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Professional Orientation: Its Key Functions

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Professional orientation: its key functions

Surely, you are close to choosing a career option and you are not sure what to do, you have doubts that it fits better in your tastes and this makes you nervous, calmly! All you need is a good professional orientation by a group of experts and we assure you, you will make the most successful choice.

What is professional orientation?

When we talk about professional guidance, we refer to the process where a student is guided in the choice of a university career taking into account his tastes, skills, employment opportunities in the market and even academic potential to start the one that best suitsto your requirements without future regrets. The intention of all this is that such an important decision that will mark the course of your working life and of course, will contribute to your personal growth, is not taken lightly, but with the just responsibility that deserves minimizing the margins of error.

Another point to highlight is that the orientation does not end when choosing a specific professional study but also extends throughout the academic and even labor development in order to continue indicating the individual how to make the most of the option of the optionwho has taken.

Professional orientation phases

So that the most clearly understood is understood above, we will explain the three phases covered by the professional orientation process:

  1. Orientation phase: At this stage, what is sought is that the person begins to discover their personal potential, interests and aspirations so that later, they can compare them rightly with the academic alternatives available in the market.

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  2. Decision phase: Within the decision phase, the different study alternatives are already shown in which it is possible to acquire the knowledge of a specific career and also, which opportunities can find after training in the labor field.
  3. Execution phase: At this point, the individual acquires the knowledge of the career he has chosen. Likewise, learn how to project professionally before a group, sell their talents and also observe that other options have to continue growing within the area through linked studies that allow you to continue adding successes.


What is professional orientation for?

The answer to this question is very simple, professional orientation serves for a person to draw clear goals based on their true vocation, academic opportunities and labor preferences taking into account their skills. When this is achieved, in the future not only monetary rewards are obtained but also a great internal satisfaction that contributes to optimal self-realization. On the other hand, society wins a competent individual who feeling with the practice is capable of providing better services to others.

Professional Counselor Functions

During the process, the guiding function is not to make decisions or directly indicate that it should be done. The right thing is that this serves as a media communicator to only indicate the advantages or disadvantages of each alternative giving the guidance to make their own comparisons. On the other hand, it will be necessary for it to apply the convenient techniques to encourage a good internal personal discovery, planning a real life project and serves as a motivating entity.

Mechanisms used by the professional counselor

In professional orientation, the mechanisms to provide training are diverse. They can vary from talks, exhibitions or conferences orients to the achievement of personal or organizational goals, to vocational tests so that the individual sincerely answers what options it feels most identified. Actually, the guide’s strategy must always be conditioned to the same purpose: make the oriented find his way and achieve his dreams.

To tell the truth, it is a noble task that can be carried out individual or applying group dynamics. The most common techniques that are used in professional orientation, is the realization of life projects by the members, personal mission statements and even lists of interests that are exposed in group rains of group idea.

Also, they should be considered as part of the professional orientation to those courses or seminars dictated for professionals that allow the reinforcement of their previous knowledge, where the information givingor specializes in a specific area of the career and wants others to improvethose same skills to do a better job.

Who can receive professional guidance?


  • High school students. All those teenagers who are about to start a professional career and require a good guide to make decisions and define the course of their future working life.
  • University students. People who are already in the process of completing their university training and, need to enter the work world learning new content that allow them to link what they have seen in the study house with what is faced in real life.
  • Adults. The adult population in general who is unemployed and needs to adjust their time to work activities looking for new ways to offer their knowledge.


Difference between professional and vocational orientation

When we talk about vocational guidance, we refer to the discovery of the attitudinal preferences of a person who cannot necessarily imply remuneration. In other words, it is only about seeing what activities an individual can perform in relation to their tastes or talents without putting as a primary condition that this should give money. For example, someone could find that their true vocation is to write poetry and, although many live from an art as incredible as this, it is not always a safe source of income to the first so, they will require performing in other areas that if they allow it.

In response to the above, there is professional orientation, which concentrates its efforts on providing the training indicated so that a person works correctly in activities that will always generate profit. Some lucky ones usually realize that what is passionate about vocation is perfectly linked to a professional career with which they can stay for life, such as medical lovers 

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