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Sign Language And Its Process

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Sign language and its process


Through this process, it seeks to integrate people with hearing impairment, which is determined by various considerable factors when thinking about rehabilitation. Among these difficulties, the type of loss must. Provided that it does not present auditory remains is called deaf. Therefore, the possibilities are focused on acquiring the tools to communicate.

The concern to develop in the students communicative skills that allow overcoming auditory disability means that in these schools the curricular contents of common basic education do not meet the expectations in terms of learning. For this reason and for the lack of specialized professionals in the subject, within the common educational establishment, the rates of school dropout and failure with respect to the regular educational system in students with verbal-auditory disabilities are very high, which still derives ina significant number of cases of partial or total illiteracy.


In the peripheral sectors of the different cantons of our country where they are treated as crazy or abnormal people, isolated in a corner as if they were animals, without any knowledge of their environment and the world around them, represents the auditory sensory impediment whose severity does notIt allows the person to perceive the sounds and the spoken language, even using technological devices known as hearing aid.

According to: Many times this disability does not seem very noticeable because there are not many peculiarities.

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Hearing disability appears as invisible, since it does not present obvious physical characteristics. The use of the hearing aid is notorious and in the people who were born deaf or have acquired the auditory loss at a very early age, for the way of speaking. 

In these cases, a great lack of the development of oral language could be evidence. It should be noted that disabled people must be included in the context with equal opportunities, since they have at their disposal the visual route, for this circumstance their original language is visual gestural as the sign language and not the auditory-verbal.

There is what we call hearing loss or also known as deafness are you are very concurrent before or after the acquisition of language;With respect to referring to the use of language here we find the pre-lingual and post-lingual, if a child loses his hearing at a very premature age this will have great difficulties therefore at the time of acquisition of his speech.The causes that cause hearing impairment can be:

  • They can be transmitted from parents to children. In this case it is more frequent and unpredictable.
  • It corresponds to the characteristics or features with which an individual is born and that do not depend only on hereditary factors, but those acquired during pregnancy, such as viral infections of the embryo.
  • They also highlight medication intake during pregnancy and asphyxiation at birth.

Deaf people are described with a language known as sign language. One of the characteristics of auditory deterioration called hearing loss is to manipulate the signs that are expressed with the hands in union of the gestural and body expression;It’s about using movements made with the palm of the hand.

Lip reading is also counted as such communication alternative. Although apparently it is very easy, lip reading requires a lot.

According to Alonso and Domínguez, part of the importance of the subject lies in rescu. The educational response to deaf students should not be done only from one or another perspective, since the reality of these students, such as any student, is multidimensional and, therefore, must be proposed from different planes or dimensions. So it could be more appropriate to adopt such a concept.

Although currently they have certain privileges there are still barriers: people with problems in the auditory part go through very complicated things for them since day by day they face challenges which are not easy and therefore need support. We refer to what a failure is for them and on the cause of hearing somewhere in the auditory apparatus. The development of auditory and sensory stimuli is very important, thanks to these we can react to a wide variety of situations.

When the possibilities of communication with the rest of their environment are incapacitated or diminished, children with this disability suffer the impact of this condition at the educational, labor and environmental level, which largely hinders their social integration and emotional development whenThese spaces do not have the necessary conditions to incorporate those who present hearing loss or deafness. In addition, not capturing the information that the medium provides, the person must invest a large amount of energy in trying to observe and interpret it. This implies that, to stay informed, your attention must be permanently changing focus.

To analyze this topic, the following hypothesis was formulated: is it possible to generate a positive impact of teachers through the use of resources and sign language training to eliminate discrimination against children with this type of disability? Its general objective is concentrated in determining the importance of creating inclusive means within the classroom to teach students with verbal-auditive disabilities through the application of sign language so that students with verbal-auditory disabilities receive academic training without being the objectof discrimination.

Determine the appropriate methodology to teach sign language to children with auditory sensory disabilities, verbal. If the relevant training in teachers is introduced into our country and they are instructed, they can achieve a complete and effective inclusion, thus discovering the great potentials used by each child.

If what is desired is to achieve a great impact on the school educational community with respect to children who have special educational needs, through creativity and the application of appropriate didactic resources that impact the teaching process;Therefore we can include and involve both parents and teachers belonging to each educational institution.

Through the use of guides, it seeks to identify particular learning situations in each of the children to whom you provide attention and, based on this, develop inclusion strategies and organize activities to improve the expected results. In addition to instructing teachers to deal with these types of cases and obtain positive results regarding the teaching of these children with the purpose of this knowledge from being distributed integrally to all students and that there is no exclusion in thepublic institution, but even exceeds the private one because it has support from the government or State.

People who suffer from this disability, whether deaf, mute or blind use signs or signs languages. These languages vary from a culture, depending on this. These languages are true, with grammars and vocabularies from each culture and country, which is why WHO, supports the idea of encouraging families, doctors, teachers to learn sign language or signs, in order to facilitateCommunication with people who lack hearing or vision.

According to UNESCO Report, about 10% of children entering the school regime have some type of disability, this educational offer is attended to special private schools whose attention is concentrated in areas of traditional auditory coverage, physical, mental and visual deficiency, in countries like Brazil, support for these cases has increased in public schools but in most Latin American nations, 32% attention is concentrated in private institutions.

The stimulation and use of the application of visual strategies and experimentation will help form a self-concept, positive self – esteem and balanced emotional development. The learning contents will specify that all kinds of resources, spatial and environmental, material and human are facilitated. As support teachers, audition specialists, languages, specific equipment for each auditory deficiency and signing language interpreter.

 Hearing disability is accompanied by communication problems. Therefore, it is important to develop signed or signs language for normalized general development. Computer aid for stimulation of language development such as the Lao Logopedia Assisted computer program for individualized realization by the professional exercises related to texts, phrases and words.

Materials and methods

Sign language was based on a study by a native signan. From the point of view of understanding, the signer said he recognized the differences of meaning between the variants presented in the production of coordinated sentences of the signer by carrying out the movements with the body.

The duration of this study was 4 days through a convenience sampling by choosing the most appropriate participants to answer the questions. According to this to validate the null hypothesis, creating the methodological guide generates an impact and interest in applying this methodology within the contents that have to be seen within this branch of teacher training. Therefore, the population was made up of all students of the Lodge Education career and a sample of 5 high -performance students who were more familiar with these types of cases were taken because they are doing their work practices in public schools.


  • Make a change within public education creating the means for students with this type of disability to access quality academic training.
  • Students: they are the main beneficiaries, since having access to education is an unquestionable right of which no one can deprive them and at least culminate their training in basic education.
  • Teachers: The inclusion of this teaching methodology will accommodate a greater amplitude of work fields, helping the teaching curriculum at the time of accessing a job.
  • Parents. – They are benefited since through this inclusive proposal for change in the educational level they can see their children carried out, reaching their achievements and expectations as productive members of society.


In our country, training for teachers in the exercise of the profession and futures about how to act when students with auditory and verbal disabilities are necessary, which should be included in workshops, seminars and the curriculum taught to professionals whoThey exercise teaching, such as appropriate techniques and methodologies to act in these cases, for when they are presented in our working life, and we can include all people as active members of society.

Teachers and authorities are recommended to work in the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Education of the University of Guayaquil that in consensus can be included in the curriculum a subject that helps to train future teachers on how to act inThese cases that are presented, with this, would help create an inclusive society, because we have the mission of training people with values and high degree of respect for all members of a society.

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