask question in a clearer and proficient manner, she is very fluent in communicating during discussions. Her test score reflects that she is very good in writing and communicating a clear and accurate information about the unit.
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right0Save Draft5. What did you learn about this student’s content knowledge and skills in this subject matter?
Very good in woodcarving based on her basic technical knowledge and communication skills
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right0Save Draft6. What did you learn about this student’s physical, social and emotional development relevant to this academic content area?
She seems very developed in both social, emotional and physical development. I could tease her but she seems very good at dealing with such jokes.
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right0Save Draft7. What did you learn about this student’s cultural background, including family and home relevant to this academic content area?
She is from an American home of a lower middle class family. She has very strong Christian belief based on her self-expression during class discussion and practical
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right0Save Draft8. What did you learn about this student’s special considerations, including health issues relevant to this academic content area?
She is very social and most of time comes to the classroom very tired and sleepy. One special consideration is that she is suffering from stuttering. She is overweight, kind of obesity but such health does not seem to be relative to her development aspects mentioned earlier.
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right0Save Draft9. What did you learn about this student’s interests and aspirations relevant to this academic content area?
She is very social and likes sharing ideas, thoughts and classwork with her colleagues mostly peers. This is due to the practical sessions.
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right0Save Draft10. Describe other information relevant to the academic content area that you learned about the student (e.g., attendance, extracurricular activities).
She likes to play basketball as her extracurricular activities and her aspiration as a professional player. She attends classes as normal.
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right0Step 3: Planning for Academic Instruction for the Whole Class
Directions: Consider your academic content selection in Step 1 and what you want the students to learn. As you begin to think about a lesson that falls within the selected unit of study, respond to the questions below about your plan for academic instruction for the whole class.
Save Draft1. At what point in the sequence of the unit is this lesson? Put an X next to one:
At the beginning of the unit of study
(X)Between the beginning and the end of the unit of study
At the end of the unit of study
right0Save Draft2. List the state-adopted academic content standard(s) or state-adopted framework you will address in the lesson.
Technical skills and knowledge
Apply essential technical knowledge and skills common to all pathways in the woodworking sector, following procedures when carrying out experiments or performing technical tasks. (Direct alignment with WS 11-12.6)
Acquire and accurately use woodworking terminology and protocols at
The career and college readiness level for communicating effectively in oral, written, and multimedia formats. (Direct alignment with LS 9-10, 11-12.6)
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right0Save Draft3. What is (are) your academic learning goal(s)? What specifically do you expect students to know or be able to do as a result of the lesson?
Recognize the elements of communication using a sender–receiver model.
Identify barriers to accurate and appropriate communication.
Interpret verbal and nonverbal communications and respond appropriately.
Demonstrate elements of written and electronic communication such as accurate spelling, grammar, and format.
Interpret and explain terminology and practices specific to the woodworking sector.
Comply with the rules, regulations, and expectations of all aspects of the woodworking sector.
Construct projects and products specific to the woodworking sector requirements and expectations.
Demonstrate the basic care, proper maintenance, and use of hand, portable, and stationary tools related to the woodworking.
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right0Save Draft4. How is (are) your academic learning goal(s) related to the state-adopted academic content standards or state-adopted framework?
My goals are highly correlated with the state-adopted frameworks. Practical and projects will be used as a way to facilitate their technical skills and knowledge as well as communication among students. Test will be sued to gauge their writing skills and technical knowledge.
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right0Save Draft5. How will the content of the lesson build on what the students already know and are able to do?
The lesson takes place between the beginning and end of the unit. The introduction of the unit will provide a basic foundation of the students to use various terminologies and terms associated with the woodworking as far as industrial education technology is concerned. Hence, students will be participating is active discussion and inferring different terms and concepts based on what they already know and familiar with.
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right0Save Draft6. How will the content of the lesson connect to the content of preceding and subsequent lessons?
Previous lessons entails introduction to the woodcarving hence student master their content understanding from this topics. The career explanation of the woodcarving which is the subsequent lesson will give students an interest to be involved and participate in the acquisition of knowledge. The fact that they have been introduced to the general knowledge about woodcarving in the previous lesson, students gain confidence and competence to handles various tasks pertaining the unit.
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right0Save Draft7. What difficulties do you anticipate students could have with the lesson content and why do you think these difficulties will arise?
Students might find it difficulty in understanding new concepts relating to the woodworking. Also, they more likely to experience difficulties during practical which it the backbone of the unit. Students might face problems in communicating with each other based on their language abilities and proficiency especially during discussion and practical.
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right0Save Draft8. What evidence will you collect during the lesson or at the end of the lesson that will show the extent to which the students have learned what you intended?
I will use oral question to collect evidence pertain their understanding or learning experience. Also, the project done will be assessed as per individuals to assess individual’s technical skills and knowledge. Written assignment of the projects will be used as evidence of their language proficiency.
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right09. Think about how you will sequence your instruction of the academic content to be covered in this lesson.
Describe your plan for instruction in the order in which it will be implemented. Address each of the following prompts and provide a rationale for each of your decisions.
Communicating the academic learning goal(s) to the students
Save DraftInstruction Plan
Please note the sequence of your Instructional Plan by indicating a letter (a., b., c., and so on) before each part.
Writer the objective of the lesson or day’s agenda and review it with the students
Review the previous lesson in order to refresh the memories of the students
Transition the review of the previous lesson with the day’s agenda or lesson’s objectives
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right0Save DraftRationale
Please use the identical letter from the plan you wrote to match the rationale for that portion of the plan.
To address various modalities of the day’s class session by stating and reviewing the objective
For the purpose of referencing and clarification of the previous lesson
To ease their understanding and promote their level of transition or connection between two class objectives.
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right0Instructional strategies
Save DraftInstruction Plan
Please note the sequence of your Instructional Plan by indicating a letter (a., b., c., and so on) before each part.
Introduction of the day’s lesson by starting from simple to complex
Teacher-learner approach will be used in between the lesson
Use of oral questions at the end of the lesson and providing written assignment
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right0Save DraftRationale
Please use the identical letter from the plan you wrote to match the rationale for that portion of the plan.
Familiarize the lesson with the students and arose their interests
Engage and involve the student to enable academic freedom
To assess student’s understanding of the lesson learned
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right0Student activities
Save DraftInstruction Plan
Please note the sequence of your Instructional Plan by indicating a letter (a., b., c., and so on) before each part.
Attention and Listening
Asking oral question and discussion
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right0Save DraftRationale
Please use the identical letter from the plan you wrote to match the rationale for that portion of the plan.
To promote their listening skills
To promote their understanding of the lesson and enhance their communication skills
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right0Student grouping
Save DraftInstruction Plan
Please note the sequence of your Instructional Plan by indicating a letter (a., b., c., and so on) before each part.
Students will be given an opportunity to work independently during the discussion and writing assignments
Students will work in partnership during the discussion session and practical
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right0Save DraftRationale
Please use the identical letter from the plan you wrote to match the rationale for that portion of the plan.
Allows the teacher to understand individual’s level of technical understanding and knowledge
To foster understanding and memorization of different concepts during the class.
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right0Materials, technology, and/or resources, including the use of instructional aides, parents, or other adults in the room
Save DraftInstruction Plan
Please note the sequence of your Instructional Plan by indicating a letter (a., b., c., and so on) before each part.
Use of tape measures, folder for handouts, notebook paper, protective eye ,mandatory,2 pencils, tool belt and triangle square
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right0Save DraftRationale
Please use the identical letter from the plan you wrote to match the rationale for that portion of the plan.
Ensures that students have all resources necessary to accomplish the class objectives and imagine their understanding from a practical perspectives
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right0Progress monitoring of student learning
Save DraftInstruction Plan
Please note the sequence of your Instructional Plan by indicating a letter (a., b., c., and so on) before each part.
I will monitor student’s progress at every point of the lesson. From the review, introduction, discussion to the questioning both oral and written
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right0Save DraftRationale
Please use the identical letter from the plan you wrote to match the rationale for that portion of the plan.
This will allow the teacher to track student’s understanding before moving to the segment of the lesion or instruction. Hence, student will have the opportunity for clarification and questioning.
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right0Save Draft10. Given the difficulties you anticipate students could have with the content, what additional steps would you take to foster access and comprehension for all students?
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I anticipate that students will be facing difficulties in understanding the concepts. I will use the reciprocal teaching whereby the fast learners will teach other students the concepts to facilitate their understanding.
I anticipate that students will be facing difficulties communicating during discussions and oral questioning. I will use placement to ensure that students special consideration are cater for and taught based on their pace and language abilities or proficiency.    Count
right0Save Draft11. How would you share the results of student academic learning with students and families?
I would collect and asses their written assignment which will be based on the day’s lesson. The written assignment will be reflected upon the rubric that was shared with the students.
I will grade all the students based on their
Project completion
Language proficiency as either ELL, ELD or non-ELL.
And attendance
I will return the results as soon as possible in order create a room for review and clarification.
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right0Step 4: Lesson Adaptations for the Two Focus Students
Directions:Consider what you have learned about the two focus students in Step 2, along with the implications for instruction that you identified for each of them. For the two students, determine what adaptations you will make to this lesson you have planned for the whole class. Describe those adaptations for each of the two focus students. If you determine that no adaptations are needed for a part of the plan for instruction, indicate and explain that decision. In each box below, include:
Your decisions about lesson adaptations
A rationale for these decisions Student 1: An English Learner
Save Draft1. Academic learning goal(s) or your expectations of what the student should know or be able to do as a result of this lesson.
The student is an ELL who, currently, is quiet proficiency should be able to perform very well in all three development aspects. This will enable me to modify my communication strategies as adaptation in my planning instruction.
I chose not to make any modification with regard to the academic goals of the student because I have confidence and high expectation for any of my student whether they are ELL OR not. However, I will recommend the student and provide assistance in the sector of writing assignments.
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right0Save Draft2. Evidence of student learning you will collect during the lesson and/or at the end of the lesson.
I will collect notebook and written assignment of the ELL student in order to collect evidence at the end of the lesson.
This is importance to ensure that the progress of the student is monitored especially in the aspect of writing. Hence, I will be able to answer several questions in the area of difficulties.
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right0Save Draft3. Communicating the academic learning goal(s) and/or expectations to the student.
I will employ the method of sheltered English in order to communicate the academic goals to the students. In this case, I will be using shorter sentences, familiar terminologies and vocabulary, gesturing, visuals and slower speech.
The use of simpler designed communication language will give me an opportunity to facilitate compression and simplicity of the input for him.
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right0Save Draft4. Instructional strategies
I will use extension time, either before or after class in order to help him with various tutorial concerning what has been learnt. In other words, I will be pre-teaching in a simpler manner. Also, I will provide several guidelines concerning written assignments and note-taking.
This will provide an opportunity for the student to understand concepts in a simpler way and enhance his language acquisition and communication styles.
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right0Save Draft5. Student activities
I will be using part of his activities to in order to maximize and improve his output and learning levels. Because the student has interest in drawing, while other are doing oral discussion, I will ensure the student draw various diagrams and mid maps concerning various concepts of the unit to enhance his understanding. Also, I will provide more time for the student to work on issues relating to note taking and written assignments.
This is important in order to accomplish various task in a short time possible within the lesson. Also, given the student more time will enable him to improve his mastery techniques without using much of his native language.
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right0Save Draft6. Student grouping
I will advise the student to work very closely with a teacher who is competent in his native language and the target language. This will be great in facilitating his note taking skills and partnership working for better writing process and communication skills.
It is a flexible type of grouping that would encourage and facilitate interpersonal dialogue and foster social, emotional and physical development.
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right0Save Draft7. Materials, technology, and/or resources, including the use of instructional aides, parents, or other adults in the room
I will request in class instructional aide for the student. Also, all necessary resources such as pencils and drawing facilities will be made available to the student.
The aide will be crucial in provision of on-on-one assistance while am too busy engaged with other students. The drawing facilities will increase his interest in understanding more concepts pertaining the unit in a visual manner.
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right0Save Draft8. Progress monitoring of student learning
I will monitor progress of the student through one-on-one question concerning concepts learned. Also, I will ensure I collect his written assignment and notebook to make various comments instantly and provide clarification where possible.
This is importance in order to standardize the student to the level of other student in order to provide a universal access to the content areas or subject matter of the unit.
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right0Save Draft9. Sharing results of the student learning with the student and/or the family
I will have a teacher-student conference when am presenting his results. This will give me an opportunity to review and discuss his progress, weakness and strengths and effectiveness of the instructional aide. I will use phone calls, conferences and letters to reach out his parents and chart his success throughout the semester.
The results have to be shared in order to foster equality of his academic success by considering both parents and himself.
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right0Student 2: A Student Who Presents a Different Instructional Challenge
Save Draft1. Academic learning goal(s) or your expectations of what the student should know or be able to do as a result of this lesson.
The student present a different instructional challenge due to her stuttering problem but still will have to master and understand academic goals of the unit. I will not lower my expectation for the students just like the ELL student in order to make them at per. I will make specific adaptation as per her writing abilities and fluency in communicating.
I decided not to make any changes in her learning goals due to the fact that she will have none of academic problems in meeting various problems.
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right0Save Draft2. Evidence of student learning you will collect during the lesson and/or at the end of the lesson.
I will ensure that the student to put all the oral questions and answers in class in a written form.
Also, I will collect her written assignments and projects pertaining the lesson and the unit in general as evidence of student learning.
The fact the student does not feel comfortable in speaking in the class, I will ask the student to give written answers instead of answering aloud this is necessary to implement low anxiety condition and boost a comfortable environment and academic freedom.
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right0Save Draft3. Communicating the academic learning goal(s) and/or expectations to the student.
I will offer explicit instruction to increase chance of meeting or exceeding academic learning goals. I will not allow the student to make any oral presentation in class although she will be submitting her written assignment just like other students.
The actual outcomes of her assignment will not be altered or modified in anyway because of her instructional challenge does not allow. However, I have ensured that I have made some modification to lower anxiety and keep her on track with lesson tasks.
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right0Save Draft4. Instructional strategies
There are no important instructional activities that I would adapt for her challenge of stuttering. Instead she will be submitting her work at the same level as that of her peers. I will ensure that I explain to the student concerning various adaptation which will be optional to her. I will adapt student teacher time in order to address and explain various questions and concerns.
Her disability is physical rather than learning hence no adaptation will be made on the instructional strategy for the student.
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right0Save Draft5. Student activities
Due to the stuttering problem of the student, she will not be called for oral presentation or answering questions aloud but she is allowed to volunteer if she does not fear or when feels comfortable. I will also advise the student to choose a student of a chose in case of a necessary oral presentation to boost her confidence.
The instructional strategy is to allow the student to focus on the objectives and learning goals instead of worrying about the issue of stuttering with regard to embarrassment during presentations.
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right0Save Draft6. Student grouping
Grouping strategies will be adapted in that she will be given an opportunity to choose a student partner of her choice in order to practice and master her verbal skills
The student partner will be an important agent of boosting her self-esteem and confidence throughout the lesson.
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right0Save Draft7. Materials, technology, and/or resources, including the use of instructional aides, parents, or other adults in the room
All necessary resources will be provided to the student including a speech therapist to facilitate her verbal skills and ease her oral presentation sessions. I will advise the student to do a reading and recording practice in order to chart her own progress and boost confidence.
I will make sure that I have few minutes with the therapist in order to address pressing issues concerning the student. The technological adaptation of audio will comfort the student and enable her to spotlight her weakness.
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right0Save Draft8. Progress monitoring of student learning
Stuttering effect increases when the student is nervous hence I will assess and monitor her progress individually. Also, I will monitor her progress by asking the student to write my oral questions and speak with her individually about her progress instead of doing it publicly.
The progress monitory has been modified in order to increase her confidence and reduces anxiety due to her language problem of stuttering.
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right0Save Draft9. Sharing results of the student learning with the student and/or the family
Just like all students, I will put or mark comment at the end of their assignment and review the content with the students as a whole in the upcoming class. With the student, I will meet her outside, with her parent and therapist if possible to share her results and chart her success and discuss her strength and weakness as well as performance in general.
Sharing her results with her therapist is an important approach that will assist the student to move a step forward towards higher academic level.
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right0Step 5: Reflection on Connecting Instructional Planning to Student Characteristics
Directions:Read your responses to the questions in Steps 1-4. Think about what you have learned by completing this task, including the characteristics of the two focus students, your instructional planning for the whole class, and your adaptations for the focus students. Respond to the questions below Save Draft1. What information that you collected for the whole class and/or for the two focus students most influenced your planning for this lesson?
In your response, describe how and why the information was influential and why you found it to be so.
The linguistics abilities was the information that mostly influenced my planning for this lesson. The information was influential for making adaptation of the whole curriculum plan to my lesson. As a teacher, I find it very important that I make content accessible and easier to understand to all students regardless of either they are ELL or EOS, disabilities, with or without prior skills and knowledge of the content.
Having knowledge of the two students gives me an opportunity to create and design my plan in such a way that will reach, engage and involve all students
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right0Save Draft2. How will you use what you have learned regarding connecting instructional planning to student characteristics in the future?
What I have learnt from this TPA assignment is actually an aspect of reinforcement and profound understanding of what I already knew. In this case, it is important that we encourage and motivate students to increase their effort. This is the most basic and primary principle of any teacher in the faculty of education. In order to make the content to be universally acceptable, teachers need to talk to individual students, discover their interests, goals and identify their challenges with their former teachers, parents, cum files and counsellors.
I will use lesson leant from TPA assignment as example of how I will design and create my lesson plan based on the crucial information I wish to collect, methods to apply or employ and how such information will impact academic performance of my future students. Hence, In the future, I will have an understanding of how I can connect my instructional planning to the student characteristics.
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