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The Origin Of The Universe, Big Bang

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The origin of the universe, Big Bang


Aristotle, in the book he wrote about heaven, could show us two good arguments to believe that our planet is a round and not flat ball. In the first instance, he warned that the reason for moon eclipses was that the earth is hindered between the sun and the moon. The shadow generated by the Earth on the Moon was always round, which could be true if the Earth was spherical. If the earth had been flat, the shadow would have been linear and elliptical, unless the eclipses always occurred at a time when the sun was directly on the center of the disc.

In the second instance, the Greeks had learned from their trips that the (polar star) was below in the sky when it was observed in the south that when it was seen in northernmost regions. Aristotle, sought the difference in the apparent position of the (polar star) in Egypt and in Greece, according to which the land circumference measured 400,000 stages. We do not understand exactly what was the length of a stadium, but it was possibly less than 200 m. If so, Aristotle’s estimate would be twice the currently accepted figure.

The Greeks had a third argument in favor that the earth was round: how, if not, when a ship approaches the first thing that is seen are the candles on the horizon and only later the helmet is seen? Aristotle thought that the earth was still and that the sun, the moon, the planets and the stars moved in perfect circular orbits around the earth. I thought about it because it was believed, for mystical reasons, that the earth was the center of the universe and that the circular movement was the most perfect of all.

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This idea was proposed by Ptolemy, in the 1st century. C., To give a complete cosmological model. The land remained in the center of the star system, surrounded by eight spheres that led to the moon, the sun, the stars and the five planets then known: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. In addition, in order to explain the trajectories of the planets that were observed in heaven, they had to move in small circles linked to their respective spheres. The external sphere dragged the so -called stars that do not move, which are always in the same positions in the proposed system, but have a common rotational movement. What is beyond the last sphere was not clear, but it was certainly not part of the universe observed for humanity. The Ptolemy model offered a reasonably approximate system to predict the positions of the planets and stars. However, to predict these positions, Ptolemy had to make a hypothesis according to the Moon followed a trajectory that at some moments carried it at a distance from the earth twice as much as in others. But that implied that the moon had to appear sometimes twice as. Ptolemy wise of this inconsistency, but despite this its model was generally, although not universally, it was accepted. It was adopted by the Christian Church as an image of the universe that agreed with the Bible. He had the great advantage that he left a lot of margin outside the sphere of the fixed stars for heaven and hell.

A simple model was proposed in 1514 D.C. By Nicolás Copernico. At first, for fear of being accused of blasphemy, Copernicus published the model anonymous. His idea was that the sun was still in the center and that the earth and the planets moved in circular orbits around the sun.

Unfortunately for Copernicus, he spent almost a century before his idea was taken seriously. Some time later, two astronomers, Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilei, began to support in public the Copernican theory, despite the fact that the orbits that predicted did not fit perfectly with those observed. The deadly blow to Aristotelian-Polemaic theory came to an end in 1609. That Galileo year began to observe the night sky with a telescope, an instrument that had just invented that could better observe the celestial bodies.

When he looked at Jupiter, Galileo discovered that he was accompanied by several small moons, who orbit around him. This implied that not all things had to orbit directly around the earth and that it was not the center of the universe as Aristotle-Tolomeo had thought. Of course, it was still possible to believe that the earth was still and that Jupiter’s moons moved on complicated trajectories around the earth, giving the impression that they orbited around Jupiter. However, Copernicus’s theory was much simpler.

At the same time, Kepler had modified Copernicus’ theory, suggesting that the planets did not move in circles but in elliptical movements. Now the predictions finally fit the observations. For Kepler, elliptical orbits were merely a hypothesis, and a rather unpleasant hypothesis, since ellipses were clearly less perfect than circles. After discovering by accident that the elliptical orbits fit well with the observations, he could not reconcile this with his idea that it was magnetic forces that made the planets orbitate around the sun. Until 1687 an explanation was not offered for this, when Newton published his "Mathematica Naturalis Causae" Principia. This is probably the most important work published until then in physical sciences. In it Newton not only proposed a theory of how celestial bodies move in space and time, but also developed mathematics to analyze these movements.

In addition, Newton postulated a universal gravitation law. This said that each body in the universe was attracted to any other body by a force that was more intense the larger the bodies and the closer they were. It was the same force that made objects fall to the ground. What he said was that the idea of gravity came to him when he was sitting in a contemplative attitude, and was caused by the fall of an apple. Newton showed that, according to its law, gravity causes the moon to move in an elliptical orbit around the earth and causes the earth and the planets to follow elliptical movements around the sun. The Copernican model stated that the celestial spheres of Ptolemy, and with them of the idea that the universe had a natural border. The fixed stars did not seem to change their positions when the earth spin around the sun. That is why it became natural to assume that fixed stars were objects like our sun, but much further away. This raised a problem. Newton realized that, according to his theory of gravity, the stars should attract each other;Therefore, it seemed that they could not remain at rest.

In 1691, in a letter to Richard Bentley, another outstanding thinker of his time, Newton said that this would happen if there were only a finite number of stars. But he also argued that if, on the contrary, there was an infinite number of stars distributed more or less orderly over an infinite space, that would not happen, because there would be no central point of reference in which to join. This argument is an example of the pitfalls with which it can be stumbled when talking about infinity.

The origin of the universe is always a matter of discussion since it is not known with certainty as it all began, the Big-Bang is the moment in which everything we know was given, in which the universe was infinitely small and, byConsequently, infinitely dense. If there were events prior to that moment, they will not be able to affect what happens in the present time. Its existence can be ignored because it would not have observable. You can imagine that God created the universe literally at any time in the past. On the contrary, if the universe is expanding, there may be physical chemical reasons why there was a beginning. You could continue to believe that God created the universe at the moment of Big-Bang. I could even have created it in a zero time of the past in such a way that it seems that there had been a big-bang. But it would not make sense to assume that it was created before Big-Bang. An expanding universe does not exclude the figure of a God, but it puts limits to when He could have done his work.

The concept of life has changed to see the video and everything has a beginning although the term life is something abstract, but we are made up of chemical elements that were formed at the beginning, the first chemical element that formed was the hydrogen but after there youThey began to create the other compounds, we are made of the following oxygen compounds (65%), carbon (18%), hydrogen (10%), calcium (1.5%) contained in our bones, phosphorus (1%),Potassium (0.25%), sodium (0.15%), chlorine (0.15%), heavy metals such as magnesium (0.05%), iron (0.006%) Other chemical elements that constitute the human body are theCopper, zinc, selenium, molybdenum, fluoride, iodine, manganese, cobalt, lithium, strontium, aluminum, silicon, lead, vanadium and arsenic, among others in tiny proportions. Actually, little is known about the functions that many of these elements meet in our body. But not everything is coincidence because we still do not know how life was created, but we can find elements that were found in everything in the universe, but it is considered the perfect life since it is not found on other planets, galaxies etc.

The restlessness that we have left is that if there is an origin there must be an end, there will come a time that asteroids can impact the earth or that we ourselves kill ourselves for pollution cases, technology is also a risks that we have latent and That every time the machines are smarter so far that we would be slaves, technology is not bad, in itself, it is wonderful, however many people have not given it proper use, they have made it a curiously threat of men. We invented men Technology To be able to enjoy our spaces more to gain time, to make a more rewarding life, technology is also an opportunity to extend our psychic and rational faculties and to achieve with communication a more efficient experience, you humanized, however the management that the management that the management that Everyone gives technology a lot of personality, the excessive use of technology can be the manifestation of the effective gaps of l The blind and reprogramming points of our means This is only possible for our dependencies and disabilities. In conclusion, we are exposed to be eliminated and extinguished, but where there is life there is always life not in the way we know, but if there will be life, we can extinguish ourselves or an external agent.

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