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The Cuban Revolution And Its Objectives

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The Cuban Revolution and its Objectives


To understand the feeling of the Cuban revolution, the history of Cuba must. The Republic of Cuba is an island of the Caribbean Sea, located northwest of the Antilles. Since the Spaniards arrived, in the 16th century, Cuba was a colony until 1869, when it became a province of the metropolis. In 1868, he started in an ingenuity, from the Manzanillo region.


It belonged to Carlos Manuel de Céspedes what is known as the First Cuban Independence War that extended until 1878, which is why it is called "Ten Years War". Céspedes decided to free his slaves and ask them to join the fight against Spanish colonialism, this struggle sought to abolish Cuban slavery and independence. They did not achieve the victory for the disunity among the independentists and the peace of Zanjón that ended the dispute is signed. 

"Cuban historians interpret the agreement as the beginning of a new era that allowed to enjoy the formal freedoms of a rule of law: freedom of expression, the possibility of building political parties and the election of municipalities and provincial councils" Malamud. La Paz de Zanjón favored the emergence of the Autonomist Party and the Constitutional Union Party. The first of them does not prosper and gives rise to the Cuban Revolutionary Party of José Martí, who will lead the rebellion. 

To the first objective of achieving the independence of Cuba, José Martí ambitioned to achieve the National Union in a Republic and stop American expansionism.

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The nationalism and Cuban anti -imperialism begins to throw its roots. Between 1878 and 1895, although there were several uprisings, the colonial relationship remained. In 1895, the cry of Baire (shout of Guantanam. 

The insurrection was generalized throughout the colony, and contrary to the ten -year war, it had a strong social base, it had popular support and a defined leader. The Spanish government harshly repressed the revolutionaries, but the progress of these was imminent. In 1898, the liberals return to the power of Madrid and changed the metropolitan position towards the colony for a more peaceful. At the same time, the United States, which had several investments on the island, offers Spain to buy Cuba and Puerto Rico, but the Spaniards did not accept. 

The Americans decide to send the Maine cruise to Havana, in search of protecting their interests, but in a confusing accident the cruise explodes. The United States uses it of pretext and declares war on Spain intervening Cuba. The Spanish-American war (disaster of 98) culminates with the Spanish defeat, and the Treaty of Paris where Spain renounces its demands on Cuba, and the United States occupies the island is signed. From 1899 to 1902, Cuba had a military administration. In 1901, the new Cuban Constitution was sanctioned.


It incorporates the Platt amendment by American pressure, in which the United States reserves the right to intervene on the island if you consider that rights or freedoms are being violated and to protect US interests. Under these conditions the Republic of Cuba is created. In 1902, the first Cuban president Tomás Estrada Palma assumes without elections, who is responsible for strengthening the links with the United States and over the years commercial agreements were signed and Cuban-American-American trade increased. However, for lower classes independence did not bring any improvement. 

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