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The Student’S Tribulations In The Novel Törless

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The student’s tribulations in the novel Törless

In life learning, many people state that you have to be rebel teenagers to be elderly wise. How much is true in this statement? An individual upon reaching the doors of adolescence begins to face several situations that to some extent confuse the subject due to the lack of experience in the different areas that are presented daily, until they reach the stage of maturity. Mocedity is a long and curious path that, when traveling, the deepest and most primitive feelings of the human being are exhibited, accumulating experiences that subsequently serve to develop behaviorally more correctly within a paradigmatic society.

When moving to 8 and 9 years of age, thoughts about life are candid, naive and restless;They still cannot be qualified as sicalptics, when puberty is achieved, there are naturally small notions of what will soon be known as sexuality. According to Christian Almagro, Ecuadorian student of Psychology: “Adolescence is a stage of the crucial human being for its subsequent social development, since it is in this period where we build relations with other human beings, generating links and affections that to some extent will allow to buildthe personality".

Robert Musil, who with his rhetoric describes in his first novel the different situations that a mancebo lives within an environment that tends to the anarchic, knows for personal experiences, the feeling of adolescence, in the situational context of his life.

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He was an Austrian writer from a family of low nobility, his rebellion against education caused his parents to send him to a boarding school for two years when he was still a child;Subsequently, in September 1894 Musil entered a military institute for young officers. In 1906 he would publish his first literary work "The tribulations of the student Törless". Several literary critics affirm that the novel is a tacit autobiography and even true or not, the truth is that literary work, tells the reality of the pubers within a completely virile environment, without smoining influences, in addition that it touches controversial issues for theepoch. Taking this into account, it is necessary to answer the following question, how does Robert Musil describe the confusion of Törless’s sexual orientation?

The nature of a teenager’s behavior is strongly influenced by his friends and colleagues, the adolescent normally seeks to associate with peer group and is something that manifests itself in Törless, the main character of the novel, who when arriving at the institute meets his classmatesReiting, Beinerberg and Basini, round characters that have unstable idiosyncrasy. The biological stage for which these four characters are crossing is characterized by being based on psychological development, since it is in the stage of adolescence that personality is forged, their sexual identity is strengthened and their values system is formed;This is a time of rebellion, search and opposition and even extremisms on certain occasions. Thus, Törless is a victim of his natural impulses that they awake.

The first manifestations of its pubertal cycle are vaguely detailed in from the seventh paragraph where it is read:

Törless felt very discontent now and tried vainly to find, here and there, something new that could support him. An episode of that time was characteristic of what was being prepared inside Törless. One day the young Prince H entered the institute., that belonged to one of the noble families (…) but, from the first moment, that student produced in Törless a strong impression. (…) For Törless, the treatment with the prince was therefore a source of delicate psychological enjoyments. (Musil, 1906, P.4)

In this way we can note that the psyche of the young Törless is directed towards scholars and is in a consolidation process in which the psychological integration of the sexed body and the progressive emancipation of the parental figures must occur, something that is evidenced when togetherBeinerberg visits the Bozena meretor and is attacked by deep thoughts that describe his situation, but that he considered inappropriate, although that does not take away the fact that his thinking emanated sexual desire, which he resisted within himself. Something similar happens with Beinerberg, when more developed with Bozena is appreciated, that is, more reciprocal with the carnal caresses that the woman offers to the macaws who arrive in her to placate her repressed desires to a certain means.

If Bozena had been pure and beautiful and he could have loved that age, he would probably have bitten her to make him and in it the pleasure to rise to pain. Because the first passion of adolescents is not love of each other, but I hate against everything. (…) But something different happened in Törless: he felt alone. The vile prostitute in years could not unleash everything in it. But since she was a woman, she could prematurely appear to the surface. (Musil, 1906 P.twenty-one)

Within Musil’s story, Basini is described, as a boy who, like others, seeks to establish his personality, but will be broken by Reiting. Basini represents the female figure for its physiognomy and its weakness, at a time when force is a peculiar brush stroke of manhood dyes, exploited by Reiting, who from its first appearance maintains an imposing and strong character, which even allowsTo think that he is the only teenager, who has already defined his personality, and although to some extent it is like that, it is Basini, the person who causes a slip in Reiting, since he gets carried away by his sexual impulses and ends up maintaining a master/ master relationship/Submissive, even maintaining coital relationships with Basini, as a consequence it is evident that the novel also presents homoerotic situations, which refer to sexual taste, characterized by the presence of sexual desires, which focus on a person of the same sex. It should be noted that homoerotism, despite being closely related to homosexuality, differs from it in the definition of its concepts. Among the lines of the literary work, it can be seen that Törless stars in situations that to some extent make the reader believe that the young man is homosexual, this issue has been addressed by many specialists, according to the latest investigations, it is manifested that there are genetic characteristics, which allow it to allow it toMany newborns when they have that sexual tendency. Biology states that homosexuality is the product of a genetic error in the constitution of sex chromosomes (x and y) so the alleles of these chromosomes provide a psychological disorder in the neonate conceived, therefore, the young Törless simply simplyIt is going through confusion and as a result we have the aforementioned sexual taste, this is the effect, that there were only men inside the boarding school, it did not have a feminine figure, with which you could appease your first sexual instincts and what it had left wasidealize female silhouettes with naturally masculine figures.

He would have liked to look at Beinerberg in his eyes, but the other would have warned and then he would have had to give some explanation. But so precisely, looking only at him and half completing the image in the fantasy, he warned what the lack of agreement consisted of. If I imagined Beinerberg naked it was quite impossible to maintain the representation of a quiet slenderness. (Musil, 1096 P.12)

To conclude, Musil uses the rhetoric together a small ampulosity to reach the criticality of the reader, whom he tries to show social reality, which is lived inside a renowned boarding school, such as the novel or as the boarding school in whichThe author himself lived. The literary work The tribulations of the student Törless, presents an intensive reading that becomes complicated in certain parts, but that describes in a concrete and extravagant way the different situations that a young teenager is experiencing, during his pubertal period. We can note that homoeroticism is a consequence of being locked within a male environment in its entireExplore your sexuality, who seems not to bother you, but rather enjoy it;In this way, we understand that within these institutes, whose objective is to preserve the youth of the corrupt influences of the great city, there are events that ironically contradict the philosophy imposed, psychologically attempting the sexual awakening of young people who cannot control theirimpulses.


  • Ruiz Lázaro, P.J. Adolescent psychology and its surroundings. Recovered from: http: // adolescent%20y%20su%20 entertainment%20p.J.Ruiz%20l%C3%A1zaro.PDF
  • Musil. R. (1984). Torless Student Tribulations. Barcelona, Spain: Editorial Seix Barral S.A.

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