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Relationships And Attachment Types In Emerging Adults

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Relationships and attachment types in emerging adults

Through the present synthesis, the topic referring to the influence between the type of attachment and the relationships of couple in emerging adults is sought to expand. For a better understanding about couples relationships and types of attachCouples. Throughout the synthesis, the concept of relationships and the types of attachment that exist will develop.

As proposed by Arnett (2000), in love the emerging adult seeks to establish deep and serious relationships, he cares about knowing the other emotionally, strongly involving sexuality. It is necessary to highlight that the emerging adult has the ability to go beyond genitality and wonder what kind of person you want to share the rest of their life?

In addition, it is important to highlight that social interactions and the creation of emotional ties throughout the life cycle are fundamental for the development and learning of the modes of relationship with others and inclusion in culture, through incorporationof roles, behaviors, emotions and thoughts, typical of their social context (Lotero, Vega and Cuervo, 2012). This is how, there are moments of development in which relationships with peers begin to have greater importance and relationships with parents go to the background. According to Bowlby (as cited in Irache and Estevez, 2015), people have the need to create strong, specific and durable affective links with others as adaptive and survival resource.

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This link is vital for emotional development and its personality.

On the other hand, it is essential to highlight the difference between “relationship of the couple” and “love” made by Yela (1997) The relationship is based on a human dynamic, that is, it is something characteristic of human beings and forThis must be taken into account the cultural context in which it is located since depending on it will act. On the other hand, "love" refers purely to the need for reproduction and is presented in mammals in general. The relationship is different in each culture and this is a great determinant to observe a couple, so it is important that the following pillars be taken into account, since they are fundamental: commitment, intimacy, romance and love.

On the other hand, Sternberg raises the triangular theory of love, where he proposes an outline of general theory about love in an attempt to cover both the structural aspects and their dynamics and in which the different expressions or types of love have a place(Serrano and Carreño, 1993). This theory is composed of three fundamental elements, which all together and with balance provide a healthy love relationship. Therefore, it elaborates a scale according to the set of feelings, emotions and values, which allows to know if in relationships it is presented;The three elements are:

  • Intimacy, they are feelings within a relationship that promote the approach, link and connection such as affection, mutual revelations, secrets shared only by the couple.
  • Commitment, is the decision to love a certain person with the commitment to maintain that love. Conscious decision to love, share your daily life, be together in thought. In the short term: when you make the decision to be in love. In the long term: when the commitment implies the decision to cultivate and maintain the love relationship;
  • Passion, is the state of intense desire for union with the other, the expression of desires and needs is important, it refers to physical attraction, to the sexual desire to be with the other person.


Along the same lines, there are four stages or stages of love, which are: 

  1. Romantic relationship, will depend on the circumstances of the particular relationship, culture, romantic-passional experience and personality of each; 
  2. Falling: Bacharan, Simonnet and Yela (as Mazadiego and Garcés were summoned, 2011) falling in love refers to the intense desire to explore, touch, relate sexually, where fantasize and worry about the possibility of seeing and listening to the loved one; 
  3. Stability: Franco and Young (as Mazadiego and Garcés were summoned, 2011) A healthy relationship implies two things: consistency, perception of tranquility that each one must offer their partner;and continuity, maintenance of the love relationship over time;finally, 
  4. Sick, obsessive love: According to Sperling and Berman (as Mazadiego and Garcés were summoned, 2011) is the need to maintain the link with anxiety, incorporating behavioral and affective dimensions of passion love in close interdependence.


Taking into account the aspects that characterize relationships, the subject on attachment will be addressed. According to Guzmán & Contreras (2012), the attachment theory refers to the approach of John Bowlby, where he explains the need of human beings for establishing affective links with people to whom they can go in difficult times. According to Oliva (2011), attachment relationships can occur between people and their parents, but in the same way with their partner or their peers.

To explain the attachment relations John Bowlby proposes a model cited by Oliva (2004), which is based on four variables that are related to them, the first is sensitivity and refers to the responsive and sensitive attitude towards the needs of the other. The second is the exploration, and explains the possibility that the other gives to explore the environment. The third variable is the fear of strangers, which states that they are the behaviors of reducing the exploration of the environment, or on the contrary explore the environment, in the absence of the other. The last variable is autonomy, and it is the attitude that is assumed by allowing the other to perform activities without their help.

Taking into account the above, according to Oliva (2004), it is detailed that the types of attachment are;Safe, insecure-evidence and insecure-environmental. The first refers, to the feeling that the person has to trust himself and those around him. The above facilitates an exploration in your environment, being interested in approaching others and interacting with them. This model derives from a relationship where the safe base is responsive and sensitive to the needs of the other. It should be noted that there is an enjoyment in interactions, retaining moments of physical contact and in moments of dialogue.

The insecure-evidence is characterized that the person avoids or ignores the presence of other people around him. In addition, they maintain the distance before the reunion with others and do not involve them in their interactions. When analyzing this model, the other has been insensitive to the needs of the person, establishing little physical contact and irritable moods when they dialogue.

In the last one, an ambivalent insecure attachment, the person has an exaggerated dependence on where there is a lack of autonomy with the other. In these cases, the person has little exploration with the environment, which leads to a reduced interaction with others and it is difficult for them to accept rules and limits. This attachment model arises when sometimes the other has been responsive but at other cold moments and little pending the needs of the person.

On the other hand, by establishing whether there is a relationship between the time of a relationship, and the attachment that is established, as registered by Melero (2008), in which Acker and Davis (1992) were summoned,They established that changes in the aspects of commitment, intimacy and passion in relationships, lead to the type of attachment to also change. According to the aforementioned authors, at the beginning the attachment can tend to be safe but as the relationship progresses, it can begin to have ambivalent or avoidant attachment characteristics. This occurs according to the authors, because the passion component is initially considered important in the relationship but as the relationship progresses this aspect can lose importance . However, in relation to the components of commitment and intimacy as the relationship progresses, both aspects begin to be more important, according to the authors mentioned above.

Regarding research carried out on the subject, at the national level, attachment, romantic relations and self-concept in adolescents in the city of Bogotá were investigated. The objective of this research was to evaluate the relationship between attachment, self-concept and some characteristics of romantic relationships in adolescents. In this research, it was found that teenagers in the sample have high levels of security in their emotional relationships with mother, father and peers. Additionally it was observed that the relationship with these three attachment figures predicts the level of self-concept and that the characteristics of romantic relationships are mostly explained by the attachment relationship with the mother and the peers. It was also found that the level of self-concept predicts some positive characteristics of romantic relationships (Penagos, Rodríguez, Carrillo and Castro, 2006).

As evidenced, over time they have developed various theories and research on the subject of this synthesis. When reviewing these theories, it can be concluded that there is indeed a great influence between the types of attachment and the relationships of emerging adults. In order to conclude this, it is important to understand in the first instance that relationships are and how they are composed and what are the types of attachment that exist before analyzing the relationship between these. It should be noted that there are still some gaps regarding the relationship between these two issues mentioned. Therefore, it would be interesting to carry out more research on the topic at the local level, to show how this relationship is given in Caleñas couples.


  • Arnett, j. (2000). Emerging Adulthood. A Theory of Development from The Late Teens Through the Twenties. American Psychologist Magazine, 55 (5), 469-480.
  • Guzman and Contreras (2012). Attachment styles in relationships and their association with marital satisfaction. Psychhe Magazine, 21 (1), 69-82.
  • Irache, u., And Estevez, to. (2015). Emotional dependence and early maladaptive schemes in the courtship of teenagers and young Behavioral Psychology magazine, 23 (3) 571-587 recovered from: http: // www.anxiety and
  • Lotero, j., Vega, m., And Cuervo, J. (2012). Characteristics of the construction of the emotional bond in youth in the city of Medellín. CES PSYCHOLOGY MAGAZINE, 5 (1), 49-64. Recovered from: https: // bdbib.Javerianacali.Edu.CO: 2519/docvieww/1035286586?ACCOUNT = 13250.
  • Mazadiego, t., and Gárceres, J (2011). The love measured by the sternberg triangular scale. Psicolatina, 22, 1-1 Retrieved from: https: // aulavirtual.Javerianacali.Edu.CO/BBCSWEBDAV/PED-951521-DT-CONTENT-RID-2215311_1/COUNTS/300PSG009-20171-A/THE%20OR%20MEDIDO%20POR%20LA%20ESCALA%20DE%20STERNBERG.PDF
  • Melero Cavero, R. (2008). The couple relationship. Attachment, dynamics of interaction and love attitudes: consequences on the quality of the relationship. University of Valencia.
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  • Olive, a. (2004). Current status of attachment theory. Magazine of Psychiatry and Psychology of the Child and Adolescent, 4 (1), 65-81.
  • Penagues, a., Rodríguez, m., Carrillo, S & Castro, J. (2006). Attachment, romantic relationships and self concept in Bogota adolescents. PSYCHOLOGICAL UNIVERSITAS, 5 (1), 21-36.
  • Serrano, g. And Carreño, M. (1993). Sternberg’s theory about love empirical analysis. Psychothema, (5), P. 151-167.
  • Yela, c. (1997). Temporary course of the basic components of love throughout the relationship. Psychothema, 9 (1), 1-15 recovered from: http: // www.Iztacala.UNAM.MX/CARRERAS/PSYCHOLOGY/PSYCHLIN/VOL14NUM1/VOL14NO1ART18.PDF

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