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Theory of Knowledge
Theory of knowledge has been seen to evolve as the natural theory of selection. It development is attributed to the evolution of organisms as natural evolution depicts. The theory of knowledge is less the same as the Darwinian theory of selection and hence many authors like using such metaphors like knowledge within a discipline developed in line with the precepts of natural selection theory. Such metaphors have gained a great importance among those in need for the search of wisdom. For instance, it is interesting, and we should believe that only knowledge that is justified and hold the truth in it will survive and hence passed to the future generation. Conversely, the natural selection theory projects that only the strongest organisms survive (Heydorn et al, 39-50). If one area of knowledge is falsified, then it means the justified area of knowledge will take control and survives. Falsified theories of knowledge get superseded by the legitimate and the true knowledge that gets passed and taught to the younger generations.
The above facets justified the importance of such metaphors that most authors always employ in their attempt to search for knowledge. Ideally, the widespread knowledge stands a better chance of being the strongest known. However, other forms or theories of knowledge that have not gained popularity may fade. Human knowledge has evolved and is enhanced by the human’s efficacy to seek for the best knowledge that can address the emerging issues within the contemporary societies.

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Some scholars noted that each form of knowledge used a different network and ways of knowing. This aspect depicts the reasons as to why knowledge of natural selections develops in a comparatively different way as those that emanates from other forms of knowledge like art. The theory of knowledge validates that indeed knowledge in one discipline do not develop in the same manner as knowledge in other disciplines (IB Survival). In this context, it is evident that varied subjects demonstrate the different way of approach regarding logicality and the purpose of which it intends to address it components. Different disciplines evolve differently, and this depends on the degree of usefulness and the beliefs as well as the truth the discipline holds. Based on the knowledge in the two disciplines that is math and art, it is vividly evident that they possess different ways of selecting the knowledge.
Unlike the math disciplines, art is interested in getting lost in an imagination. This aspect analyzes the problem regarding acceptance and condition of the aesthetic judgments. Philosophers argued that the reliable source of ideas was only imagination. Kin art there is freedom of mind and one can apply logical approaches to solving the resulting problem. The questioning and enigmatic experiences in arts make it quite different in regards to math. Artist believed that knowledge results from imagination and that or curiosity is what identifies the gap that exist in knowledge. Logical or rational processes usually begin with imagination. Artistic work creates a significant progress since it all depends on creativity and innovation. For instance, in real life situation, researchers have adapted depending on the issue that face them. They have been creative in adopting various ways of settling the resultant phenomenon ( For instance, in the process of earthquake occurrence, they have improvised methodology to help curb reoccurrence of such hazardous events (Husserl et al, 4-320). Unlike the knowledge in at, math comprises of the logic and serious statistics that requires the dry facts. This aspect makes it quite abstract and broader dimension that results in impossibility of reaching the solutions.
The knowledge in math is quite different in art since their methodology and usefulness of solving the existing problems that encompass individuals varies. However, the value of such knowledge may vary according to the recipient. For instance, knowledge of math may be useful to the banker and becomes useless to the environmental conservatism. Consequently, the belief and truth in math are purely based and grounded on the assumptions as well as the probabilities. This also depicts the great gap between the two disciplines regarding their truth and beliefs they hold among the users.
The truth in math is based on an assumption of axiom. Axiom works on self-evident beliefs and reality. The math checks the coherence to be neither valid nor accurate. Mathematicians must always come to an agreement on what is mathematically true, unlike the artist who do not speculate on the exact and plain fact but rather the innovative nature of the knowledge that can address the problem. Art entails reasoning and emotions that help one to react in an ethical manner and with rationality towards the emerging issues.
Counterclaim: It is also evident that the knowledge in math gets developed in the same way as the knowledge in the art. Since art nourishes us with creativity and innovation that help to exploit new opportunities, so do the math that is so vital in the production of scientific concepts ( Art and math comply with one another. For instance, philosophers’ persisted that the two deals with similar problems and relates to one another regarding logicality and reasoning. The artist employs the mathematical formula to formulate methodologies that will eventually turn out to be beautiful.
Likewise, to math, the discipline uses the artistic designs and paradigms to create objects with four dimensions that are aesthetic and appealing to the eye. Math can also explain the phenomenon in a logical and rational manner just like the artist does (Dicker 17-20). This aspect depicts why songs are so beautiful with inclusive of math. However, as some philosophers’ postulates, knowledge in an art plays a vital role as compared to those in math. For instance, the art is depicted as the impetuous factor behind all the sciences. This is because it applies the analogy to understand the abstract concepts unlike the axiom math that base their validation in the unjustified notion.
Knowledge is developed in a similar manner as those in the art in that in math one requires an emotional sense of the aesthetic description of the phenomenon. In addition, a serious sense of imagination is also applied to logical extract the meaning of a problem that requires mat paradigms. This application of knowledge leads us to what is logically correct and can settle a problem at hand.
Similarly, it is evident that knowledge in the two disciplines evolves in a similar manner. Math and art convey knowledge in his same context by use and application of symbols and comprises of a creative context of their own (Lehrer 11-21). Their creativity in solving a problem and formulating an equation is similar. An art piece that conveys a message is admirable just like the three or four dimension of the math designs. Both disciplines entail beauty and aesthetic description. A real life example of such includes the math equation of Euler’s identity of which e^(i*pi)+1=0. This aspect demonstrates the five vital units of math that are (e, I, pi, 1, 0) specifically in the single equation ( Conversely, the beauty of math is demonstrated by the paintings and drawing colors. There is a great similarity in usefulness and the purpose of knowledge in either of the two disciplines. Both math and art employ the use of language in their process to convey and handle any situation at hand. They both develops the linguistic boundaries to convey a message that is intended towards helping the resultant or upcoming situation. For instance, in a classroom situation, the application of language is vital in conveying the hidden n fact in the two disciplines.
The knowledge, therefore, does not diminish but without their use, their value becomes useless in the real life situations. For example, let us consider the claim below. Math is treated as an art since we learn it necessary concepts for pleasure. We also employ its knowledge to create aesthetic, simple poems of reasoning to our problems. Real life situations are always depicted in an educational system.
Math has also inspired art. The designs and patterns used in the art are purely mathematical logics. The creativity and artistic designs are founded and produced with the help of the math patterns; therefore; it is true to validate that the two disciplines take or comply with the same advancement. This is based on the intended purpose thy are supposed to serve.
Conclusively, it is for sure evident that knowledge in almost all the disciplines evolved just like the Darwinian theory of natural selection. Notably, the knowledge that is justified and that help settle the emerging problems and issues that encompass man becomes the most attractive as compared to those that are not approved. This aspect depends on the sense of perception and usefulness of knowledge. Just as the strongest organisms survive I, the jungle so does the accepted knowledge of a discipline become most popular as compared to the others. It is true that knowledge of math does not develop in a similar manner as that in art sciences. This factor is so since math is based on the self-evident, which is grounded on the sense of perceptions and unlike the art sciences that works logically to identify the root causes of human problems. Math is depicted to have employed assumptions and beliefs that do not portray the exact situations.
The knowledge in art evolves on imagination and creativity. It applies a logical reasoning and emotional feeling towards the issues that face individuals. Such knowledge also embraces the aesthetic descriptions of the problems. However, the counterclaims also project that there are similarities between the developments of the knowledge between the two disciplines. This aspect is because they both employ logicality and pattern of math in passing the ideas. Indeed, the knowledge in math is sometimes rigid and watertight. They rarely evolve for example a triangle may be equivalent to 180 degrees a validation that may be passed on through to generations. The art knowledge gets based on personal opinions and hence adapt quite well to settle the human problems.

Works cited
Dicker, Georges. Kant’s Theory of Knowledge: An Analytical Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004. Print.
General knowledge theory.
Heydorn, Wendy, and Susan Jesudason. Decoding Theory of Knowledge for the Ib Diploma: Themes, Skills and Assessment. , 2013. Print.
Husserl, Edmund, and Claire O. Hill. Introduction to Logic and Theory of Knowledge: Lectures 1906/07. Dordrecht: Springer, 2008. Print.
IB Survival,. “Prescribed Titles 2016 Discussion – Theory Of Knowledge”. N.p., 2015. Web. 18 Dec. 2015.
Lehrer, Keith. Theory of Knowledge. Boulder, Colo: Westview Press, 2008. Internet resource.,. “MAM2003 Essay: Mathematics And Art — So Many Connections”. N.p., 2015. Web. 18 Dec. 2015.,. “Is Art Required In Producing Knowledge In Mathematics? – Quora”. N.p., 2015. Web. 18 Dec. 2015.