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The Music And The Ease Of Society To Consume It

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The music and the ease of society to consume it

Music and its consumption in society is determined by the ease of obtaining this. Development: First, the consumption of music in the current century is massive, thanks to digital platforms such as YouTube, Spotify, among others. On the contrary, in the last century this was unthinkable, in a specific way, the musical consumption of that time was based on the purchase of discs in stores, because the music was less globalized. Additionally, it should be noted that the massive consumption of music today is also due to the creation of music based on technology. Example: Talented producers have emerged today, who with software help generate musical themes without the need for a band to make recordings. Instead, this was unthinkable in the twentieth century, since only large industries had recording studios where a band with live musicians was obviously necessary. Therefore, this limited the promotion of new talents of the time. According to Hormigos, (2010): In addition, the current changes in the dissemination of information and transmission technologies have greatly intensified the global music distribution. Internet has become the great ally of the musical message thanks to the appearance of various recording and dissemination technologies, supported by new formats, thus expanding the catalog of messages that the individual can receive through the multiple available music and reopen an olddebate about the role of music in the cultural universe (P.

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96). Closing: Therefore, it can be said that, the consumption of music has been rising from the last century to current times.

In conclusion, it is unthinkable to conceive the day to day without music, because the music is everywhere. Both in the twentieth century, and today, music has established itself as an influence and cultural representation of society. As already mentioned, music plays a very important role in today’s society and surely will continue to do so in future generations. Is music really important in society?

Bibliographic references

  • Favetto, m. And Wilson, T. (2014). Los Angeles de Charly: between the ideal being of the national reorganization process and the real being of Argentine national rock. Per Musi Academic Magazine of Music, 30, P.53-83. Recovered from: https: //virtual classrooms.You.Edu.EC/UDLAENlinea/Pluginfile.PHP/71941/MOD_RESOUCCE/CONTENT/1/THE%20 RESONES%20DE%20CHARLY%20-%20FAVOTITTO%20Y%20WILSON.PDF
  • Hormigos, j. (2010). Musical distribution in the consumer society: the creation of cultural identities through sound. Communicate Scientific Journal of Educommunication (34) XVII, P.91-98. Recovered from: https: //virtual classrooms.You.Edu.EC/UDLAENlinea/Pluginfile.PHP/71915/MOD_RESOURCE/CONTENT/1/DISTRIBUTION%20MUSICAL%20EN%20LA%20SOCIEDAD%20de%20Consumo%20-%20hormigos.PDF 

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