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Sustainable Human Development: Business Responsibility

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Sustainable human development: Business responsibility

Although there is no unique definition of the sense of corporate social responsibility, it is understood that it is the commitment that a company acquires to identify and manage in a responsibility its relations and impacts of a social, economic and environmental nature. According to (Martinez, 2014). "It is the contribution to sustainable human development, through the commitment and trust of the company towards its employees and families."

Corporate social responsibility is the contribution to sustainable human development, through the duty and security of the company towards its employees and their families, towards humanity in general and towards local society, in the sake of improving social capital andThe quality of life of the entire community also becomes one of its advantages in the quality of its workers. With this activity you can create ties and achieve a good work environment, which is very necessary in production since if employees feel well in their work, the results will be positive and effective, with this you can log in a real image,Accessible and close, which helps create followers and faithful customers, so companies must guarantee the quality of their product, promote their responsible consumption and always maintain a good relationship with both their customers and their suppliers in order to becompetitive in all its areas, so it must be based on the values expressed by the company and must be reflected in a comprehensive set of policies, practices and programs throughout business operations to institutionalize it in this way, a great capacity forInnovation either in products and services.

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According to (Moreno & Vargas, 2004) ‘if a company wants to develop responsible activities that allow supporting the creation of business value, the key is to find the best way to manage and manage this intangible revaluation good, and turn it into a source of wealth for the organization’. A good distribution of their wealth must be given to decentralize the purchasing power that most companies that are not based on CSR have.

Taking the concept of competitive advantage (Porter, 1985), we can propose that each company must lookmore specific customers needs. Maintaining a responsible relationship and commitment to the various interest groups can be seen as a competitive advantage that does not depend on the market, but on a network of trust relations that are forged in time, that is, companies must operate in such a way thatEnsure to carry out its long -term activities avoiding short -term behaviors that bother society with argument that justify this level is that, at the strategic level, reputation can increase profits for the company. The authors indicate that it is generally linked to activities called Marketing Causa-Effect, where companies of high social impact, such as chemical and energy, need to validate their image before the community as a "safe". In this case, the proposal is that the reputation increases the acceptance of the interest groups with respect to the activities of the companies, which allows to increase or maintain their client portfolio due to the actions of CSE that it performs.


  • Martinez, and. (4 of 7 of 2014). Industrial Organization School. Obtained from https: // www.EOI.ES/BLOGS/MINTECON/2014/04/07/LA-RESPONSIBILITY-SOCIAL-EMPRESSARIAL-BE/
  • Moreno & Vargas. (2004). The vision of the company based on the knowledge analysis of a case in the Spanish public administration ”, Proceedings of the XVIII Annual Congress-XIV French Hispanic of the European Association of Directorate and Economics of the Company (AEDEM), pp. 835-847
  • Porter, m. (1985). Competitive Advantage. Free Press, New York.
  • Juan Francisco Aycart Perez. (2019) Master’s Tutor in Business Management and Administration (MBA) at IMF Business School.
  • Wilcox, d. (2005). "Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the new global demand". Studies 2005, Working Document 13, Universidad Viña del Mar.


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