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Review sheet for annotated bibliography

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Review sheet for annotated bibliography
1. Is each citation correct according to APA format? Are author, date, title, name of periodical, volume, page, URL etc. listed correctly and in order? Let the writer know if any information appears incorrect or is missing.
Apparently, the first citing is not correct as the sur name should only appear . The tittle should also be done in italics; the tittle is not done in italics. The date also is incorrect as it should show the retrieval date since it is a website therefore the date should at least be a current one. Therefore the citing should be in this format.
Research, N., Gerstein, D., & Green, L. (2018). Illicit Drug Use in the United States. Retrieved 23 February 2018, from having italics in all the topics of the citing rather than normal format. The volumes of the periodical are correct. APA format does not necessarily need page numbers although it might appear in the in text citations. The format should also follow caps where the first letters of each word have to be in caps. The DOIs should also be automatically generated from the web following the permission of the owner.
2. Is each citation summarized? Do you feel each summary gives you a good idea of the content? Point out parts that work particularly well and ask questions if it seems some information is missing or doesn’t make sense.

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The summary given in the annotated bibliography is supposed to critique the author, date and content. The articles give a clear capture of the three items supposed to be analyzed in an annotated bibliography. However, the content given is very little and insufficient.
The content should be enough to give a clear implication of the content while at the same time considering the strong points of an author.
3. Is the evaluation of each source convincing? If the writer feels a source is unreliable or biased, does she clearly explain why? Does the writer explain the source’s point of view? Ask questions and make suggestions for improvement.
The evaluation done by the writer concerning the sources meets halfway convincing as she leaves some important information concerning the content. Apparently, the writer has to mention the solution the author gives in their piece of work and critique the full information in general. The writer should also give the date when the work was compiled other than in the reference. This helps the reader develop a capture of content as they navigate via the date basing on the current era.
4. Is each paragraph organized around a clear topic sentence? If you’re uncertain about a topic sentence or can’t find it, let the writer know.
The paragraphs should also be tabbed 1 inch from the margin. The writer does not tab her paragraphs. APA format requires 1 inch margin tab and all the work has to be typed in Times New Roman 12. The paragraphs should also not be too long neither too short as they might be irrelevant.
5. Correct or point out errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar or sentence structure.
The writer should avoid quotation marks but rather consider block format where a speech appears. The sentence structure should also follow correct fragment. The writer should also avoid long sentences as long sentences are prone to errors.

Clode, Danielle. “This Essay Mixes Styles: Is Personal And Scholarly.” New Writing 11.2 (2014): 307-316. Web.

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