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Social Networks And Interpersonal Communication

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Social Networks and Interpersonal Communication


Human beings of relationships with others through interactions that can be described as social processes. Communication is a fundamental and determining process of any social relationship, it is the mechanism that regulates and allows, interaction between people. 

The means by which people achieved this communication have been varying with the passing of the years and new mobile technologies are becoming an integral part of people’s daily activities. Within about 10 years, mobile telephony has gone from being a technology within the reach of a few privileged to become a dominant technology. It is a fact that technology has changed rapidly, this has affected various fields.

On the one hand, every day Peruvians use the messaging service more to communicate virtually, being the WhatsApp messaging service the most used by users, either by their ease when downloading this application, its portability or having no costsome in the case of mobile phones.

The scope of interpersonal communication is usually associated with face -to -face communication, although, in rigor, it also includes technologically mediated communications. Interpersonal communication is the process in which human beings exchange information and feelings through verbal and nonverbal messages. We know that interpersonal communication expressed in a nonverbal way represents 80% of our communication. Our posture, our tone of voice, our facial expressions, gestures, physical proximity allows us to contextualize the verbally expressed information, which reinforces the interactive loop between the participants.

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It is for this reason the importance of interpersonal communication in the university area. The objective of this study is to public. To understand this issue, the advantages and subsequently the disadvantages of communication through WhatsApp in language and communication students enrolled in 2020-1 of UNALM will be identified, first, this would help us describe to describe thepanorama in which university students relate and exchange information.

We will describe the usefulness of the WhatsApp application to establish interpersonal relationships between students of the UNALM language and communication course;With this, we can see how university students use WhatsApp and how it was, through this application, their academic interpersonal relationships.A description of the degree of satisfaction will be offered through the use of WhatsApp as a form of communication between students of the Language and Communication course of the UNALM, in order to conclude within all the profits, advantages and disadvantages individually, how comfortable you are so comfortableStudents feel using this information channel. 


WhatsApp In interpersonal relationships, human beings are innately social beings, our entire existence is linked to the relationship and interaction that arises throughout each stage of our life, so social skills are fundamental for communication to be effective and adaptedto different social, adequate and satisfactory environments.

Interpersonal relationships imply the ability to establish and maintain satisfactory relationships between one or more participants, which are characterized by the ability to give and receive affection, share ideas and opinions, etc. , And without denying how useful technology has been to facilitate the lives of many people, the interpersonal communication from individual to individual is indispensable for the development and development of the human being within society.

WhatsApp as a communication system.

The WhatsApp application has become a technical artifact with which there is greater contact, a communication system that allows you to be connected 24 hours a day. WhatsApp is a means of communication that has various tools such as messaging, allows you to share videos and photos, make calls or video calls, etc. Young people communicate much faster by this medium due to the lifestyle they carry. 

They can relate to various people at the same time, returning to the WhatsApp application in a simple, speed and safe tool to use. On the official WhatsApp page, the various functions of the application such as voice message, text message and multimedia message are evidenced. The voice message is a tool that involves paralinguistic elements, which serves to communicate in an articulated way, using the sound and tone of the voice, among others. This simplifies the message and accompanies the verbal appearance. Within WhatsApp messaging, we find linguistic and non -linguistic elements.

To the linguistic aspect we refer to the use of the word either oral or written, this is shown in text messages and voice messages. In non -linguistic elements, we find the images, emoticons, gifs that seek to strengthen linguistic communication. Moral and García consider that emoticons are symbols that seek to reflect human expressions as emotions and feelings that give the feeling of closer communication.

Disadvantages and advantages of WhatsApp today.

 We can see how young people depend strongly on WhatsApp social network. On one way or another, we have become addicted to WhatsApp, either to express ourselves, to feel in company or to make decisions. 

That is, WhatsApp can have many advantages in the communicative and academic field of students;However, there are many difficulties that students face when using it. We make a sampling to students who carry the language and communication course at the National Agrarian University La Molina in the 2020-1 cycle. With the data obtained, we show that 35.5% dedicate more than 7 hours a day to the use of this application. Being one of the main problems that were recorded, the excessive use of students to this social network. WhatsApp and social networks interfere with the student’s daily life and have been blamed on many occasions to cause school failure.

This is clear, since, if a student is using WhatsApp, he will not be studying, but will be distracted by conversations between friends such as coordinating certain activities. In addition to this risk, other risks derived from the excessive use of social networks can be: – sedentary – obesity – social isolation – cyberbullying as a consequence of this, a point comes in the life of the young man, in which he does not want to relate face to face to facesuffering what is called relational illiteracy, which is based on a person is not able or knowing a relationship that is not virtually.

This clearly leads us to a serious problem of establishing interpersonal relationships between students and hindering the student’s development in the Higher Educational Institution. More than 70% of the students surveyed consider that the WhatsApp application facilitates coordination for the elaboration of group works.

However, some think that working remotely and virtually is horrible and the worst thing that could happen. There are comments on groups where the relationship between members is not very good. Some students complain about the lack of coordination that exist among the members of each group, leaving the load of the work in many cases, to a single member. In this case, the concept of transparency is not met.

On the other hand, some students mentioned that this medium allows the interaction between the members of the group to be easier under any context. A basic principle of communication is transparency, that is, the honesty and clarity with which the message is transmitted.

In this way, both the thinking, feeling and acting of the individual agrees. Manifesting your own person consciously. This principle is lost when the communication is not direct or real, when writing a message, the young people request to separate their feelings or emotions generated in the talk by WhatsApp, and only write or affirm a message through an emoticon in response, notbeing in most cases what they really want to convey.


This is the case of the students surveyed, who expressed this difficulty, since, due to the current context of the Covid-19 pandemic and virtual classes, not all students know each other and there is no confidence to express whatwho really feel or want. The use of the WhatsApp social network has taken an important role in the teaching -learning processes, due to the different advantages they provide in terms of communication and collaborative work, allowing a shared knowledge process that favors the socialization of the group and interactionContinuous of all the actors involved.

As stated, we obtained that about 54.8% of the students shown their neutrality when they were consulted about the efficiency of communication between teachers and students through this social network. Some comments that students left us were that teachers did not understand the shortcomings of some groups and on the other hand others felt very comfortable with virtual classes. Obviously there are multiple opinions, by university students.

Regarding the resolution of conflicts in the group field, 93.5% consider that it is an effective means to reach agreements in the teams. A minimum proportion, considers that it is not the appropriate means to resolve these conflicts. More than 70% of respondents have a good relationship with the rest of classmates, and even new friendships have emerged in this virtual context. Comments states that the use of the application to establish friendships is one of the most frequent profits for users.

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