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Racial Inequality revised

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In the 19th century, white southerners systematically reduced back most of the rights and freedom enjoyed by the African-Americans because of the blacks’ softness. In fact, the African-Americans were victims of their own making. As equal members of society, they failed to question the discriminative laws formulated by the whites. This paper aims at delving into the key issues that made the white southerners easily pass such laws. For instance, lack of a neutrality position by the independent organs. The media and the Judiciary’s failure to advocating for social equity were seen to be the major reasons. Furthermore, the Whiteman’s syndrome also attributed to an easier passage of the laws. It was only the whites perceived to be culpable of occupying a power vacuum. In subsequent, the African-Americans magnanimously failed to establish best strategies for their fight to obtaining freedom. This paper also highlights the relationship that existed between the blacks and the whites during the Jim Crow’s era. To some extent, how bad was the relationship? In respect to living in the same society, were such assumptions really worth it? Subsequently, this should neither justify a white-man’s authoritative regime nor encourage the blacks to be what is referred to as the “sleeping giants.”
Analysis of How White Southerners Reduced Back the Rights of African-Americans Between 1880 and 1920s, the US had discriminative laws that, would have been thwarted if, a collective effort from the black leaders had ensued.

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According to Booker Washington (Course Reader 12), initially, the blacks were in disguise of a Whiteman’ superiority. However, piece by piece, the African-Americans got sensitized; the blacks were now determined to end the Whiteman’s reign. Washington further questioned the preparedness of the black leaders. Clearly, there was a lack of an ideal strategy that ought to have questioned the central leadership of white southerners. Furthermore, the viable strategies were not aimed at enhancing not only political advance but also economic growth. For a peaceful coexistence, democracy in any society is vital. Sadly, this was not the case for the US citizens since racism took center stage. In the acknowledgment, incorporating different ideologies is key to finding a comprehensive solution.
Lack of an Inclusive Leadership Style
There was a failure in obtaining a common ground for all the leaders. Surprisingly, different ideologies resulted in a heated debate among African-American leaders. In simplicity, there was lack of an all-inclusive style of leadership. Inefficiency, establishing the best strategies can only be achieved if, leaders consult within a friendly environment. Subsequently, different opinions should be embraced but, sadly, this was not in the case for the northerners. According to Booker Washington, the African-Americans were greatly let down by their leaders who failed to champion for their lost rights and freedoms (Course Reader 14). In his quest in bringing back the lost freedoms of his people, a well-known freedoms fighter, Nelson Mandela, who by the time of his arrest, was seen as a constant threat to an oppressive regime. Categorically, he sensitized the blacks. “In order to achieve freedoms, some form of responsibility has to be incorporated.” He stated.
In the most ironic turn of events, Booker Washington was publicly criticized, especially by younger activists for his deployment of an accommodationist strategy. Varying opinions should not, even at once, be a ticket for a public outburst. Basically, a bad relationship between the leaders created a platform for an easier formulation and passage of discriminative laws.
Lack of a Neutral Position by the Independent Organs
The Judiciary and the media played a pivotal role in promoting racial segregation. For instance, the majority of the judges in the US Supreme Court, in Louisiana, uphold the petition meant to make the US, a racially segregated society. Consequently, the Judicial System deemed it right for the classification of the citizens in respect to color. According to Henry Brown, a majority of the opinions were meant to favor the whites. For instance, the selective application of laws by a 7 panel of judges (Course Reader 17). Shockingly, during the 1880s, most commentators failed to question a move that advocated for the social separation of races.
In the agreement, constitutional laws reduced back the rights and freedoms of the African-Americans. Distinctions based upon color promoted political and economic inequity to a society. Notably, racism emanated at a time when the Louisiana ordinance of 1890 came into effect. In its requirement, based on racial separation, the northerners and the southerners were subjected to equity. To many, this might be perceived to as just an innocent mistake that is purportedly formulated with the aim of masking up the sad reality about the existence of racism. In conclusion, according to Brown, constitutional laws were basically meant to stamp a badge of inferiority to the blacks (Course Reader 18). Sadly, since legislation was powerless in eliminating racial instincts, agreeable, it couldn’t have been relied upon.
Failure to Seeking Vocational Opportunities
Until today, in a society, education is believed to be the main key to success. This is because, it creates a platform where a person can wholly understand the dynamics of leadership and, how people ought to exist in a community. Furthermore, education acts as an eye opener for members of society; leads to sensitization by creating awareness on critical aspects of a society. Subsequently, in most cases, lack of intelligence is to be blamed on lack of sensitization. According to Du Bois, the first black to obtain a Ph.D. from the University of Harvard, the blacks only focused on obtaining social equality and same political rights, turning a blind eye to vocational opportunities (Course Reader 28).
The Relationship between the Blacks and the Whites during Jim Crow’s Era
In 1877, during the Jim Crow era, laws were forcefully enforced with the aim of asserting racial segregation in the US. In the agreement, such a move shortchanged the significance of the blacks to a society. In all aspects of life, ranging from intelligence to morality, the whites were superior to blacks. This resulted in an autocratic type of leadership. Moreover, a variance in societal class ensued, relegating African-Americans to second-class citizens. In respect to skin color, blacks were entitled to hard labor. Sadly, the good relationship between the two groups was damaged. For example, the racially segregated laws prohibited a handshake between the white and the black. In fact, blacks, by then were a Whiteman property, as they were subjected to slavery. According to Hurston, the blacks demonstrated a lower self-esteem that hindered efforts to obtaining social equality (Course Reader 35). They failed to stand up for themselves.
Today, the US has absorbed all races and, in regard, a peaceful coexistence can now be the boast of. The Civil rights ensured that African-Americans played a pivotal role in the struggle during the journey to freedoms. Both Du Bois advocated for the illegalization of human rights abuses. Conclusively, the Civil Rights which, categorically protected the African-Americans’ rights, led to the emergence of Cold War since the struggles were perceived to be un-American. In awareness, a nation’s economic progress can be achieved when all races coordinate their efforts. Today, America is the most developed country in the world. There is need to applaud efforts put in by African-American activists like Martin Luther King in his quest to bringing back social justices.
The American Civil Rights of 1960 was meant to protect the human rights. However, until today, has it succeeded to any extent? This is a rambling question that has disturbed many Americans. Independent organs like the Judiciary and the media need to express neutrality between a federal government and members of a society. The existence of media images such as the ‘Ethnic Notions’ demean the African-Americans since its content promotes racism. As much as there is a need to promote cultural competency, is the production of such a sensitive film really necessary? Surprisingly, such heinous acts receive a nod from many, and this is uncalled for. The black community lacks a sense of belonging and hence most individuals in this group consider giving up on their beloved country. The media’s role in a society should be to advocate for both political and social equality. For instance, there is need to incorporate
According to Du Bois, education, as earlier discussed, is pivotal to promoting a more comprehensive documentation of public opinion (Course Reader 29). To safeguard the public’s interest, for instance, African-American leaders ought to have embraced different opinions. Respecting other people’s opinions establishes a platform that accrues only the best strategies. In addition, public criticisms by younger African-American activists were unwarranted. After all, some form of optimism needs to linger in the mind of an African-American. The key lessons can be accrued in the aftermath of any crisis that befell a nation, and all it takes is simply one’s sacrifice and patience. In order to enjoy sweet fruits of democracy, America needs to be united. In this regard, how will this be achieved? Most vital, there is an urge for equity in citizenship rights; all the citizens should enjoy same human rights and freedoms protected by the constitution.

Works Cited
Brown, Henry Billings. “Majority opinion in Plessy v. Ferguson.” Desegregation and the Supreme Court (1958): 50-51.
Du Bois, W. E. B. “The Niagara movement’s” declaration of principles,” 1905.” Black History Bulletin 68.1 (2005): 21-23.
Hurston, Zora Neale. How It Feels to Be Colored Me. American Roots, 2015.
Washington, Booker T. “The Atlanta Compromise.” Cotton States and International Exposition, September. 1895.

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