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Prince Nicolás Machiavelli

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Prince Nicolás Machiavelli


Nicolás Machiavelo was born in Florence on May 3, 1469, and died in Florence on June 25, 1527. Machiavelli in his book The Prince of 26 chapters tells us how to bring a principality in several situations, giving us great examples of the princes of those times, such as Lorenzof France, Philip, Antiochus, Alejandro VI among others. In our times you could say that they are rules to carry a government. Machiavelli at the beginning of the book exposes the variety of rulers, which he calls princes, on the political scene and what is the way to acquire power. 


In this chapter also mentions that the way to be durability is being accepted by the people through the conservation of customs. In the event that the prince is foreign and not familiar with the beliefs of its governed, it must make an effort to acquire them and take action in the case of not existing mutual cordiality or understanding between both parties. However, the prince of Machiavelli states that it is harmful. As an example he exposes Alexander the Great.

A conqueror who after his successful battle made sure to extract the ancient supporters of the kingdom of Darío. In the following chapters of the Prince of Machiavelli, it highlights the three best ways to conserve a state to govern, which reigned through ancient laws. The latter according to the type of ruler who was running in power, among them is those who had enough resources for a successful battle and the ability to change, mentioning as an example Moses and the reign of Hieron de Syracuse.

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In the other case are the advisory principals and with foreign capital.

Princes who took power through little effort and that their time in the mandate is uncertain. For example is César Borgia, who came to govern for the fortune of his parent. The princes who dominated by betrayal or in the opposite case through the sympathy of the people. Among them are the Sicilian Agátocles, a tyrant who came to command Syracuse through the massacre and Nabis, prince who came to power through the popularity of the ideals he professed. But ideally each prince must be governed by his own ability to govern, in this case, it is a model that Machiavelli showed in the Prince of Machiavelli. 

During history there were principalities that emerged in a way, already mentioned above, either through a fortune, popular vote, crimes or hereditary, however, there were cases where mandates existed through religious belief. This prototype are those who do a job without really doing it, since it relies on an ideal. And despite the few chances of maintaining, or until they prevail according to the prince, it is remarkable that it is the most strong and lasting principality in history in history. As an example he mentions Alejandro VI, ruler who through strategy and fortune managed to increase the power of the Church.

However, Machiavello addresses that a mandate is not only governed by skill and wealth, but it is necessary to fulfill certain criteria for the people and how to maintain it. Among them applies the ability to acquire combatants for the militia, that is, it is easier to last if there is full confidence in an army, than to have your murderous control and mercenaries, since these are bought according to the purchasing power. In addition, it emphasizes that it is necessary that the Principality should always maintain the weapons and skills in the field as a priority. The second criterion that the Principality must take into account is the relationship with the people. 

Each prince must act according to the parameters established at the beginning of his reign. What does this mean? Each nation, as stipulated at the beginning, maintains certain ways of cohabit. Who can lead to a discontent people to a conspiracy for overthrow. Otherwise, Prince Fernando de Aragón, Catholic ruler is. 

But a reign can fall from various reasons and one of the main ones is the fascination of the Principality, and as the Prince of Machiavelli, the flatterers mentions very well. Every king or emperor, thanks to the level of power they handle, generates high levels of ego that can be counterproductive, because these praises generate unrealistic opinions about the way of governing, and this in the final endangers their mandate. So it is wise for a long reign the honest obtaining of good directors. Ultimately of the prince, Machiavelli alleges what were the main reasons for the loss of the power of the Italian principalities.

And he wonders why the same result is reached by acting or behaving in different ways during a reign. And that regardless of or not, fortune will always be the same. Then, having read and understood the Prince of Machiavelli, we can conclude that in the Ecuadorian state it resembles politically with the Prince of Machiavelli, the Ecuadorian State is defined as a constitutional state of rights and justice, social, democratic, sovereign, sovereignindependent, unitary, intercultural, plurinational and secular. The president must always keep the people happy.


The people have the power and have demonstrated it, since they have taken Abdala Bucarán and Lucio Gutiérrez out of the presidency, the Ecuadorian militia is under the tutelage of the government this leads us to what the prince of Machiavelli says if you have the militia,money and controlled connections, you have the power. In Ecuador we find that assembly members inherit their positions to relatives, the prince of Machiavelli tells us that the principalities are inherited or acquired, we can see that in Ecuador we still have this inheritance of positions, but what we do not see is that a president can inherit hischarge to a relative.  

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