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Thesis: Being pronounced guilty by the court of law should not be considered right. Instead, it should be analyzed regarding personal reasons, fairness and transparency of the justice system.
Personal reasons
a. Cause of committing a crime.
b. Are you guilty or framed?
c. Independence of the Ruling
II. Fairness of the Justice System.
a. Personal treatment by the justice system.
b. Chance of appeal.
III. Transparency of the justice system.
a. Handling of a case.
b. Presence of any independent oversight pre-and post-ruling investigation
Justice and the judicial system as a whole have been a thorny issue worldwide to both the concerned stakeholders and the general public. With the common issue of contention being is justice rightfully rewarded to the deserving or they end up being recipients of injustice and what they deserved given to the offenders walk away scot free enjoying freedom. This has necessitated to some cases being termed as being major to be handled by some courts hence being forwarded to higher courts or even international courts with different relevant authorities coming in to work on them.
Different people find themselves at the wrong side of the arm of the law as criminals. To others, it seems as a well-adapted and accepted system of life gained through lifelong experience in the same field. However, to others, it comes not as a choice but unavoidable circumstance with no option out at all.

Wait! Prison Break paper is just an example!

Others commit the crime in self-defense while others commit crimes unknowingly. To others, it is the only way to sacrifice and achieve what they just can’t afford to lose in life. The television series Prison Break character Michael Scofield is a premier example of those who commit crimes not for selfish intention but as a sacrifice. Scofield decides to intentionally rob a bank while heavily armed to be arrested and put behind bars together with his brother Lincoln Burrows. This is the only option he has to be in direct contact with his brother so that together they can jointly unite and launch his key plan of getting his brother out of prison. Otherwise, there would be no hope for freedom for him as he is sentenced to execution for the heinous crime of murdering the vice president’s brother. Scofield fully knows that his brother is innocent that is why he can’t sit back and watch his brother face execution for a crime not committed. Scofield clearly demonstrates the love your brother as you love yourself philosophyCITATION Voß15 l 1033 (Voß).
Different innocent people find themselves in prison serving a sentence about which they have no clue. These people are either victims of mistaken identity, manipulated legal process or victims of collateral damage. Due to the quick happening of events these people only find themselves in rude shock after realizing what began as a joke has landed them in deep trouble they shall never save themselves from or have to pay expensively to clear themselves. These victims find themselves trapped in a laid-out trap by crime offenders who use them as a human shield against justice. The unknowing victims find themselves in the target spots after a heavy strategic chain of plans laid out by hardcore crime perpetrators who commit crimes as they have planned, but end up being free. They end up making people believe that they are innocent, yet they innocent citizens into criminals in such a quick way that no one can discover unless an investigation is done. The innocent subjects are apprehended and serve a jail term which does not relate to them. Lincoln Burrows in the prison break television series is a case example. He ends up owning a gun for the first time in his life, and he has a task of murdering someone something he has never thought of before. He gets instructions from an unknown subject through the phone and clearly follows the directives not knowing this was going to cost him the rest of his life. He unknowingly finds himself near the stated target but it being his first time he does not pull the trigger but to his surprise, he sees a dead person in events that take place very quickly. It being a well-set trap the security cameras took a shot of him. This becomes one of the primary evidence that he can’t prove wrong. Someone else made the killing on his behalf, but this is a well laid out plan to victimize him, so he pays the ultimate price for a crime he did not commit at all. As shown by various case studies, this is still a major problem in society CITATION Ken11 l 1033 (Kennedy)The kingpin organizers of some hideous crimes are specialists in the field of law so they can easily manipulate a situation to their favor against an innocent subject who knows very little about it in general. Mostly they are specialists in the field of crime investigation and mitigation hence they easily use the laid down procedures to their advantage. They end up winning without much struggle as they succeeded in crucifying someone depending on their target at first. This is the same case with Lincoln Burrows in the series prison break.
The court has to finally give a ruling in all cases. Depending on the magnitude of a case once found guilty the offender is taken to a cell that suits the crime status. Criminals convicted of high state crimes usually find themselves in maximum prisons. In these prisons, they undergo hostile and unfair treatment from wardens as compared to other prisoners. They suffer psychological and physical torture while in the prisons. Those who are purely innocent yet facing capital punishment can never have a peaceful life. For example, if one knows they are going to face execution soon they cannot just lead a normal life. They lose hope and need for life. No matter how strong they may be, things just cannot just come to normal. These prisoners face inhuman treatment like the dark room chamber and they cannot live with the stereotype of being perceived murderers yet they are not. They lose any hope for a successful appeal against the ruling even in the case of some effort by their lawyers and relatives. The jury also forms an appeal in some cases, and in such cases, the subject is bound to lose easily. Justice is compromised in this case. In Burrows’ case in the series Prison Break, his lawyers are badly treated by the criminal investigation police. Whenever the lawyer cites evidence, it is easily lost or not considered substantial by the judge due to a formed opinion against her client. She has to struggle to convince the jury that her client is innocent. On discovery of any substantial evidence related to the case, the evidence is mysteriously lost or the secret informer killed. This shows us that the professional criminals know how to obscure justice and manipulate it secretly and in a clean manner no one can discover which is still the case todayCITATION Arm04 l 1033 (Armbrust).
Some cases, due to a public hearing, seem very open and easy to discover the victim and the perpetrator as a result of a public opinion about the case and what the general public knows. The outcome that at first seems obvious later amuses many as the unexpected happens and the public always remains confused and undecided whether it is a case of justice denied or given. People are not sure to trust their natural conscience of judgment or the legal system. Walters, in his article “Psychology of crime,” states that being innocent does not depend on public opinion and judgment or naked truth but instead it is your ability to prove it in the court of law CITATION Wal13 l 1033 (Walters). This sentiment is what lands many victims of framed crime in prison little when they expected. They fail to prove their innocence and disapprove the evidence which is to some extent tailor made and fixed in a manner to fully place them at the center of criminal activities without them realizing. Different cases are handled with attitudes depending on the parties in conflict. Mostly if it is a commoner against the ruling class, the ruling class easily wins as they have the resource and ability to collect any available evidence to make sure justice is provided to them as they wish. This is the problem that makes Lincoln Burrows end up in prison. He is battling against two high-class subjects: the vice president’s family together with criminal investigation department of police who are after sealing their identities as participants in the killing of the brother of the vice president. The vice-president’s family fights hard to ensure justice for their beloved one not knowing that they are after making an innocent person to suffer. The criminal investigation unit of police also does its best to win the case because they know that if they lose the case, then another investigation could begin which could render them vulnerable. Lincoln loses the case and has no option but to await execution for something he did not do.
In any well-handled case at last discoveries are made after the ruling either in support or opposition of the outcome. These outcomes are handled with the concern and care they deserve depending on their magnitude. Some of these discoveries which are made by the lawyers build the primary foundation for an appeal for their client. Depending with the democratic and fairness of the justice system involved this is either considered or taken as baseless claims. In the case of a formed opinion against the accused, it becomes tough for lawyers to file an appeal and be considered right CITATION Giu04 l 1033 (Giudici).
Some cases are of very delicate and complex to handle. After a ruling is reached, it is considered right, and no one has as interest in reviewing the whole procedure with the fear of making discoveries which may lead to an eruption of the case once more. This serves as a disadvantage in case justice was denied or given to one not deserving. In case one tries to raise a finger about such cases with no solid claims, he is considered odd or with ulterior intention towards the whole process. This causes discouragement to many parties who may be concerned. This is the same case in the ruling towards Scofield’s brother in the series prison break. Even after Scofield suspecting some loopholes in the whole legal process and the way the case was run he requests doctor Tancredi a daughter to the governor to request her father to review the whole procedure and reaffirm if it was up to the expectation. She is reluctant to do so but when she eventually picks the courage to do so her father cannot just buy the idea the idea that the handling of the case could be flawed.
Given that this is a typical case all over it should be sorted out as early possible to award the justice system its trust and confidence by all. The justice system should be allowed to work independently without any dependency and influence from any other authorities both public and private. An independent oversight commission should be formed to help countercheck and correct any possible mistakes in the legal process. It is everyone’s obligation to ensure that they do not engage in activities which promote corruption to end injustices. Ways to ensure that civil servants are accountable in their duties should also be put in place to help fight corruptionCITATION Dei05 l 1033 (Deininger).

In conclusion, critical thinking is a useful skill. This assignment has added to me the ability to identify a problem, think critically about it, and work towards a solution. Problems abound in everyday interaction, and it is only through critical dissection that relevant detail can be obtained and used for decision-making. As in the case in Prison Break, the determination of justice should be pegged on several factors that are easily overlooked. Taking this into consideration, a more efficient justice process can be formulated. Critical analysis of issues can offer better solutions to common problems.
Works cited
BIBLIOGRAPHY Armbrust, Shawn. “When money isn’t enough: The case for holistic compensation of the wrongfully convicted.” Am. Crim. L. Rev (2004): 157. Print.
Deininger, Klaus, and Paul Mpuga. “Does greater accountability improve the quality of public service delivery? Evidence from Uganda.” World development (2005): 171-191. Print.
Giudici, Paolo. “Private Antitrust Law Enforcement in Italy.” Competition law review (2004): 61. Print.
Kennedy, Helena. Eve was framed. Random House, 2011. Print.
Voß, Rebekka. “Love Your Fellow As Yourself: Early Haskalah Reform As Pietist Renewal.” Transversal 13.1 (2015): 4-11. Print.
Walters, Glenn D., and Matt DeLisi. “Antisocial cognition and crime continuity: Cognitive mediation of the past crime-future crime relationship.” Journal of Criminal Justice (2013): 135-140. Print.

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