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The Deflected Construction Processes

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The deflected construction processes

Deviation is a consequence of marginalization, which gives rise to social maladjustment. People modify their behaviors as a result of the relationship that is maintained with the environment, so there are multiple factors that can direct them towards deviant behavior. We could say that they are the behaviors transgressed by a group of people against what the "majority" of society expects to be done according to the established social norms, Latin bands are a good example of this.

The calerade of which these Latin bands are nourished in our country is usually formed almost mostly by young Latinos or boys born in Spain of Latin American immigrant parents or grandparents. They usually enter these bands of adolescent age and usually come from low middle class families, unstructured with enough economic limitations, with social problems and a high percentage of its components has on their backs the slab of school failure with a poor education. Some have even abandoned the family home as the only way out of the ill -treatment and violence that are lived in their home, where they really feel unattended.

The band becomes their true family, fleeing an adverse family atmosphere, where they have not been given signs of affection or support and the most important thing have always felt misunderstood. In the band they have found a place where they are really loved, respected and understood. Thanks to her, they manage to have their own identity, in addition to a feeling of belonging that gives them security.

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Many of the families of young people who make up social bands usually have the lack of any of the parents (generally the father). To this is added the problem of violence in the family and sometimes it is the young people themselves who suffer this violence by their parents, who exercise an authoritarian figure without knowing the origin of the problems suffered by their children.

The band is the refuge of these young people to protect themselves from that part of the society that marginalizes and discriminates against their origin. According to them, this limits their social integration, leads them to school failure, lack of opportunities and consequently they can only access the lowest step in the labor market, which leads them in the most serious cases to poverty and exclusionSocial.

All these consequences end up deriving in a problem of lack of self – esteem. The band gives them love, understanding, protection and affection, they are a mirror where they are reflected and the group gives them security, it helps them defend against the “racist” aggressions that they suffer. The unfair society in which they have had to live, makes them grouped as a measure of protection and survival, because of not doing this society will continue to deprive them of any opportunity and continue to undervalue them and discriminate against them.

All this cocktail of adversities that according to them suffer because of a "racist" and "xenophobic" society leads them to seek support in the bands, composed of young people who have the same problems as them and are their true support. Its behavior within the band usually derives in the realization of violent acts and antisocial behaviors, as well as the frequent consumption of narcotic substances. Like any deviant subculture do not accept the norms established by a society that does not represent them. Many of them claim to have suffered discrimination due to their breed of origin, by the color of their skin, for their country of birth or that of their predecessors.

Deviation processes

Young people who are integrated into Latin bands do so to demonstrate their disagreement with the rules and norms of their surroundings, in addition to feeling protected and integrated. They are often seen by others as simply a band of criminals. We could define them as “pure deviants”, typecast by society as a group that simply does not comply with the norms and sometimes do not hesitate to break the law to achieve its objectives.

Before the arrival of adolescents to the bands there are usually a series of processes that can lead us to the conclusion that these boys probably end up belonging to them. Unfortunately today’s society that we have to live only acts when these young people are already members of the bands and does so repressively, applying the law, which leads us to an enquistamiento of the problem.

If we were simplistic, we could say that these young people end up being members of Latin bands, because they feel socially marginalized and excluded. But this would be to cheat ourselves, since the real problem and what leads these young people to detachment with the rest of society, is their maladjustment. These guys do not feel connected to their environment, they do not have a feeling of roots, do not feel that the place where they live is their true home and country and this makes them distance themselves from a large part of society and seeking refuge among their own, among theirequal.

Its deviation is produced by a disconnection between each of them individually and the society to which they belong. IM. Belonging to a band makes them get their goals more easily. The vast majority come from conflicting, poor and with all kinds of deficiencies including emotional.

A minimum part previously knows the control institutions that our society uses to tryThe criminal policies of the State and even in the most serious cases entering prison. The deviation of these young people does not occur overnight, there are signs that indicate the drift they are carrying out and a series of circumstances that have to occur to occur as they are:

  • Interinfluence between the individual and his social environment.
  • Antisocial behavior that generates conflicts, with phases such as passive conformism, objective antisocial behavior and retreat behavior.
  • Constitutionalization of the conflict, they have to intervene the institutions of the State (criminal repression, but really the origin of the problem continues to exist).
  • Lack of coherence, maladjustment is consolidated. It can lead to the commission of illegal and violent acts and even produce personality changes in young people.


This phase usually ends with an antisocial radicalization and enters the vicious circle with greater repression greater violent behavior.

The members of the bands get used to receiving sanctions, but this does not reduce their violence or their antisocial behavior. They distance themselves even more if possible from their relatives, they feel mistreated by society that does not value them or does anything so that they are not second -class citizens. The longer it passes inside a band, there is a greater possibility to start committing crimes, which usually start with small thefts and end with more serious crimes against property and even drug trafficking, without forgetting of course violenceexerted on the rest of the citizens and especially against the members of other bands.

They learn to live in violent environments and imitate their behaviors. Human beings are not born with a predisposition to violence or crime. In the behavior of these boys, the environment where their expectations are frustrated and sometimes this leads to violence and aggressiveness, many times they develop. For this to occur, several areas influence us:

  • Physical scope: the environment where we develop condition and develop part of our personality and our way of relating to others.
  • Family scope: the family as the main socializing agent, is the place where the patterns of our behavior are created (discipline, punishment, parental control etc.)
  • Educational and cultural scope: after the family, the school is considered the most important socializing instance, key in the personal and social development of adolescents. And not only from the academic point of view. It forms us as people to know how to face and manage conflicts and frustrations.


There are members of Latin bands who at some point in their belonging to them have expressed their intention to abandon them, but this is not so easy. In the bands, violent behaviors are imposed, reprisals towards the members left by the band are feared, in addition to causing a sentimental vacuum in the individual, since we must not forget that they have reached the bands seeking affection and a sense of belongingthat satisfies them and makes them feel made.


The members of the Latin bands do not cease to be teenagers who have finished in them looking for a refuge that gives them security, identity, recognition, protection and the most important home, a family, this figure, which has lacked the vast majoritysince his childhood. To the problems of any teenager we must add those suffered by these young people. With them, social, educational, cultural and labor measures must be taken that make them fully feel members of a society, which value them respecting their origins and traditions.

For all this, society must be able to offer them total protection, which covers family, cultural, sports, psychological assistance and a full labor integration. Investing in its integration leads to an improvement for society in general, we must act from the root of the problem to prevent them from feeling differently and unjustly treated and that they do not have the need to look for in the band the refuge that does not give them our society. The prevention of the deviation of these guys is more effective than trying to seek their conversion. Our goal must be to enable their development and integration by developing their qualities and capacities, not trying to submit them to a system with which they do not feel identified and, it is more rejection of them. We must be able to modify your environment and cancel your aggressiveness and violence. The society as a whole must be "the family" of which they lack and as such must seek and facilitate the social reintegration of these young people, focusing on prevention and not on the subsequent repression of their deviants deviated.


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