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The Power of Play

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The Power of Play
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The Power of Play
What changes have you observed in children that may be attributable to decreased time for play? What differences from your childhood play experiences exist? How are these changes manifested in different environments for children (e.g., home, school, neighborhood, etc.)?
During my childhood, no kid did suffer from obesity. Within the current world, the number of obesity and overweight children is rising at a warning rate. The condition is definitely due to the advancement in technology, bringing more sedentary behavior. So, instead of getting outdoors to use their creativity and play, children in today’s society who are obese may find it not easy to play actively, so they prefer to remain still. The situation is much different from when I was growing up from the fact that we were forced to go outside and play until dark. Children today are, lonely and spend indoors in front of media. When I look at how I played as a child, I am blown away by the amount of life lessons I learned. Through play, I learned that it’s ok to feel a variety of emotions and display them. I learned when it’s appropriate to be angry and when it’s ok to cry. These valuable lessons have carried over into adulthood, just more fine-tuned as I have grown.
How have societal changes affected “historical” toy choices, including character toys, skill toys and educational toys? Have these changes, in general, been positive or negative? Why?
As a grown up, I begin to see play in a unique perspective.

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Similarly, Play has changed so much from the way I knew it when I was growing up. Technology and Media have evolved immensely therefore affecting both children and their parents. Instead of playing outdoors like I did or using my thinking on a productive day, several kids in today’s generation are watching a screen, whether it be television, computer, or a video game. However, the changes have been positive since they allow children to internalize knowledge at a faster rate. Also, the play is relevant; toy manufacturers understand it, and the education sector needs to acquire notice and get incorporated for the next years. Parents and teachers can instill values, provide guidance, collaborate and connect with the instructive media of the 21st century.
What factors in our society are most influential in providing this message to parents? To teachers? How can educational professionals assist parents in steering clear of potential reactions to this message, including hyper-parenting, over-protection, and over-programming? What has/would work for you as a parent? As an educator?
A play is a significant part of any child that will educate them and help them learn crucial lessons in life, and sustain them through adulthood. Studies have documented the good impacts play has in all levels of development, which can lead to improved academic achievement, better communication skills, and stronger social relationships. When we emphasize in play for children, we are indeed investing in their adulthood days. When children are given the opportunity to play, either at home or in school, that gives them a chance to be in control. They will start to make discoveries about life in a different perspective that only they can feel to hold meaning. As children are regularly allowed to play in childhood, it will enhance them, imagination, creativity, and free spirit. Consequently, they will value playing through their entire lives.
What challenges related to social interactions and skills do you observe in children with whom you work? What strategies do you employ to assist children in developing socialization skills?
Sequentially, I often see the children, some of who sit motionless behind a cell phone or using a tablet. Those countable children who attempt playing are often trying to interact with each other as they giggle at them. Nonetheless, the adults and parents in the room give them evil eyes and the “When are you shutting up?” looks. Not only has the evolution of technology taken over the play function in a child’s life, but it has also equally influenced adults. Instead of taking some little moment in playing with their kids, it’s much easier to put them to watch the TV so that they can connect on email, their favorite TVor even social media show. I have done this severally than I ought to.
Provide examples of individuals who appear to parent “light-heartedly” and give specifics about what makes them successful in this approach. What education or strategies might assist other parents and families in this area?
Judith Baca happily works with young people in collaboration to create digital murals in urban environments. She is conversant of the requirements of youth to overcome the exclusion of the digital separation which makes them potential victims of the technological era, she considers both the new and poor local natives. From her shared knowledge and experience, she summons the young people to the Social and Public Art Resource Center abbreviated as (SPARC). They bring technologies such as turntables, ghetto blasters, low riders, iPods, and mp3 players. They practice cultural production and innovation. Also, her “Bring your own technology” (BYOT) initiative is strengthening day by day because of her light-heartedness. Her target is disabled cash schools, and the destroyed classrooms. She is now successful since she is shaping up the way students and teachers experience and learn technology. These are desirable ways to establish play and address the involvement gap. Therefore, it is the mandate of other teachers and the parents to help support such projects.Summarize how information gained from this text will inform their professional practice.
From Jenkins perspective, student-focused learning surpasses active learning because of its synchrony with real-life events. The teacher creates instances of critical problem solving and reflection of the academic expertise. Also, teachers normally apply four methods to assist students: learning groups, inquiry learning cognitive thinking and one-on-one tutoring. Jenkins expresses ethics challenge as the destruction of socialization and training that may strategize young people for adult roles Digital technology can deplete young people while older people, leading an environment of more reasonable meaning across generations. An instance is where the learner is given various choices; different learning environments in a peaceful student-focused classroom may assist in preparing that student for crucial duties in the society.

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