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Textual Analysis of “to be or not to be”
A soliloquy is a conversation one has with self without expecting an answer from anybody. The speech is found in Shakespeare’s works, and Hamlet is the one uttering the words, in Act three scene 1. Most of the time is a reflection of one thought or trying to solve an issue that one is experiencing. Hamlet is thinking on the approach to settling his tribulations and from the following lines it’s clear he is thinking of taking his life but, he rethinks of the alternative solution.
To be, or not to be
This is the opening line, and it is used in an emphatic style to help judge the righteousness of being alive and taking one’s life. Hamlet is the one who opens the soliloquy for he wonders what could be perfect short cut with a sweet ending that will end his sorrows. In this context the acting verb “be” signify the status of being alive and so the phrase “not to be” automatically means to die or not to exist. Hamlet believes that his being is an exposure to what he is passing through at the moment. And if he would take his life as stop being he would be safe from the agony he is facing by being alive.
Whether’ tis nobler in the mind to suffer
Shakespeare’s work is typical of using trochee at the beginning of sentences or poems to create an emphasis on a given concept. This is the second line of the soliloquy, and Hamlet is engaging his mind in a philosophical evaluation of intentions. In this line is where he gives his answer to the first line where he questions his existence.

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The term nobler in this context could stand for an honorable step considering that he was a prince and many people were looking up him and maybe used him as a standard measure of morality in life. “In the mind” is mention to stand an opinion situation that he was conceiving intellectually as he analyzing all the surrounding circumstances that were pushing him into a need of suicide. The “suffer” as used at the end of the line would mean the perseverance in the face pf hardship. Ultimately the line talks about whether people should put up with hard moments of life as they stay optimistic.
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
The last word is unstressed, and the like the previous two has a feminine ending. This is the third line of the soliloquy, where slings and arrows have been used to signify weaponry. Such as bullets that could be shot from a distance and some stray bullets hits the untargeted person and probably take their life. The situation introduced the phrase outrageous fortune, which could simply mean taking whatever the situation offers and not being able or in the capacity to change anything. The “outrageous” is used to show violent, and fortune represents the outcome either good or bad that comes as the result of outrageousness that a person cannot change.
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
This is the third line, and a pyrrhic and a spondee has been used to ensure the “take arms” part has been met with a great emphatic notion. Take arms here could signify the act of waging war against the challenges he is facing instead of just giving in. “ sea of troubles in this context, could mean the countless troubles Hamlet was facing, the previous line talks about “outrageous” to show repeated assault by the problems or they come without giving him a break to handle even one. His troubles make him think of suicide as the solution. This line ends with a feminine touch by the use of unstressed “trouble”. This has been consistent for the four lines and could stand for the uncertainty that Hamlet was facing on whether to take arms or to end his life and have the rest he still was not sure about.
And by opposing end them. To die: to sleep
This is the fifth line of the soliloquy with an iambic structure in it and has an unstressed syllable before “them” as used in the line, which creates a sudden pause. “Opposing” in this context is used to stress the effect of taking arms used previously to show the launch of a fight against the sufferings. The die has been used could openly signify taking one’s life but also could mean to vanish from the faces of those who enhance the sorrows to a place where they cannot find you.
Soliloquy helps the audience to judge the character’s real personality since they are talking to themselves and are going to reveal the most sincere thoughts concerning a situation. Death is a mere way of evading life challenges, but it doesn’t give someone the chance to exploit their inner potential to face challenges. By choosing to live and take arms against the life challenges, Hamlet is seen as a brave prince and could be a role model and solace to the hopeless in the society. Obstacles in life are meant to slow us down from self-destruction. Obstacles, “rub” offer a chance to reflect on our living and stop or take a new course to a better life.

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