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Preventive Measures Against Weapons of Mass Destruction

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Preventive Measures against Weapons of Mass Destruction
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Currently, technological advancement has facilitated the increase and complexity of weapons for mass destruction (WMDs). The weapons include chemical, biological and nuclear forms which are present. WMDs attack have happened less frequently thus promoting negligence in terms of protection against them. Biological weapons have been limited to personal use rather than terrorist cohorts as a result of its previous outcomes. The large requirement of chemicals inhibits the efficiency of chemical weapons and the user has been from ancient times. Nuclear weapons have remained to be the most dangerous due to their impact as well as complex nature. Weapons of massive destruction are used making country’s inconsistently lack adequate preventive strategies, and thus this paper analyses probable measures that can be implemented.
Preventive strategies
Legislations should be formulated in order to prevent formulation and development of WMDs. Monitoring strategies such as monitoring of black market activities should be implemented so as to safeguard selling and buying of chemical weapons. Governments should have measures that intercept WMDs activities before they are even created. Border inspection measures for WMDs should be installed so as to prevent smuggling of weapons. Security agencies and technological departments should be educated on the various WMDs in order to help them fight against such attacks.

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Counteracting devices should be purchased so as to safeguard the country from the weapons. Biological labs should implement strict security measures especially for cultures to safeguard them from being stolen (DoD 2014).
Security agencies should plan various measures to prevent all factors facilitating weapons of mass destruction. International and regional security are focused on through improved relations hence stopping use and advancement of WMDs. Even though attacks from weapons of mass destruction are few, countries such as United States should implement preventive strategies to safeguard against them.
DoD. Strategy for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction. June 2014. Retrieved from <>

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