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The Art Of War And Its Factors

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The art of war and its factors

Sometimes people ask if there will be an instruction to win a war. Sun Tzu was a Chinese general who lived around the 5th century before Christ and wars have always been part of our history, this book has promoted figures such as Napoleon and Machiavelli, of course that to get to his victory a strategy is neededComplete, therefore the book of "The Art of War" delights us with different advice since the time of the French Revolution, as Sun Tzu mentions it in his book, "The core of Sun Tzu’s philosophy on war rests onThese two principles: all the art of war is based on deception. The supreme art of war is to submit the enemy without fighting."

These tips have extended throughout the world, changing both language and end, since for some they only use giving it a business, sports, personal, etc., Of course you need to change the meaning of the words a bit to reach the desired result.

Both wars and the book in question are part of cultural development, thanks to their influence, but pointing out its application based on intelligence and knowledge.

It should be noted that war is a way to obtain what the State requires through violence, but this book teaches us that this would be our last ratio, since to win it deals with a meticulous intelligence.

Sun Tzu refers to war as the "domain of life or death", this is a text that helps to understand the birth of a conflict and to analyze resolution ways combining factors such as doctrine, time, command and discipline, which are stated in the first chapter where it shows us that every good strategy comes from deception, after having carried out a meticulous evaluation of this situation depends on the context, as we had already mentioned in the introduction, this book considers theWeapons like the last of its strategies since it can unleash a great war for a long time which will never be beneficial for the protagonists, the book gives us an explanation that the important thing is to attack from the inside, knowing others, toYour enemies and your allies, when we talk about meeting the enemy, we refer to discovering its vulnerability.

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One of the strategies that are recommended is to analyze the land and benefit from it, remembering that we must not attack uphill, nor persecute the enemy because it can be pretending a withdrawal, learn to put in a balance the gains and losses of making aAttack on a field or place not so ideal for an encounter, for example a downstream river, it will never be a good idea to expose yourself to fight.

You have to take advantage of the ignorance of the rival, attacking unexpectedly so that they run out and so on the moment they show weakness, we are the strongest and they no longer have defense, attacking against their weak points.

Analyzing the rival is one of the most important strategies, in order to confuse and disturb him, adapt to him and attack him with his own weapons is the correct way to start a war and obtain a victorious result through adaptation to the enemy, aFrom the things to learn is to benefit from problems and know how to become something advantageous to overcome, giving the appearance of not having the slightest idea of how to win, the rival always has to think that we are not ready for the attackAnd much less for victory.

The point of this strategy is to distract or confuse the enemy with the objective that it generates a confidence that can break with a good blow of reality, you have to learn to arrive without warning.

Another of the advice that we can capture from this reading is the division of troops in order to cover more territory and that this is advantageous, one of the ideas that Sun Tzu gives us is to strip the enemy of its food, without forgetting that neverYou have to consume them, but this would be the least or rather the easiest situation to solve compared to the other strategies.

You have to use signs that dismiss the enemy to confuse perceptions and manipulate the senses of both the rival and its soldiers.

The soldiers are the pillar of every strategy, you have to take care of their health, that they are loyal people, you have to learn to make everyone one and you will have a good “team” to combat, that only one is their goal which is clearly to overcomeAt the same time, in response to your solidarity, motivating them with rewards is a way to persuade them loyalty until the situation leads them to give everything in the field before dying.

That said we can conclude that a victory requires several factors, the most important intelligence to bring your rival to weakness until your army win warthat consists of land, soldiers, appropriate or inappropriate places, that does not matter the situation there is always an exit and an opportunity to overcome.

You have to preserve all the factors that are needed to achieve it, believing that the relevant is the soldiers, create an army, solid, unified and capable of doing everything for others, waiting for a favorable result however small the effort is every timewill be closer to victory.


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