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The impact of psychologic reward on nurses job satisfaction

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November 23, 2016
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The Impact of Psychologic Rewards on Nurses Job Satisfaction in Saudi Arabia
It is a calling for people who are nurses. It is a tough job in respect to caring for others in an environment such as a hospital. Perhaps the training is less intense than being a physician, but intense nonetheless. Nursing requires a strong stomach and the ability to work through any medical situation. These facts go for all nurses, but especially those in Saudi Arabia. Most nurses are female, but this is not always the case in Saudi Arabia (Al‐Ahmadi, 2002). The environment in a hospital creates a division of labor and tension that link to patient safety (Platis et al, 2015). The article by Lu et al, (2012) shows that performance slows down because of nursing shortages and it happens, whether the location is Saudi or China. This has to do with job satisfaction in working conditions, role conflict, job stress, role perception, and professional commitment. When it comes to the effect of satisfaction with psychological rewards (received from the head nurse and from physicians) definitely plays a role in nurse turnover. This reaction occurs no matter where a nurse works. Satisfaction with pay and satisfaction with psychological rewards from the head nurse considerably projected better work attitudes (Chen et al, 2015). In Saudi Arabia, the shortage of nurses forced the hospitals to investigate both job satisfaction and psychological rewards (Alshmemri et al, 2014).

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According to Al-Ahmadi (2009), Saudi Arabian nurses responded with moderate satisfaction because the head nurses recognized work ethics, pay, skills utilization, and years of service. Many studies are done to gauge satisfaction in nursing. In all these studies, nurse satisfaction was higher when motivation is recognized by rewarding good service (Jehanzeb, 2012). All the articles suggest rewarding good behavior goes a long way in nurse retention. These next paragraphs will detail what most nurses want in a working environment from the perspective of psychological rewards that motivate nurses to continue working in an environment such as Saudi Arabia or anywhere else.
Al‐Ahmadi, H. (2009) ‘Factors affecting performance of hospital nurses in Riyadh region, Saudi
Arabia’, International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 22(1), pp. 40–54. doi: 10.1108/09526860910927943. Retrieved from
Al-Ahmadi HA, (2002) Job satisfaction of nurses in Ministry of Health Hospitals in Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia, Saudi Med J. 2002 Jun;23(6):645-50. Retrieved from
Alshmemri, M., Shahwan-Akl, L., and Phillip Maude, (2014) JOB SATISFACTION OF SAUDI
NURSES WORKING IN SAUDI ARABIAN PUBLIC HOSPITALS, DOI: 10.5176/2315-4330_WNC13.86 Retrieved from Arabian-public-hospitals
Chen F., Yang M., Gao, W., Liu Y., De Gieter S. (2015) Impact of satisfactions with
Psychological reward and pay on Chinese nurses’ work attitudes Appl Nurs Res. 2015 Nov;28(4):e29-34. doi: 10.1016/j.apnr.2015.03.002. Epub 2015 Mar 12. Retrieved from
Jehanzeb, K., Rasheed, A., Rasheed, MF, Aamir, A., (2012) Impact of Rewards and
Motivation on Job Satisfaction in Banking Sector of Saudi Arabia International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 3 No. 21; November 2012 Retrieved from
Lu, H., Bariball, L., Zhang, X., While, AE, (2012) Job satisfaction among hospital nurses
Revisited: A systematic review International Journal of Nursing Studies, Volume 49, Issue 8, 1017 – 1038 Retrieved from, CH., Reklitis, P., Zimeras, P. (2015) Relation between Job Satisfaction and Job
Performance in Healthcare Services Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences Volume 175, 12 February
2015, Pages 480-487 doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.01.1226

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