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Semiotics Of The Future And Significance System

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Semiotics of the future and significance system

At present he ended semiotics is the science that studies the processes and significance systems;It is a theory that defends the idea of conceiving reality as a set of signs, that we as human beings have created through: ideas, fables, beliefs and sciences, in order to understand ourselves or understand the reality of the world. These semiotic signs are of great diversity that at the same time helps us for their great synthesis. (Alcides, 1997).

According to (López, 2014) he explains that the first concepts of signs were studied by the Greek stoics, written as one of the universal stories of language philosophy. After some centuries authors such as;John Wallis, Marcus Meibomius (1630-1710), attributes to Alexandria’s alipio (S. IV), which began to refer to the term Semiotiké as the art of musical notation.

In the year (IV, XXI) Locke an English empiricist writes an essay on the understanding of the human in which he performs a more general etymological criteria on "semiotics";as one of the main linguistic signs in which "the name of logic (logiké) is also applied" ". After some years Charles Sanders Peirce and F. De Saussure (1969) are responsible for the term semiology to be popularized definitively and acquire the sense of signs study.

On the other hand, authors such as Greimas establishes discrepancies between the two concepts of ‘semiotics’ and ‘semiology’, in 1970 the methodological content of semiotics and semiology are clearly differentiated, over by the French disciples Barthes and Martinet.

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Greimas and Courtés himself define semiotics such as: ‘a) a magnitude that helps to know, b) an object of knowledge, and c) the set of means that make its recognition possible”. (López, 2014)

Semiotics has shown several techniques to interdisciplinary dialogue with other disciplines from different nearby fields between them: linguists, anthropologists, mathematicians, biologists, physicists, artists, sociologists, philosophers, in an integrative formula of the real that helps to project the relationship between the relationship between the relationship between the relationship between the relationship between the relationship between the relationship between the relationship between the relationship between the relationship betweenman and nature, between the bewilderment and the resolution, crisis situation in which the human being is currently (Alcides, 1997).

According to (Fino, 2012) it indicates that to deduce the semiotics of the future we must first rediscut the theoretical and methodological foundations;As we know semiotics is inseparably linked to the developments of the different disciplines, in which each of the senses of several cultural processes and genres that have been studied and thus be able to differentiate on the panoramas or dialogues of these of these.

For the formation of these resources, it has to rely with several institutionalizations of semiotics, that is, to have an acceptance to these different institutional circles of Latin American semiotics federation that are in some countries in Latin America such as Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Mexico Chile, Chile,Colombia and Ecuador there are no sustained associations and initiatives that allow the efforts of so many interested. In this sense, in the FELS it has proposed, the strengthening of the Latin American Semiotics School. (López, 2014)

Therefore, this would be allowed to make a set of training courses, workshops and symposia where the researchers formed can interact with the youth of the different social communication schools, anthropology, sociology, literature, architecture, etc., So that, in turn, can encourage the opening of new chairs and new postgraduate degrees in semiotics (Alcides, 1997).

One of the main associations such as FELS has created several activities such as: the extension of different programs for a better illustration of semiotics, these teachings will help several educational institutions, mainly in universities and thus in the future to be able to emphasize national and international collaboration and international collaborationHave a better comparative, energy and hunting perspective dissolution between semiotics and the closest disciplines that are linked to communication research such as cognitive sciences, pragmatic, the theory of speeches, hermeneutics, aesthetics, theory, theory, theory, theoryof culture, among others. (Fino, 2012).


Semiotics in the sixties was a fashion well known particularly for sign systems that were very practical and specific, both in critical literature, analysis of media texts or form or form.

At present, these changes have been generated flatly due to new research and communication technologies that are transmitted through visual image, concepts, analyzing and messages, this is currently institutionalized in our society, therefore the semiotics of the futureIt helps the human being expand and deepen the need to know, know and interpret and solve the problems that are done every day.


  • Alcides, j. M. (1997). Current semiotics art. Scielo, 1-8.
  • Fine, j. AND. (2012). Of the future of semiotics. University of Zulia, Faculty of Sciences., 1-3.
  • López, J. M. (2014). Semiotics and design. Design, 1-20.

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