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Racism 3

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Racism is defined as a certain type of prejudice on a particular group basing on faulty reasoning and inflexible generalization of facts, thoughts, and behaviors (Farfan-Vallespin and Mathew 5). Racism is experienced in various aspects such as denial of employment opportunities, political rights, housing, social interactions, harsh treatment and suspicion due to one’s ethnicity. The discrimination divides the community in that the victims of racially motivated aggressions exist in a certain community while the aggressors live in a different community (Jefferson 2). The African-Americans, Latinos, and Asians are mostly the groups that are discriminated due to the race in many regions (Jefferson 41). Despite a few individuals who embrace racism as a ‘protectionist’ kind of practice, it is an unacceptable tradition, which devalues the fabrics of humanity.
Racial discrimination leads to adverse physiological effects on individuals discriminated against. It has been identified that racial discrimination adds stress to the racial minorities (Crocker 1). The repeated encounters of discrimination such as individuals being treated with suspicion can over time lead to increased stressed levels and low self-esteem, hatred. Both the young and mature individuals are affected by the discrimination. As a result of the low self-esteem, the experiences led to anxiety and sometimes, depression. According to Crocker (14), the victims may often develop coping mechanism such indulging in drugs or crime.

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The discrimination has perilous impacts on men as studies have concluded that the treatment alters their personality (Lockett 2).
The discrimination also results in the creation of a gap between the poor and the rich. When certain communities are discriminated against, they are unable to attend good schools, get employment opportunities or promotion opportunities; the community is bound to remain stagnant economically raising the poverty levels among those communities. Victims are discriminated against in that they are unable to access certain facilities such schools, jobs, medical facilities, neighborhoods and even the formation of friendships (Fredrickson 17). Additionally, due to the racial discrimination, the companies that segregated against certain individuals have a chance of leaving out a qualified individual that would have brought massive changes in the business, and increase its earnings, (Farfan-Vallespin &Mathew 16).
Despite the detrimental effects that come with racism, some would argue that racism as a practice protects the needs or image of the indigenous communities. Racism is a way of discriminating aliens and discouraging them from use or depletion of resources meant for the native communities. This kind of practice may be termed as ‘protectionism’. For example, natives not only protect their resources but also their culture from foreigners. From such a premises, sympathizers would support racism as it protects their selfish needs and disregards the needs of aliens.
Racism is an issue that seriously affects individuals and the society at large. Individuals that experience discrimination suffer both physically and psychologically. Racism can result in mental complications, disunity in the community and increased poverty levels. The discrimination based on race on individuals results in a distorted image of themselves and ultimately depression. Racial discrimination also increases poverty levels since members of a specific community are incapable of securing employment or promotion opportunities. In the community set up, due to the aggression directed towards both the perpetrators of discrimination and the victims, the community cannot be united. The government together with non-profit organizations should come up and implement strategies that will eliminate racism for a better community.
Works Cited
Crocker, John. “The effects of racism-related stress on the psychological and physiological well-
being of non-whites.” Rivier academic journal 3.1 (2007): 1-3.
Farfan-Vallespin, Antonio., &Mathew Bonick,. “on the origins and consequences of Racism”.
Fredrickson, George M. Racism: A short history. Princeton University press, 2015.
Jefferson, Thomas. “Causes and consequences of Racial Prejudice.”
Lockett, Tiffany Nicole. “Effects of Racism and Discrimination on personality development
among the African American Male repeat offenders. “(2013).

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