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Risk Management, From The Attack On The Twin Towers To The Covid -19 Pandemia

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Risk Management, from the attack on the Twin Towers to the Covid -19 Pandemia

The purpose of this essay is to analyze the quality and risk management, based on the attack on the Twin Towers (2001) and to the Postia Pandemia of the COVID -19 (2020). For due analysis, it was necessary to consult various sources referring to the subject subject to quality, risk management, intelligence, prevention and security service.

The terrorist attacks recorded on September 11, 2001, to the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York, were considered a catastrophe. This tragedy showed the existing failures in the area of risk management and disasters, where, it could be evidenced, that although the United States has been an economic power worldwide and has the main security agencies, it could not prevent these occurringUnfortunate facts, which not only affected the economy of their country, but the stock exchanges throughout the United States and the world.

Now, during that 11.S There were serious communication problems between the different entities in charge of ensuring the safety of citizens, and the lack of coordination between emergency bodies, which carried out a management in which chaos reigned in the process of evacuation of buildings.

These 11-S attacks not only demonstrated, the terrorist phenomenon but also served for governments and countries, realized that there were security problems that could not protect them. So the inability of its traditional controls, strategies and procedures to prevent and respond to these attacks was shown.

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Although the United States has resources such as weapons, trained personnel and the necessary logistics to ensure security to citizens, they were not prepared to face these new risks. After these attacks, the United States began to restructure its police, intelligence and everything related to civil protection, intensified international cooperation in all aspects with the purpose of preventing and attending to these attacks in the future.

Some newspapers published that for that 11 s, the evacuation of the towers was not correctly coordinated before collapsThese rejected their offer.

So it was a set of elements that showed that all the media were scarce to address the contingency of that day, the staff was not prepared, the information and indications of evacuation within the towers were confusing, to some emergency doors ofThe towers had keys and were closed.

In this regard, it can be noted that given this terrorist attack carried out on the 11-S of 2001 in New York, the United States was not prepared to face a situation of this nature, where more than 2 were lost.700 human lives, and that it was not possible to guarantee the safety of citizens.

Both what happened on 11-S in the United States and COVID-19 declared worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization, shows that these attacks although of different kinds, have been programmed and there have been no plans or mechanisms for them, due toThat the first one was a terrorist and the second is a virus that has spread worldwide, for not having the protocols for health and prevention by the organisms in charge and has charged thousands of people killed in the world forThis virus, being the most affected Spain, China, Italy and the United States. All these events have affected the health and life of citizens but have also paralyzed the world’s economies.

It is important to mention everything related to total quality control, whose created was William Deming, which was later known as Total Quality Management (TQM), this author considers it necessary to perform statistical control of production and in the analysis of quality. Where, statistical control allows an analysis of the causes that originate the deviations to the desired standard (cause analysis) and the early detection of quality errors to avoid the propagation of the same.

Currently, there are several families of ISO standards, because they relate to different areas such as 9000 to quality, 14000 to the environment, 22000 and 45000 on risks and safety, among others.

It is worth mentioning that the current pandemic known as COVID-19, which has gained thousands of human lives in the world, has been able to avoid, considering that the Chinese authorities had knowledge of the appearance of this virus so earlyNovember 2019. However, from that date a set of omissions and errors were presented that allowed the Wuhan virus to become pandemic.

However, faults were presented that have been controversial and object of discussion by different experts since WHO’s performance was late, since if it had had a system of traceability of the diseases the scenario was another.

This performing similarity, with the quality failures of the ISO 9000 standards, this situation that has become human life would not have been presented. It is important to note that the Covid that has caused to date, the greatest economic losses to humanity, so it has been a lesson that has not allowed to know the foci of infection in the world.

It is expected that this disease that has infected and affected thousands of person is the last one, without an online system of traceability of infections because if reality had been had today another day was another.

In this regard, it is certain that the most affected countries will require changes and transformations to the World Health Organization, from its authorities procedures, policies and public health records.

It can be concluded that although there are currently technologies to achieve the global traceability of infectious diseases, it is necessary to apply it immediately.

According to the information consulted in the various sources, what has been the expansion of the Wuhan virus virus, and the performance of the World Health Organization (WHO), considering that it since January 14 has declared that it stated thatThere was no clear evidence of human to human transmission of the new coronavirus, but later on the 28th of that same month, they report that it does not constitute an international emergency of public health. But, it was only on January 30 that WHO declares it as an emergency, after seeing the reports of people deceased in China for this cause and in March he declares it as world pandemic.

On the other hand, the terrorist attack is a worldwide known risk, but it is necessary to combine preventive measures and risk management, although it is difficult to eradicate it, we must fight against the.

Terrorism is a phenomenon that is combined with other risks, so success is to the extent that they can be avoided, for this it is necessary to assign intelligence resources, the creation of security protocols that minimize as far as possibleThe occurrence of them.

That is why the United States government is currently assigning a great proportion of its security budget with the purpose of guaranteeing tranquility to its citizens and has specialized security agencies.

Bibliographic references

  • Arteaga Félix, (2011) a decade of changes in security after 11-S: from globalization to glocalization (ARI). Posted: http: // =/elcano/elcano_es/areas_/ari125-2011
  • David Morán Bohórquez (2020) Globalization and postpandemics medical care. Posted https: // www.The -moran-Bohorquez-La-Globalization-and-the-Medica-Pospandemia/

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