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Simone De Beauvoir And His Literary Statement

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Simone de Beauvoir and his literary statement


The second sex book written in 1949 by the very philosopher and French writer Simone de Beauvoir from where the phrase will be extracted to reflect throughout these pages, is born from her own internal reflection on what she had meant for her to be a woman. With the production of this book, the same author nor sought a claim on feminism or had the slightest claim, therefore, it is not a book destined for feminist militancy directly, but over time, it is true, which is true thathas been founding the basis of feminism we currently know.


In her famous statement "woman is not born, you get to be", the author was not defining a difference between sexes, but went further, listing it as a difference between gender, because being a woman entered us into a set of ideasand attributions that were expected socially of us, always based on sexual difference.

Why is it not born, but it becomes a real woman?, The explanation part of the social construction that is attributed from the same birth to the girls for being, because natural sex has very little prominence, since, gender or cultural construction appropriates from sex. Where can we see the inequality in Simone’s statement?, The inequality of the statement starts from the revaluation that the male role has had throughout history over the female remaining this well below the expectations imposed on men. These male expectations that sought support in the private context in female attitudes/ expectations.

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It is the discrimination that women have suffered throughout history that has produced in us for a lot. It is a question that I always asked myself since the beginning of my feminist readings from a very young age and that I am increasingIn maternity and purely feminine roles, coinciding as well as the second part of Simone’s statement where he affirms that the woman is done.

Femininity as a process by being a woman, fits perfectly with Beauvoir’s idea, because due to this set of qualities based on each culture, culturally different women are made with the alter ego of the "ideal of femininity". This process begins in girls from an early age and is accentuated in their lives in adolescence being this vital stage one of the most important stages of education in equality to be able to break gender stereotypes that torment women and aboutAll abolish the patriarchal system.

Do all girls have the possibility of receiving an equal education based on femininity?, In my view, not all minors in the world are in appropriate circumstances to be able to have freedom when breaking gender stereotypes because they live in political and social situations that even prevent NGOs from acting in this line.

In the 21st century, women in Spain still suffer from direct pressures due to the fact of being: the woman remains the one that in the greatest number uses hourly flexibility in the working world to carry out the care of ascendants and descendants;We are still judged by the fact of being a woman and we are treated as inferior beings such as Mansplaining;Maternal mobbing,

On the other hand we find "the fourth power" called the media, that instead of doing justice on the image that occurs of femininity and feminism, they continue to present women in advertising as a stereotyped woman who does little justice with him with himsocial role that women currently have in Spain. But in addition to the stereotype the female body is used as a marketing claim.


It is presented to the woman of the 21st century, in order to break the gender stereotypes from an early age especially in girls, since the entire weight of the patriarchal system falls on them, there should be different programs where gender equality andThe co -education of minors from the education system taught both students and their own parents.

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