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Porfiriato, A System Of Oppression

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Porfiriato, a system of oppression


Throughout the years of the Government imposed by Porfirio Díaz during his 35 years in power he has been very criticized.  The presidency of Porfirio Díaz is remembered as a period of time in which society was in degradation and suffered from oppression against their freedoms by the government. It was 30 years of dictatorship that undoubtedly unleashed a lot of controversy between the different social classes.  His dictatorship was not very equitable among the different social classes in Mexico of the Porfiriato era. 


Travis Evans wrote in an article for "University of Guelph" that "his extensive thirty -five -year -old virtual dictators. Many criticized the great inequality that his dictatorship gave, the rich were increasing. The superiority and richness of the rich was based on the poverty and inferiority of others, that is, those of lower class.  I found an article in which this problem was exposed.

Rafael Catalán Valdés made an article based on inequality that porfiriato caused in his time.  But, even so, despite the great inequalities that his dictatorship brought to the country, Mexico had enormous progress during the time Porfirio Díaz was in power. This is where there is the controversy between societies on the dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz, because many long for it for the great progress that Mexico had, while many hate him for his way of imposing his dictatorship, since he at first opposed the Reelection of Lerdo and Juárez.

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It happens that once he was in the presidency he proposed the re -election of him and indefinitely.  However, despite his inequalities, what Porfirio Díaz achieved, was a great advance in Mexico. When he took power over Mexico, the country was in a state of instability, it was in a time of many changes, since not long ago they had just passed through independence. Mexico was destroyed, it was an immutable struggle between conservatives and liberals. So at the time Porfirio Díaz takes power, the order that the country needed returns to Mexico.

That order was so desperately required.  The country needed someone to take the reins of the country and put control over things. What Porfirio Díaz did during his 30 years of government was not easy, since he took control over a city that was behind in many different aspects and even though in spite of that, he established great progress in the country.   The first years that Porfirio Díaz was in power, he was an exemplary leader, who cared about the well -being of his people, however, over time, he disinterested from society to become a dictator. 

Both parties take some credibility, then, Porfirio, he achieved so many things, at the same time that he exercised oppression on the freedoms of Mexicans. Porfiriato was undoubtedly a symbol of advances and progress for Mexico, but also for social oppression. But it must also be taken into account that, if it had not been for him, that he took control of things, Mexico would not have come forward. When Porfirio Díaz was in power, the number of advances he brought for Mexico, were incredible.  His government led Mexico to become producer number 1 silver, and producer number 2 gold.

In addition to he built roads, thus expanding the transport and communication routes, he also helped to communicate to Mexico with Europe thanks to the underwater cable. It is also worth mentioning that the cotton and wool industry was promoted. Thanks to the reelections of Porfirio Díaz the country had a huge improvement in the economy, as wars decreased.  One of the most notorious advances that arose during the porfiriato, was that of oil, the dictator Porfirio Díaz, granted facilities for the exploitation of this product, oil, since he sought to replace coal with oil. 

Of course, that this technological advance made Mexico be part of the process in modern industrialization in addition to getting into international trade.  The construction of the railroads was a climax for the Mexican economy during the porfiriato. Although this advance was beneficial in so many aspects and that they were usually led by abroad companies, it brought bad acts with society, for example, the lands were removed from farmers and peasants in a grotesque and unfair way.

This left an indelible brand in this great advance that Mexico had, but that also became a great symbol of oppression against the poor. But, nevertheless, Porfirio Díaz took many risks, and then Mexico was at great risk, since it went through a financial crisis that had been caused by the depreciation of silver in the market around the world.  In addition, Mexico was also harmed by the loss of several crops due to droughts, and all that this originated was that the Mexican weight suffered an impressive devaluation.  


Thus getting the country to go through many social problems.  In conclusion, the governorship used by the dictator Porfirio Díaz was undoubtedly a lot of benefit to the country in general.  However, he must have been a president who saw more for all social classes equitably.  Not forgetting and leaving the poor where they were already, in poverty, while the rich made it richer.

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