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The Economic Impact Of Conflicts Between Spain And Chile Later On The Bombing Of Valparaíso

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The economic impact of conflicts between Spain and Chile later on the bombing of Valparaíso


The Valparaíso War passed in 1865 and 1866, which had as its origin between problems with Spain and Peru, a reason that would cause the difficulty of the independence of America, so Chile would provide support to Peru to face the war conflict. Chile being reverse in the war, was affected in the port of Valparaíso resulting in the destruction of several material goods.

Considering the aforementioned, it is indicated to answer the following question: What economic impact caused conflicts between Spain and Chile later in the bombing of Valparaíso? Several relevant sources will be taken into account for the following analysis of the historical fact and reaching the understanding of the results of the war, in addition to knowing about the origin, cause and consequence of the same.

The first source is a work entitled The War with Spain and the Bombing of Valparaíso of the author and researcher Cedric Purcell de la Vega, which states in its first edition: May 2007, an anthological investigation of the origins of the maritime trade produced byThe population of Valparaíso and the shortage of naval force of the country of Chile during and after the bombing, making known the events and origins of the community and the port. The work maintains an extensive bibliography that it acquired abroad and that mostly is unknown in our environment, giving validity to the material that has great iconographic value on the facts related.

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The second source is on a thesis entitled The Bombing of the Port of Valparaíso and the protection of foreign economic interests by the State: Genesis and Development of the Strong Plaza of Valparaíso of the author Jonathan Domínguez Roa in expressing a critical analysis of how the economy transcended the economyof Valparaíso from its origins and as was its expansion of strategic foreign trade because there is an important geographical position in the Pacific when it is located on the Route of the Strait of Magallanes. It maintains a well -structure bibliography on the management of the port economy, to social and cultural approaches during the nineteenth century, demonstrating the understanding of it.

Both sources demonstrate a critical analysis of the events of the bombing of Valparaíso, highlighting the sociocultural and economic aspects of the port, however, the difference between these authors is that Purcell de Vega shows a tribute to the port, its history and its traditions, shownA affiliated position towards Valparaíso, while Dominguez Roa expresses a more neutral analytical analysis between the two sides.


Origin and commercial growth of Valparaíso

Mostly, Juan de Saavedra is attributed to the discovery of Valparaíso in 1536, where there hasThe great waves, demonstrating an economic decline during post-independence, on which it depended mostly on maritime exports.But "during February 21, 1811, the" Free Trade Decree "was issued in Chile, which allowed the opening of direct traffic with the outside for the port of Valparaíso". Thanks to this, in the mid -nineteenth century, it began to have great growth in foreign exports and gain popularity with foreign trade, during the period of 1844 and 1860. 

This gave the growth of residents that was normally private, national or foreign entrepreneurs, which handled important imports and exports, given an increase in the port flow of goods manufactured by commercial exchanges, allowing the passage to foreign businesses, mainlyThe British who replaced Spanish merchants.[Footnoteref: 5] [5: Domínguez. J. The bombardment of the port of Valparaíso and the protection of foreign economic interests by the State: Genesis and Development of the Strong Plaza of Valparaíso.

Origin of war and bombing to Valparaíso

Although Valparaíso’s economic situation was in a state of growth, the background of the bombard, with objectives expressed and sustained by Bermejo that were:

Improve the formation of officers and crews through a long and random trip, but above all, to encourage Spain’s prestige to the countries visited, to strengthen relations with them and, if necessary, protect the life and goods of the Spaniardsresidents. (Domínguez, 2010)

Therefore, to the expedition, there are 3 events that were the precursor that highlighted the conflict with Latin American countries. [6: Dibam;Directorate of Libraries, Archives and Museums. War against Spain, bombardment to the port of Valparaíso.

  • The first was linked to Spain would not accept the independence of Peru because it was inverse to pending debts since the colloquial time, which was a reason that Spain had no diplomatic relations with Peru.
  • The second was during expedition, since the Spaniards discovered that several residents in Lima were dispossession of goods by the government of Lima, giving a transformation to the expedition as a war company against Peru
  • The third was in 1863, in the Talambo hacienda (Chepén; Peru) in which several Spanish emigrants worked, who had to face a violent problem with the farmers of Peru, from the ran. This gave the result of seriously injured Spanish compatriots, along with the death of Miguel Ormazábal, so the expedition decided to take the Chincha Islands in 1964, whose guano production was important for Peru’s economy.


The following facts were taken as an offense towards Latin American independence, in this way for Chile and Peru, its alliance was fundamental since, according to Don José Santos Tournament, owner and editor of El Mercurio de Valparaíso, president of the reception commission,It would give a fraternal message emphasizing the common history of Spain and America because among «peoples linked by such narrow links, it is natural, it is logical that there are unity of interests, unity of sights, narrow friendship […] We make sincere votes because they disappear foreverthe remains of the grudges or prevention that may still exist in America against Spain;Well, in Spain there are not against America ». Implying that they wanted to completely end the grudges scurred by Spanish colonization during the discovery of America and thus obtain their totalitarian independence. 

However, more conflict for Spain and Chile formed by the impediment of supporting coal in the port, considering for the Spaniards as war contraband. In September 1865, the Spanish squad was presented by Admiral Juan Manuel Pareja, which demanded an official greeting to the Hispanic flag but because of this, seven days later, Chilean President José Joaquín Peréz during an agreement with Congress, Congress, Congress,They declare war on Spain.

Chile was not prepared for war due to the shortage of the maritime forces, but even so, it had two war ships, the emerald and the maipú next to the ship the Covadonga for the capture of Williams Robelledo on the pairing coast,in which it complements with the ships of Peru that had joined the Chilean force.

An ultimatum was sent by the Government of Santiago (Spain) towards the Chilean government in which the following demand was dealing with: to return the Covadonga and greet the Spanish flag, otherwise bombarded the port of Valparaíso. Chile tried to make negotiations that the meeting was not in the port, because of the economic losses that would entail, anyway, the Spanish denied the petition for feeling strongly humiliated by the facts that passed. Seen in this way, on March 31, 1866 the cannon shots that begin with the bombing are announced and with a duration of 3 hours in which approximately 2600 grenades were fired in the port.

Consequences of bombing

The result of this conflict that resulted in war, left Valparaíso destroyed by the rain of grenades, which gradually affected several sectors with infrastructure important for free trade, so that the material losses were extremely higher in respect ofThe minimum social losses.

“At twelve o’clock, after three hours of bombing, the third and fourth series of fiscal warehouses were set on fire, with 151 warehouses crowded with merchandise;As much as the port had prepared to avoid an attack like this, the damage would be equally serious. Material losses amounted to $ 14.733.700, distributed like this: private buildings, $ 633.000;Fiscal buildings, $ 550.700;Furniture and merchandise in private buildings, $ 1.500.000;Merchandise burned in fiscal warehouses, $ 12.000.000;Damage several $ 50.000. Of destroyed merchandise, $ 8.300.000 belonged to foreigners (40.000.000 on properties of English merchants and industrialists in this port), and $ 3.700.000 to Chilean merchants ".

In this way, we realize the magnitude of a great blow to the country of Chile, since the port of Valparaíso depended strongly on maritime vessels, having material losses that harmed the most important port of the Pacific Ocean.

After the events, Chile and Spain signed a peace treaty in 1867, however, the treaty was determined in 1883.


It can be interpreted that the port of Valparaíso was one of the most influential historical facts in what maritime imports are due to a geographical strategic point for foreign countries that sailed through the Pacific Ocean, in the same way for international trade and the economygrowing of Chile. However, this was too affected by the diplomatic problems of the independence of the South American territories, giving with it the difficulties of suspending some vessels due to the problems that transcended to Chile and Peru.

In addition, there is a great performance of patriotic love over the South American lands and their union to protect them, but the reason for provoking this conflict that did not contain justification in either side, more only for copening its high ego, caused to destroy one ofThe most important ports worldwide of the nineteenth century.

In the end, after everything that happened, a peace agreement could be reached between the sides so that Spanish ships can market their resources, goods in their exports and vessels. Although the reconstructions of the material goods of the port affected in the commerce and the new trade routes and steam navigation, it would have a decay in the later years.

Through this investigation, the events that transcended between one of the most influential ports worldwide could be understood analytically, the behaviors of the two governments of the two sides were evaluated in the same way.


  • Domínguez, j. R. (2010). The bombardment of the port of Valparaíso and the protection of foreign economic interests by the State: Genesis and Development of the Strong Plaza of Valparaíso. Viña del Mar: Andrés Bello University.
  • Purcell de la Vega, C. (2017). The war with Spain and the bombing of Valparaíso, 1865-1866. Santiago de Chile, Chile: Ril Editores. Recovered from https: // basesdates.Utmachala.Edu.EC: 2201/es/ereader/utmachala/67609?
  • Dibam;Directorate of Libraries, Archives and Museums. (s.F). War against Spain, bombering to the port of Valparaíso [PDF file]. Publication place. Editorial. Recovered http: // www.cultural heritage.Gob.CL/RESOURCES/CONTENTS/MUSEUM%20HISTORY%20 NATIONAL/ARCHIVERS/BOMBEMENT%20Al%20PUERTO%20DE%20VALPARAÍSO%20 (31%20 DE%20MARZO%20de%201866).PDF
  • Valparaíso bombing. (s.F). In Wikipedia. Retrieved on 01 of 10 of 2020 from https: //íso

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