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The Mediation Process For Conflict Resolution

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The mediation process for conflict resolution


This essay presents the development of the mediation process in conflict intervention. In a first information analysis the concept of mediation and its characteristics are defined in this section. Both in the aspects related to the modalities of mediation and their transformation before the conflict. In the family and also schools, mediation contributions are also shown. (Hernández, 2003).

Here, by scientific knowledge we will understand the one who intends to account for the various characteristics of the mediation processes in such a way more or less orderly and verifiable, in this way observational or experimental techniques can be used.

Some have understood that mediation is more an art than anything else. That due to the singularity of each conflict and the large number of factors that comprise it and that appear throughout mediation, the intervention in this regard depends mainly on the "intuition" "of the mediator and its capacity, given by theexperience that has been accumulating and assimilating. From this representation, any possibility of executing the analysis of any type process that is systematic, considering the regulation of intervention by some normative procedure (Serrano, 1996) is canceled.


Mediation as a conflict resolution process, in the specific one is characterized by the action and presence of a third, other than the contestants directly involved in the same conflict.

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Currently, mediation as a practice is framed in the social fields of all possible areas, it is there;Where the conflict is born. In the labor sector, mediation is increasingly used to solve problems derived from all types of conflicts and, especially, to agree on collective agreements. Community mediation tries to solve problems of social, ethnic, neighborhood origin, etc. Another very useful field of action is that referred to the family problem, a consequence of separations, divorces, etc. Mediation in all types of legal conflicts and, especially, for their visibility and social relevance, political mediation are good proof of the amplitude of areas in which mediation takes place and meaning.

Types of conflicts

  • Systematic
  • Subsystem
  • Relational
  • Individual

Many simple -appearance conflicts are often linked to more complex conflicts, of which the punctual conflict is only part. All this tells us about the "anide" of conflicts to explain the interrelation between these different types or levels. That is, conflicts at local, community and even national levels are framed or encated in regional and even global structural and systemic conflicts. For example, a dispute between students in the school environment can be closely linked to a family destructuring situation that, in turn, is linked to the need to move from parents in search of better living conditions for their family for their family. That is, the poverty and lack of opportunities that are experienced in a society is connected to family destructuring and to the emergence of episodes of school violence.

The trajectory of the conflict

We consider that conflicts go through different stages and the ways how they are handled bring different implications in their life cycle. The graph then serves to illustrate the trajectory that many conflicts take, however, it is important to emphasize that this order is not necessarily mandatory or the frequency presented here will continue. (Salcedo, 2016)

The role of the mediator

First of all, the mediator must open communication channels (communicator role) between the parties in conflict. Adequate communication is the basis of negotiation, the knowledge of needs and interests, to establish a dialogue facilitator of integrative solutions. When the communication channels are broken or deteriorated, the mediator must try to reestablish them.

Another very interesting and useful role is that of legitimator, understanding as such the task of establishing commitments between the parties and, from a more formal perspective, certain rules that are valid while the process lasts. The presence of the mediator reinforces the validity of the agreements to which it is being reached and contributes to preventing the reverse or mixtification of the same.

Likewise, different roles have been established based on the priority tasks to be performed at a given time of mediation: information generator, problem explorer, agreements of agreements, etc. It is, therefore, the functions or tasks of the mediator’s role in its most general and comprehensive sense (Serrano, 1996).

Mediation modalities

Educational modality. The objective of the mediation of the followers of this intervention model is to provide customers with objective information on legal, educational, psychological, negotiation issues.

Rational-Analitic modality. In this model, the mediating process, very scheduled and based on assisted negotiation protocols, is leading customers from the first point where their negotiation is located to the end point of exposing a satisfactory agreement.

Therapeutic modality. The emotional issue is not overlooked along the mediation sessions, but that emotions and feelings are addressed (positive, negative, complex …) as part of the mediating intervention, with the aim of not being an obstacleto reach agreements or, simply, as an integral part of the mediating process.

Normative-evaluative modality. The role of the mediator in this model is clearly manager. The mediator is aware that his process control is clearly influencing the content of mediation (Hernández, 2003).


  • The simple fact that fathers and mothers dialogue day by day with their children on situations in an entity that promotes dialogue as a tool to reach friendly agreements is an extraordinary value in favor of society;since thanks to that the satisfaction is not only in the parents of the children and adolescents, but, in the team of mediators itself.
  • The term "conflicts and mediations" in the daily life manages to be strong, the transcendence and importance of alternative methods of conflict resolution in the family, neighbors and neighbors and communities and basically the significant benefit it has for people for peopleminors.
  • The reasons for promoting mediation through this means of communication, is that people try to understand that conflicts necessarily have to face courage, energy and firmness;otherwise they would never end up solving and quite the opposite could be solved by the less adequate method that would come to be violence.


  • Hernández, m. d. (2003). University of Barcelona. Department measures. Obtained from Mediation: File: /// C:/Users/Server/Downloads/20783-Text%20Del%20Art%C3%ADULO-20707-1-10-20060309.PDF
  • Salcedo, a. (2016). Mediation as a conflict resolution tool in the education system. Dominican Republic: MINERD.
  • Serrano, g. (nineteen ninety six). Copmadrid. Obtained from what does scientific research on mediation say?: http: //

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