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Topic choose by writer and the topic must be universal thesis statement about the film V for vendetta in comparison to civil disobedience

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The impact of V for Vendetta film on the future political stability in the UK
V for Vendetta is a well-known and watched dystopian political thriller film with immense social and political significance. The film whose production was in the year 2006 is based on the 1988 film series of vertigo/Dc Comics limited (Keller 2). Wachowski brothers and James Mc Telgue participated in its writing and production respectively. The film is about the unfavorable political or ruling regime in the UK and the fight for freedom including liberty from oppression. It details key events of the neo-fascist regime that subjugated the UK with the aim of averting possible adoption of the style of rule in future (V for Vendetta Trailer (HD).
In the film, V who is a major character advocates for affair leadership where every individual and opposing parties are accorded their fair chance of expression, movement, communication and execution of various businesses (Keller 2). The struggle is against the fascist police state rule by the ruling elite where the political opponent, immigrants, Muslims and other minority groups are subjected to human torture including imprisoning at the concentration camps. The film is highly interesting and educative on how authoritarian leadership or rule can be fought. It also sensitizes people on how to keep the government on the check to ensure that the neo-fascist rule is not introduced in the UK in the near future.
Thesis statement
The understanding of political rule strategy and barbaric styles of leadership including acts of civil disobedience are imperative for mitigation of future possibility of neo-fascist rule or regime in the near future in the UK and other nations.

Wait! Topic choose by writer and the topic must be universal thesis statement about the film V for vendetta in comparison to civil disobedience paper is just an example!

Discussion of V for Vendetta
As noted, V for Vendetta is a film that has and is still being watched widely among different groups of people. Since its production and subsequent launching, many political groups including politicians have been watching its content and the message. In particular, they are watching it to learn or be acquainted with irresponsible government acts that occurred during the neo-fascist period and its effects in order to design amicable leadership pattern acceptable by all. V is the main character in the play and he is portrayed as a freedom fighter who craves for the liberation of the state (Keller 12).
He is seen pursuing his mission through spirited attempts of igniting a serious revolution in the state. He lays down elaborate plans towards achieving his mission that include terrorist acts and organized, persistent demonstrations. V executed many plans to interrupt the government and have it embrace civil rule. He even kills some of the government officials and participates in the demolition of a big criminal court building injuring several officers. After facilitating the demolition of the Old Bailey building, he goes ahead to interrupt broadcast purposely to claim that he was responsible for the demolition. He then urges people to help him fight the government. He says, “rise up against the government and follow me for the realization of a better future” (V for Vendetta Trailer (HD)).
V is got the opportunity of interrupting the broadcast through the intervention of Every who he rescued from the police. In return, Every is seen assisting him to escape arrest by the police after promising to destroy the house of parliament during the interrupted broadcast session (Russell 5). “Every” is later threatened after his capture with outright execution unless she discloses V’s location or whereabouts. She denies giving the information saying she would rather die than do so thereby prompting her release.
V’s struggle between the state and freedom did not go in vain, as changes are seen to be effected in the government. This is after the government realizes that the fight against V is not bearing the intended fruits. The ruling class accepts to embrace democracy and good governance to promote peace and harmony.
V for Vendetta in comparison to civil disobedience
Civil disobedience is the practice of disobeying certain laws, directives, demands and commands that are imposed by the authority or government. Every person and entity is under obligation to obey set laws and commands. The laws may include respect to human rights, the law disallowing termination of life, the law of good governance, fair distribution of resources and ethical laws among others (Russell 8). In the context of the film, it is comparatively clear that V and the government have been committing serious illegalities that should not continue in the future for solid social integration.
The first civil disobedience attributable to the government is oppressive rule that it exercises. The government is not allowed under the UK law to exercise such kind of a rule as it infringes on people’s rights. It goes against the constitutional principle that states that the government is for the people by the people. Civil requirements obligate the government to protect its people and not to expose them to any form of harm contrary to what is witnessed in the film. The use of police to detain ad frustrate political opponents, immigrants, Muslims and other minority groups is a serious case of civil disobedience. The practice should not occur as it prevents such group of people from enjoying various basic rights such as the right of communication and the right of association (Russell 25). For example, the government raided Gordon Deitrich’s and Every’s homes where they were captured for accusations that are not valid.
On the other hand, V equally committed serious acts that tantamount to civil disobedience. First, it is established that he participates in killing government officials by Every and Gordon. His immediate victims include those who participated in his detention. He is established killing the officials contrary to the provision of the law. The law requires no one to participate in killing his or her counterpart in every situation. There are legal channels through which disputes are managed but not to kill. Another act of civil disobedience is depicted when V affirms that he participated in the demolition of the Old Bailey criminal court building. No one should take the law into his hands and engage in any form of demolition. Similarly, Vs civil disobedience is also depicted when he highjacks and stops broadcasting without notice to attract people’s attention. It is not ethical for one to behave in that manner.
Ethos, pathos and motion
In the film, three major modes of persuasion are evident as they have been used numerously. The three modes are ethos, pathos and logo, however, the focus here is on ethos and pathos (Strong 1). V employs the persuasive techniques to have the public listen to him. For example, he is seen using ethos to establish himself to the audience and enable them to have a reason to listen. V is seen establishing his credibility to the people as evident in the film by saying “I sought to end the silence. Last night, I destroyed the Old Baily” (Strong 1). The move is to enable people to know his bravery character and that he risked his life on their behalf.
After the assertion, people have getting more inclined to listening to him. They have also developed trust in him believing that he is readily available to help in solving governance problems facing the nation. The use of ethos is also evident when he hijacked broadcasting to claim responsibility for the demolition of the Old Baily where he asks people to rise against the government after capturing their attention. In another instance, V persuaded the public using the effective analogy. He said, “I suggest we allow November pass unmarked. But is you what I see, if you feel what I feel and if you would seek what I seek” (Strong 1). The phrase captures the attention of many individuals who in turn vowed to stand beside him one year from the night of speech delivery.
His effective use of pathos is also seen when he first greeted the audience and posed, “good evening, London.” “Allow me to first apologize for this interruption” (Strong 1). The move was an act of kindness that many found interesting hence got them persuaded to listen to his statement. According to Russell (35) his effective communication skills and persuasive nature forms his major driving force in the fight for neo-fascist police rule, bad government and the fight for freedom.
Indeed, the film provides credible insights on the effects of oppressive rule, how it can be managed and the long fight for liberation. It enhances understanding about the dangers of neo-fascist police state style f governance with the aim of ensuring that such a rule is not adopted in the United Kingdom in the near future.
Works Cited
Keller, James R. V for Vendetta as Cultural Pastiche: A Critical Study of the Graphic Novel and Film. Jefferson, N.C: McFarland, 2008. Print.
Russell, Jesse. V for Vendetta. Place of publication not identified: Book On Demand Ltd, 2013, Print.
Strong, Amber. Hidden rhetoric: V for Vendetta Proposal. 2010. Web. 21st Nov. 2015.
V For Vendetta Trailer (HD): FanMade Trailer. 2011. Web. 21st Nov. 2015.

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