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Regular Basic Education As A Public Service

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Regular basic education as a public service


Education has been and remains the fundamental pillar of the development of modern societies, where the intangible knowledge is an asset that is constantly renewed at an increasing speed. And this has been very well understood by the world powers that have made education one of its main instruments in the progress towards a sustainable economic, social, social and environmental future. With this, should it be regular basic education (EBR) a topic of national interest considering that it implies the formation of the next generation of men and women who will take the reins of the country? In this sense, this work aims to carry out a critical analysis of EBR as a public service, which unfortunately has never been taken into account by the different governments with the level of relevant importance. It is not sought to minimize at any time the problems in public health, citizen insecurity, unemployment, violence, poverty, environmental pollution and corruption, the latter is an evil that has infected all administrative sectors and levels of state government;but, on the contrary, it is understood that these problems have a great impact on the life of all Peruvians, where each one affects and is affected by others, and therefore deserve the due attention of our government leaders. However, emphasis is emphasized as a public service as long as it is the initial, primary and secondary education of the majority of the children of foot citizens, of the Peruvians who make up the socio -economic sectors C, D and D and And, which in turn are the majority of the population, for which education is an opportunity for growth and better quality of life; This growth being consistent with the common development goal at the country level, as education is synonymous with progress.

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To better understand the topic, several important points will be addressed, such as the insufficient investment of the internal gross product (GDP) in education, the remunerative inequality of teachers against other professions that prevails even in the Magisterial Reform Law, the incongruity in the objectives of Learning of the National Curriculum of Basic Education and finally the model of access to higher education provided in public universities.

There are finally, the conclusions reached from the analysis of all the points mentioned above.


Nothing is the signal that the percentage of GDP invested in education is insufficient, development in this sector has required a sustained extension of the budget of the Republic. Law No. 28044 (2003) establishes that annually, the State must allocate no less than 6% of GDP to state education. However, Muñoz (2007) points out that investment in education should have been over 6% of GDP by 2010 and that resources must be directed mainly to public schools having as an educational priority the rural areas of the country;This percentage is now a ratified goal in the 2016 National Agreement;However, the participation of the education function corresponding to the public budget of the fiscal year 2019 amounts to 3.8% of GDP (Tarqui, 2018), which still is from the goal to 2021, this being a sign that the agenda of the last governments has not taken into account the role of education as a fundamental axis of development, where theEBR is a key sector because it involves the formation of the most disadvantaged socioeconomic levels in the country. Trahborgg (2005) points out that:

There are many challenges that families and the Peruvian State have to face to provide all Peruvians with quality education with equity. Among those that depend on the State and the Education sector, it is urgent to develop a pedagogy aimed at working properly with the poor, with great flexibility to adapt to the specific realities of each school and community. Along with this, ensure sufficient financing not only for children to attend decent schools, but so that it is not the economic capacity of the poor family that determines the quality of public education that their children will receive (P. 5).

The latter tells us that the quality of education that students receive cannot be based on the monthly income of parents, we cannot generate equal opportunities for all young people if before an equitable educational investment is not proposed,where the learning conditions of the poorest are favored, from the most remote areas of the country, of the most affected by the natural phenomena and social problems, ultimately from the most forgotten sectors of Peru. It would be necessary to ask ourselves then if the priorities of the national budget and the actions of the State have been designed correctly (Trahborother countries in this indicator, but that is not enough. “Let’s celebrate the advances, but we also note that we are still very lagging, (…). We need to make a real commitment to education, beyond what has allowed our ecocial growth. Especially because the needs are gigantic ”(ñopo, 2018, p.10).

We are not the only country that grows in educational investment, all other countries also do so and we have more than 80 countries that do better than us, and within those that invest more and better include those considered first world countries thanThey exceed us for decades of advance in science and technology, because they noticed before all that the greatest renewable resource for their development is in the minds of its citizens. Now, it is not about increasing investment in education based only on the growth of the economy, as indicated by ñopo (2018): “All the growth of educational information in Peru is explained by the growth of the economy of the economy”(P. 9). So how to increase educational investment in our country? We could also look at the increase in the participation of the education sector in the public budget and the increase in the relative size of the State, which are also part of the growth of educational investment. But for ñopo (2018), the first would not be a good option since safety, health, poverty reduction and others do not make a reduction in investment in those areas possible, so we would have to consider the increaseconsiderable state size, for which greater collection is required. And this would be possible to carry out through policies that establish a higher percentage in taxes towards the transnationals that carry out the extractive activities of our minerals, and although it is certain that at first they oppose resistance to these changes, they will finally endaccess because they will financially understand that their profits, although reduced are very profitable in the medium and long term. With this we prevent micro, small and medium enterprises, in addition to the small businesses and entrepreneurship projects of citizens who carry the heaviest burden, because it is not about removing a budget from the pockets of our entrepreneurs and much less thanFinal consumers. It is rather to redefine the value of our natural resources and bring the financial product of these best collections towards public education.

Now we will continue with point two, the remuneration of teachers in EBR, which, although it is true, in recent years has had a significant improvement, is far from being equitable to other professions, which is the product ofThe neglect of this sector in government plans.

For the beginning of the 21st century, the salary of the professors in public schools bordered the six hundred soles, ten years later exceeded just one thousand soles and is currently in 2100, with this it will not be denied that there has been an advance with respect to wagesOf the teachers in EBR, but we must also point out that these increases have not occurred following an initiative of the governments on duty, on the contrary, they responded to massive demonstrations of the teachers who have gone to protest theirRights at different historical moments. The same as passed with other sectors such as Health, where professionals have also been forced to claim for their salary income;However, the issue of teachers’ remuneration has been really frustrating, a situation that has forced many public educators to have other jobs that are not necessarily related to their educational functions in educational centers, but that have to do them for the needto hold his family and try to lead a decent life. And why is it so important that teachers perceive good remuneration? First, to encourage student talents that culminate secondary studies to study the education career, it is currently a problem attracting great minds to the area of ​​teaching; Moreover, Delgado (2018) points out that less than 3% of students in Peru call their attention to be teachers, although this figure does not mean that students with good academic performance at school do not want to devote themselves to teaching, it is plus a subject of professional choice than vocation, since the internal motivation that may be by excellent students for pedagogy in EBR is diluted when establishing a comparison with professions that are economically more lucrative, thus assuming that the social prestige of Being a teacher is below the other professions, exercising this strong pressure when choosing a career, and giving in turn the situation that Díaz and ñopo (2016) poses in which those who choose to be educators first try Entering races of greater academic or higher prestige demand and after several failed attempts, they choose to apply for pedagogy, and this is corroborated in the entrance scores to the s public universities, which are repeatedly listed among the lowest. Second, good remuneration would improve the satisfaction of teachers, because they would be able to improve their quality of life and that of their families, so that they feel that their work is really recognized and rewarded. The amount of class hours of teachers in the delivery of their subjects does not really reflect the amount of work hours they have to do, because classes must be prepared, updated, it is not about repeating the information that exists in the media Physical or virtual, it is about searching and creating strategies that motivate these students to investigate the topics to be addressed in class, prepare material and activities to promote in students a more effective information processing and their memory operates more efficiently , in addition to worrying about the learning process of all their students attending parents; So you need to create the remunerative conditions that allow teachers to do all this without the concern that their salary will cover nothing more than the expenses of the month, so that they can enjoy with their family, they can continue to train and gradually achieve their personal projects , so that all this effort has an impact on student learning achievements.

To continue with the third point, the following question is raised: Do the educational institutions where the sons and daughters of the senior officials are public are public or private?, It is certainly not impossible but very unlikely that the rulers and officials of high hierarchy allow their sons and daughters to enjoy education in the public sector, especially in EBR, not because they are aware that they should not generate a greater burdento the State since they can solve these studies with their own resources but because they know in advance that EBR in the public sector currently does not offer the conditions for the secondary stage, their sons and daughters can access universities of prestige and high academic excellence. As parents we cannot judge them because they have the right to freely choose the institutions that educate their children, logically the vast majority of parental figures expect their children to receive a quality education and with a generalized perception thatPublic education is not adequate, it leads to the fact that if the economic media allow it to almost safe the choice of a private educational institution.

The foregoing leads us to review the National Basic Education Curriculum, a base framework for the elaboration of EBR curricular programs and tools, in this regard MINEDU (2017) expresses:

The National Basic Education curriculum prioritizes the values and citizen education of students to put their rights and duties, as well as the development of competences that allow them to respond to the demands of our time pointing to sustainable development, associated with managementof English, education for work and ICT, in addition to betting on comprehensive training that strengthens the learning related to art and culture, physical education for health, in an intercultural, environmental and inclusive perspective that respects the characteristics ofStudents, their interests and skills (P.9).


Finally, all the analysis made so far leads us to conclude that EBR as a public service is an issue that implies us all, and that after several decades it begins to be considered more important in the state agenda and its differentGovernments. It is established that an investment of 6% of GDP in education is a goal that should have been achieved several years ago, that reaching it will be the beginning of a long way to recover and that to turn education into the main engine of development, it takesa higher investment percentage. In relation to the above, the greatest benefits for teachers are congratulated based on the improvements of the meritocratic system, established in the Magisterial Reform Law;However, it is proposed that these benefits must be comparable with other professions, giving greater prestige to this career that is reflected in the remuneration, so that talented students can be attracted to study pedagogy and motivate those who already work in theclassrooms. In addition, a better articulation of the National Basic Education curriculum is needed with the form of entry to public universities, since the curriculum proposes a comprehensive training of students, while the form of entry to a State University evaluates memory andAutomation in the solution of logical problems. Similarly, the working conditions of psychologists in the JEC schools must be rethink, because the current conditions do not allow specialists in the educational field, which are those who will finally make a significant contribution in school coexistence and learning achievements and achievements. Finally, the State’s effort is valued in articulating long -term educational policies, chaired by a hopeful vision, which are formalized in the National Educational Project to 2021, which will guide the way to follow to improve the quality and educational equity in the educational equity in theEBR as a public service.


  • National Agreement. (2016). State policies and government plans 2016-2021. Recovered from http: // agreement.PE/WP-CONTENTE/UPLOADS/2016/03/POLICIES-STATE-Y-PLANES-GOVERNMENT-2016_2021.PDF
  • Díaz, j. And ñopo, H. (2016). The teaching career in Peru. In grade (ed.), Research for Development in Peru. Eleven balances (pp. 353–402). Lima, Peru: Grade.
  • Muñoz, i. (2007). Public spending on education, health and nutrition of children and adolescents in Peru (2000–2005). Economy Magazine, 30 (59-60), 219-246.
  • Law No. 28044. (2003, July 29). A Peruvian man. Lima, Peru: Congress of the Republic.
  • Ñopo, h. (2018). Analysis of educational investment in Peru from a comparative view, Lima, Peru: Grade.
  • Tarqui, v. (2018, November 28). MEF: Public Budget 2019 Prioritizes education and health sectors. Andina. Recovered from https: // Andina.PE/Agency/News-Mef-Pressure-Public-2019-Prioriza-Sectors-Educion-Y-Salud-734213.ASPX
  • Trahborgg, l. (2005). Anemic education. In Pontifical Catholic University of Peru: Palestra, Public Affairs Portal (ed.), Documents (pp. 1–5). Recovered from http: // repository.PUCP.Edu.PE/INDEX // HANDLE/123456789/11867

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