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The Loss Of Ethics In The Medical – Patient Relationship In The Last Decade

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The loss of ethics in the medical – patient relationship in the last decade

Interpersonal relationships can be of different types, some of a superficial nature and others of greater complexity, such as the one that takes place between the doctor and his patient, in which the doctor in their status as professional must be willing to provide their help in a wayhumanitarian and sensitive, pillar on which the level of medical care satisfaction rests. However, this relationship has vary according to the changes that have been experienced through the times, so that, in the last decade the medical-patient relationship in the city of Chiclayo is very different from what took place toearly twentieth century, where there were deep affective links between the doctor of that time and his patients, which made him a true leader in the community where he exercised. Today there are several conditions that have had negatively impact on this relationship, such as scientific and technological advances in medicine, who open new possibilities in healing and improve the patient’s quality of life, but also create new contradictions and problems in the exercise ofThis, so that a relationship far from ethics, a medical practice with loss of values and a dehumanized and indifferent treatment is promoted. This is because knowledge is out of both the patient and the doctor himself and focuses more on technology, so a process is carried out that is contrary to medical ethics. Thus, can it be considered that technological and scientific advances negatively affect the medical-patient relationship? In these times of globalization, medicine does not escape the phenomenon, so among other aspects, we must try to link in the formation of future generations of doctors about the problems demanded by todayTo this professional with abilities that adapt to the changing conditions posed by his profession;And above all, so that there is a humanistic approach subject to medical ethics in the medical-patient relationship, which is in accordance with the demands and expectations of patients.

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There is an obvious corporate transformation of medical assistance that increases in an increasingly oriented health system in the direction of the business, that is, to a marketing of medical care. This situation entails the danger of lesseing the condition of patients of people afflicted to that of clients or consumers, putting medical professionalism at risk as a moral obligation to turn this profession into one more of those who put their emphasis on the business. Clear examples have the cases of complaints for malpraxis or by incompetence of doctors according to their social behavior, which reflects a behavior contrary to medical ethics.

The medical – patient relationship represents a fundamental part of the exercise of medicine, in which the doctor must be willing to provide their help in a humanitarian and sensitive way, carrying out this process effectively characterized by its medical ethics. In addition, medical assistance is built based on the relationship established between the doctor and his patient, and mostly, the good practice depends on the quality of the help relationship that can be achieved. As, Plato in his book IV of the laws, recognized that a good medical-patient relationship is the basis of medical practice. Plato describes the inadequate medical-patient relationship as a "slave medicine", when "the doctor never gives the slave any reason for his complaints, he does not ask for them; He treats him with an air of superiority with sudden dictator forms, and when he has ended up quickly to the next sick slave ”.

It is indispensable for professionals to know how. This should be governed to the Code of Ethics and Medical Deontology, which guides the behavior of doctors towards good, to seek the right thing, the ideal and excellence. The deontology and code of medical ethics establishes what they should and what doctors should not do, in turn, it contains a set of orientations and precepts whose compliance guarantees a decent, autonomous and integral professional practice of every doctor in the framework of respect for respect for patient rights. In this way, there will be an undoubted reflection of the Hippocratic oath: "I will treat the sick according to my ability and good judgment, and I will separate them from the damage and injustice" in the work of future doctors.

Another condition that currently interferes negatively in the medical-patient relationship is the technological development that occurred in recent decades, which has transformed the exercise of medicine with the wrong idea that new diagnostic and therapeutic resources can replace the clinical method. The clinical method is not obsolete, technology ages and is subject to errors in its realization and interpretation, so that the most rational thing is that from a diagnostic judgment based on a correct interrogation and physical examination, a plan that has a plan that has counts the patient’s own characteristics, risk/benefit relationship, availability and accessibility. Therefore, in the medical-patient relationship, its fundamental aspects should not be distorted, since the use of the clinical method applied to work with patients will make it possible to order the procedures used by the doctor to obtain symptoms and signs, and thereby elaborate diagnoses, which consists in knowing, calling and cataloging precisely a disease, perfecting medical practice and improving professional teaching and education.

It is undeniable that medical training is the foundation that will allow new generations of doctors. That is why universities have the obligation to instill students about an awareness of the existence of these conflicts, so that they are prepared to defend their professional values ​​in this new commercial climate. Thus, the medical ethics used in this training process will guide the professional’s behavior towards a correct and quality medical act, promoting an ideal standard and excellence of the relationships that must be established with their patients.

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