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Safe Spaces vs Freedom of Speech

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Safe spaces vs. freedom of speech
I choose this topic because it is a very complicated issue in our colleges and different institutions. We are all affected by safe spaces that are experienced our different colleges and universities either directly or indirectly. We are affected in a positive or negative way, and if the issues are not addressed they will end up destroying our morals, lives, and communities, safe space is a hotbed of discrimination and hate. I chose to address this topic because of my love for togetherness and would like to see students live together in harmony and peace, where no one will be tried because of his or her background, race and wealth but he or she will be tried by his accomplishments and contribution to this life and in our colleges and institution (Seleoane, M., 46). In addition to all that I chose this topic because Safe spaces is a manifestation of beliefs, opinions, and convictions, progressively prevalent amongst college scholars, that their universities should always keep them away from being “bombarded” by disturbing or distressing viewing platform. Thinking of the harmless space is the real version that can be better known as a problem that triggers a warning, a sign put on topmost of the program, syllabus or allotted analysis to alert scholars to the existence of potentially worrying material. The university should allow them as these safe spaces tend to demean freedom of speech; some students chase reporters who try to report on the issues claiming that they are intruding on their space.

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No free and fair democratic culture can bear without healthy protections for the freedom of their speech; these freedoms are carefully secured in the Constitution and the laws. Today, though, we can see that some of the ideas and traditional practices of fair and free speech that are under attack today, specifically on universities and institutions, which we now refer to as safe spaces.
We most students view the safe spaces in different ways some students use them as a shield against their unfriend scholars and some from dissenting or uncomfortable viewpoints that might be in the frenzy on the college and campuses, but they cannot and ought not to be too prevalent with our founding fathers. Someone once said, “I think the problem is they’re trying to use this word safe that conveys the image of a violent attack and turning it into safe from ideas and statements we find offensive.” The students want complete governance over their individual lives over the misuse of drugs and sex lives but they also want their fathers and mother dean to provide and give them harmless place to guard them against the ideas that they view as insensitive and also claim they will assist them in thinking (Gupta, Pallavi., 67). The controversy brought about by such zones has shown after a series of racially reported incidents at colleges in most areas and countries but some different institution share a less common denominator and views about it, the promotion and advocation of the safe space culture where perceived and real threatening beliefs and ideas should and never to be tolerated. All students agree that they should not intellectually be bubble wrapped and should not be shielded from ideas they find new and frightening. They all agree the solution is never retreating to “safe spaces” and the worse is our colleges should not be intellectually regular “safe spaces” where everybody walks to the identical tune (Vis State’s Duty to Protect them, 34). They all claim that the earth does not function that way and it should not and campuses do damage to the scholars by pretending.
The hint of these: safe space” is new, but also in some means seductively tempting. It has not been simply that these ideas should be free and fair from the fear of criminal, physical harm and civilian laws that are already there to protect and safeguard our physical safety and freedom. These “safe spaces” promise further length of safety and environment where one need never to dread being insulted or abused, made to sense unwelcome and demeaned an atmosphere where one feels perfect “at home.”
In some university and colleges reported racial claims has always led to the desire and demand for safe spaces. The black students are always ignored and discriminated and in return they turn violent over their counterparts, the black students will always demand a better learning environment and equal rights for the institutions. Some students advocate for safe spaces claim that the safe spaces make them more relaxed and feel more comfortable hence they can hang out with friends and interact among themselves without distress or fear. Some will claim safe space provide them range of ideas as they can interact hence seek diversity too, institutions should not be allowed gender diversity, color diversity, and superficial diversity as these are among some of the views and wants that the safe space provide and at look at it, it will be the worst hypocrisy (Gluck, Russell, and John Fulcher 39). Some legal experts, for instance, well-known advocate Alan Dershowitz, went ahead, and even further to criticizing the so-called creation of the safe zones in our college and campuses arguing and claiming a “fog of fascism is descending quickly over many American universities.” scholarly research as also shown that a few scholars agree on the formation of harmless spaces and others disagree and against it Middleton once said, “But I ponder if some are asking in context of the first amendment, free speech matters, it’s very subtle stability. Both are seen as essential to living in our country and hence the trick will always be to find the balance, this point when you are helpful in benefits as much and many times as one can.”
I would not support the creation of safe space as it will lead to discrimination, students will engage in drugs, and people will be radicalized. Safe space might make a few people comfortable and more outspoken because of the comfort they might have but will lead to them been shallow regarding knowledge acquired (Cilliers, Johan, 87). People of different race, color and background should be allowed to hang out together in different place and also in colleges as this will allow them to be free with each other and comfortable hence gain knowledge about their counterparts, know their way of living and what they do different things and what they might have income, therefore, helping each other in different activities. The common ground that I would advocate for it would be the act of been involved in sports and other social activities that can help in interactions. Colleges, institutions, and universities should hit the grounds running and introduce tough rules and demand intercommunication between the students. The roles of the institutions should be split equally across all races and inequality should not be tolerated. An institution of higher education should only set up certain, sensible rules on scholar groups hence it should treat every crowd the same as we all know students will and can never give up their amendments when they join campus (Hoanca, B, 56). University grounds are the hotbeds for academic diversity, and this is where ideas are constantly clashing and scholars will regularly be challenged to reason critically, study new concepts and talk of their positions hence the institutions should initiate lots of conversations and policies that can foster such interaction.
In conclusion, the students also agree to the introduction of activities that can allow them to interact and spend time with the rest of the scholars or mixed in same classes. They also agree they should be allowed freedom of speech and speaking of their minds. They also agree on been given a platform where they can air their view and to listen to the view of others and their leaders should be active and outstanding in every active and decision they make. If the colleges and universities adopt these roles and then will see changes in the institutions.
This essay paper examines the insufficient lack of knowledge on how safe space discriminates the students and make in violent against each other. The essay also shows the common ground that they all agree on and how they can be achieved, it also highlights the difficulties and challenges that are there in safe spaces. It also shows the scholar research and my claims on some issues and what I think of them. The paper has shown what we achieve from the safe space and also the positive and negative effects of the so-called safe space. The paper also examines how different institutions might promote and discourage the formation of the safe space hence reducing them dramatically. I further examine the steps and rules that can be implemented in the universities and colleges to eradicate the safe space syndrome and encourage coexistence among the scholars and people of different areas and race.
Work cited
Seleoane, M. “Towards an African Theory of Freedom of Expression?” Politeia. 20.3 (2001): 5-21. Print.
Gupta, Pallavi. “Feminist Jurisprudence in India with Reference to Individual Freedom of Women Vis-a-Vis State’s Duty to Protect Them.” International Journal of Civic Engagement and Social Change (IJ Cesc). 1.2 (2014): 54-67. Print.
Gluck, Russell, and John Fulcher. “Literacy by Way of Automatic Speech Recognition.” (2008). Print.
Cilliers, Johan. “Prophetic Preaching in South Africa: Exploring Some Spaces of Tension.” Dutch Reformed Theological Journal = Nederduitse Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif. 54 (2013): 5-19. Print.
Hoanca, B. “Freedom of Silence vs. Freedom of Speech: Technology, Law, and Information Security.” Ieee Technology and Society Magazine. 25.3 (2006): 8-15. Print.

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