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The Beginning Of Secondary And Higher Education In Mexico

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The beginning of secondary and higher education in Mexico

The insurrection in Mexico of 1810 Marco with the beginning of a process in which Mexico seeks to conform as an independent nation, the challenge was not easy had to define elementary aspects such as the geographical delimitation of the territory or something more complex such as the creation of schools in a scenario also marked by the fight between conservative and liberal men by power, men of the same era but with opposite projects and thoughts.

I will talk about how the beginning and history of education was as a fundamental task for the formation of a country that was marked by internal conflicts and foreign invasions, once the struggle for independence has begun, the struggle for independence, the Education was a concern for new Hispanic deputies who participated in the Cortes de Cáliz España in March 1812; In the following year, the first legislative body in charge of the first legislative bodies was formed, but due to the circumstance of the war, it was not applied and it was in September 1813 José María Morelos Wasteing ‘The feelings of the nation’ sat the foundations for the foundations for the foundations for the Legislative Debate that would give rise to the Constitution of Apatzingan, also known as ‘Constitutional Decree for the Freedom of Mexican America’ although the leader does not specifically refer to education in the twelfth feeling feeling ready, that as the good law superior to everything Man who dictates our congress must be such that they force constancy and patriotism, moderate opulence and destitution, and in such a way the wages of the poor are increased that improves their customs moving away ignorance and theft.

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After 11 years of fighting Mexico reached its independence with the treaties of Córdoba signed in August 1821 by Agustín de Iturbide and the last viceroy of the New Spain Juan O’Donojú. On September 27, the trigratan army made its triumphal entry into Mexico City all the new Hispanic territory, commanders, political leaders, Creoles and insurgents confirmed their acceptance to the Iturbide project and the next day the independence act of the Mexican empire was signed the next day. The government was in charge of a government provisional board that summoned a constituent congress through a parliamentary rule in May 1822 a group of deputies proclaimed Emperor to Iturbide with the support of military leaders; Who faced an opposition in the first days of December, General Antonio López de Santa Ana was revealed in Veracruz ignored Iturbide and proclaimed the Republic. The fleeting emperor applied and departed into exile in January 1824 the act was promulgated and the constitutive act of the Mexican nation was promulgated that adopted the form of the representative Republic began the reconstruction of the constitutions that would allow the development of the country, then it was made up With the current territory of Mexico and the Eastern Middle of the United States and all of Central America, the leaders of Independence had fought to achieve Liberad, Equality, Justice and Education for all Mexicans, but the ideas of a public and free school and a State that would be in charge of the unification and supervision of teaching could not be specified with the country bankrupt and the internal political conflicts that were lived in the early years of independent Mexico.

The situation of education in the early years of independent life was very complicated there were institutions that came from the colonial stage as they were for education that they called ‘superior‘ and ‘upper average’ schools, seminars, convents and others of that type. On the side of the teaching of the first letters there were municipal schools, private schools, friendly schools and in the convents there were also teaching of first letters, as it was not a purpose of the State to disseminate education only those who wanted and could attend schools and then to secondary or upper secondary education were the ones who would be attended by those who would teach them; The panorama really was bleak and that was very focused on the effort of the State, this happened from 1821 one of the most important objectives of the State to disseminate education, multiply schools, change the aspect, more importance some things that were not taught and take away the CREDO Higher education, but only the superior, unfortunately all these plans even in the time of Santa Ana in the dictatorship of Santa Ana, a great plan to momne the teaching throughout the country was made because in reality federalism left the Education in the hands of states.

But we have to keep in mind that at that time there really was not a weight, there was too much lack of resources.

Unlike the institutions that had been created with the Bourbon reforms at the end of the 18th century; The Lancasterian company was a philanthropic affiliation with the purpose of promoting primary education in the poorest sectors of society.

The company is created in 1822 Agustín Buenrostro is one of the drivers of this philanthropic society is private and takes the Lancasterian teaching method where it is focused on the first letters, the objective of this teaching is that there is a massive dissemination of the Education So in large groups that are integrated they will be smaller for example of 10 students where one of the most outstanding students will be ready to offer that teaching and thus believe that it was going to be more extensive. This teaching was above all to prepare children and young people to integrate in the best way to new forms of production.

Education to all people except women, since they did not tell this story, but the Lancasterian company does seek to extend the knowledge of Christian doctrine, to read, write in some cases and teach the drawing, but at a level Massive for poor children and elites, middle -class middle class, lawyers, the important career of the nineteenth century was going to be the advice and for that there were the literary and scientific institutes that will emerge in the year of 1820, who are going to coexist with the ‘healthy gods’ seminars.

Liberal intellectuals recognized the imperative need to bring teaching to all regions of the country, since citizens’ instruction was the only way to end obscurantism and ignorance, which remained in broad sectors of the population.

In the 18th century, the ideas of the enlightened fructified characters such as José María Luis Mora and Valentín Gómez Farías who enter the scene with the independence of Mexico, it dwells very clearly from 1823, with their reforms to the College of San Ildefonso and Then Valentín Gómez Farías that finally has the political opportunity to try to rationalize the resources of higher education, above all, and the idea is to create a general direction of public instruction studies where all educational levels will be under the government, but Above all of higher education, they will close the university, because the university really only extends titles and hindering in a certain sense the renewal of education, then closure the university and try to reorganize higher education. But before in other states a series of reforms were already being applied that are somehow a history of this reform that is applied in Mexico City in 1833, on the one hand Greece they closed the university in Zacatecas close what their old school was From Mexico City it is also proposed that ecclesiastical goods be separated or taken to promote public education gradually elementary education was emerging as the best ally to combat ignorance between children and young people and the State, began to create The first bodies for the administrative control of education.

In 11833, the first public instructional direction for the Federal District and the territories was created in order to approve textbooks and issue academic titles, ten years later the politician born in Guanajuato Manuel Baranda proposed a reform for educational modernization and secularization.

Then the Baranda reform of 43 has more possibility of starting the project to really see fruits of this project and something very important; It is a reform that occurs in a centralist regime that therefore in that sense is able to try to bring the reform in everything that is at that time Mexico.

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