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The Kingdom Of The Heavens Of God

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The Kingdom of the Heavens of God

 In this reading report on the writer’s book, José María Castillo will come to answer this question today.

In this current and universal society, the insensitivity in which we live, move and exist. In now a world guided by several narcissistic ideologies and thoughts, which seek in numerous circumstances the personal good or a few. A society that emphasizes power, moved by corruption, where the most powerful and influential, take reins of a country or a state.

A society where there is impunity, inequality, and little imperative care of human rights that are fundamental for the progress of our existential nature. The progress of lack of respect, tolerance and the fundamental right of life, the little care of the common house (the land) and of all its diversity. You can point with what we have forgotten the teachings of a man named Jesus of Nazareth, written in the Gospels where He calls us to change, mercy and love. Even the great and illustrious defenders of moralhalf or the orientation why we can reach that kingdom and how it looks like, that kingdom mentioned by Jesus of Nazareth.

Christianity currently tries to carry this message and work for the call to the "Kingdom of God". The Church in past times has taken the task of evangelizing and bringing the kingdom of God to the whole earth and making the message known in the different dialects and languages on all continents where it is possible to access. But the unknown remains, is it necessary to hear the message, expose it and if it is possible to shout it, without doing it praxis? Making that message alive in our life.

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I think that society has not had enough experience about the kingdom of God, because it considers that words without action are simple and empty, without any transcendent content. So what is failing in the search for that kingdom?

Church and Christianity have been based on following the teachings of Jesus Christ and seeks that society comply with them and take them in their heart, so that the many aspects of it arrive and bear fruit. In the second text of the Gospel of John he says "The sheep of mine listen to my voice: I know them and they follow me" (Jn 10, 27) is considered the fundamental characteristic of the disciples or those who want to follow him. In the verb "they listen to my voice" we can lean to that action must be made praxis and that we must adhere to Jesus, in every person, a vital experience of his presence and thus the recognition of his "sheep" to which they listen to him. You can live in intimacy with Him, and thus be able, with authority and coherence, talk about the kingdom of God. But what is the kingdom of God today? In the theology of liberation, the poor are alluded to and for Jesus and for Jesus they are the most important in the kingdom according to him and written in the gospels. But currently that is not so, the poor are excluded from society, far from the fundamental rights that must be provided.

The follow -up to Jesus requires committing to the task of liberation of many captives, prisoners for the perversion of the world for his injustice, to heal the injured hearts and give love, to have mercy, to see the smallest as the most important, like the poor and the needy.

How then to speak of God in this world, of his kingdom and his love, full of death and poverty, of injustice and inequality? The theology of liberation refers to the approach of this reality, that we must talk about God and his kingdom from this starting point, death and poverty a raw and sad context, but that is the task that the Christian must undertake,The disciple, the follower of Jesus, leaving not aside theology in sapiential and faith knowledge in Jesus and his kingdom, but also the task of being a solution or a helping hand that works the liberation of the oppressed,Of the poor and needy who suffer and in many cases the children, and the young, the vulnerable of society. Be mediators in the social sphere and defenders of rights. The struggle for the oppressed and hungry people, to be revolutionaries for the kingdom of God. For liberation theology, it is considered that this is currently the path made praxis to reach the kingdom of God, so that it is fruitful, that in the world there is a spiritual and social transformation. That is the Kingdom of God today, a path that leads us to the liberation and encounter of all with God and in the center of them must be the message of Jesus, the poor, the people, the captive as the Gospel of Matthew says, Blessed are the poor in the spirit, because of them is the kingdom of heaven.        

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