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Research Checklist

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Essay #3 Research Checklist
Write a critical question or questions about your essay #3 topic to help guide your research and writing. Remember that as with your other papers, this paper should have an arguable thesis/opinion, topic sentences, and evidence from your research to support your main idea:
Hybrid car have a role to play in the conservation of the environment unlike the case of traditional cars that are causes to pollution in the environment more significantly air pollution . The reasons for emphasis on hybrid cars are as follows:
One of the benefits of the electric cars occurs due to the less consumption of fuel. As a result, this leads to the reduction of emission of greenhouse gases. Again, the cost of running these vehicles is lower than the conventional cars. It is due to their high combustion of energy. 
example: Does volunteering for students take up too much time, or is it more beneficial?
What can students contribute to society by volunteering?
Research checklist
Important sources you plan to check:
Jun, Seung-Pyo, Jaeho Yeom, and Jong-Ku Son. “A study of the method using search traffic to analyze new technology adoption.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 81 (2014): 82-95.
Mroszczok, Jens, et al. “Cellulose Aerogel Fibres for Thermal Encapsulation of Diesel Hybrid Engines for Fuel Savings in Cars.” Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (2017): S244-S248.
Make sure you have included the following in your final essay #3:
• at least 3 library sources (these could be from any library or bookstore, including the electronic databases at DVC library:

Wait! Research Checklist paper is just an example!

Demirdöven, Nurettin, and John Deutch. “Hybrid cars now, fuel cell cars later.” Science 305.5686 (2004): 974-976.
2.Saxena, Samveg, Amol Phadke, and Anand Gopal. “Understanding the fuel savings potential from deploying hybrid cars in China.” Applied Energy 113 (2014): 1127-1133.
3.Suki, Norazah Mohd. “Consumer environmental concern and green product purchase in Malaysia: structural effects of consumption values.” Journal of Cleaner Production 132 (2016): 204-214.
•3 pieces of original field work by you:
1. Shewmake, Sharon, and Lovell Jarvis. “Hybrid cars and HOV lanes.” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice67 (2014): 304-319
2. Saxena, Samveg, Amol Phadke, and Anand Gopal. “Understanding the fuel savings potential from deploying hybrid cars in China.” Applied Energy 113 (2014): 1127-1133._
3. Mroszczok, Jens, et al. “Cellulose Aerogel Fibres for Thermal Encapsulation of Diesel Hybrid Engines for Fuel Savings in Cars.” Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (2017): S244-S248.
 Is your field work from at least 2 of the following 3 categories?Yes
interviews: you interview someone whose opinion would be of interest about this topic
observation: you observe something in person, such as how your classmates use their cell phones
participatory experience: you participate in an experience, like giving a survey or joining a protest

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