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Religious tolerance

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Religious Tolerance
One of the vital issues talked about in the book, ‘What the Buddha Taught’ is religious tolerance. The Buddha argues that religious tolerance is of paramount importance. He argues that for one to promote one’s religion, he must also consider the other religions. Failing to respect other religions and only praising ones’ causes more harm than good to that religion. The Buddha argues that the Truth cuts across all religions. People should strive to know this truth and not care much about religion. The Buddhist Emperor Asoka of India said, “One should not honor only one’s religion and condemn the religions of others, but one should honor others’ religions for this or that reason. So doing, one helps one’s religion to grow and renders service to the religions of others too CITATION Wal15 l 2057 (Walpola)” This quote clearly shows his immense support for religious tolerance.
Religious intolerance may lead to horrific conditions. Consider the case of the ISIS. Their firm belief in jihad as a way to show their loyalty to their religion has led to many deaths of innocent individuals. Many people have been killed in Syria with further attacks being conducted around the world. The killing of close to one hundred and thirty individuals in The Paris Attack which left many injured is a brutal case. It is surprising that ISIS could gladly claim responsibility for the death of these people. Out of religious intolerance of ISIS, an Islamic group, towards other religions, innocent people continues to suffer and live in fear of terror attacks.

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Many people have been led to believe that Islam is a cruel religion, which is not true. ISIS has ended up spoiling the picture of Islam rather than better it, as accurately argued out by The Buddhist. Religious tolerance is therefore of utmost importance for the promotion of peace in the world entirely. It is, therefore, advisable to take heed of the Buddhist’s teaching about granting respect to other religions for our religions to prosper.

Works Cited
BIBLIOGRAPHY Walpola, Rahula. The Buddhist Attitude of Mind. 2015. 06 December 2015.

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