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Trust And Legitimacy From An Administrative Perspective Within Organizations

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Trust and legitimacy from an administrative perspective within organizations


The trust in an organization represents the credulity that this entity transmits both interiorly and externally, this confidence is based on the words and actions that are carried out and how much credibility level has this, having an impact on the work teams of the entity and also in the environment where it develops. For its part, legitimacy refers to how society perceives an organization, its actions, values, expectations and level of acceptance that it has within its environment, achieving consolidation in it when this perception has a favorable level.

Both concepts are key within organizations and their level either high or low influences the development of the activity of these companies


Trust and legitimacy are two concepts that are linked to organizations and have a high degree of importance with respect to the role they play in the environment where they develop their economic activity. Based on the above, this research is intended to evaluate the meaning and importance given to these two concepts in the different mobile operators organizations in the city of Medellín, based on research and various positions of authors who have deepened in the topic. Similarly, this research is extended through an analysis by taking as reference a niche of people who responded to a survey, in which the perception of these individuals is evaluated against the trust and legitimacy generated by these organizations.

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Legitimacy from an administrative perspective

First, it is appropriate to talk about the meaning of the word "legitimacy" that, as we know, is derived from the word "legitimate (a)". According to the Royal Spanish Academy "legitimate" it means something that is in accordance with the laws, that is, something that is lawful. Regarding this issue, many authors, as is the case of iron, say that legitimacy is of the utmost importance in institutions, whether these policies or legal, since it represents an element that is essential when it comes to the proper functioning of the same.

On the other hand, entering the objective of this writing, we have the administrative point of view in which authors such as Dowling and Pfeffer and Ashforth and Gibbs, cited by Martín, González and Román, consider legitimacy as “the logical relationship between values, norms and expectations of society with the activities and results of the organization ”. In addition to this, these same authors, raise the definition of “legitimate organizations” that are all those organizations that are desired and accepted by the environment in which they are, given that the activities they carry out are in accordance with the norms, values, beliefs and principles of the social system in which they are part. They also add that legitimacy "represents a resource that favors access to other resources such as investors, customers, suppliers, distributors, authorities and employees".

The above shows us the importance and essentiality of legitimacy in relation to the growth and survival of organizations, which is crucial regardless of whether or not it maintains high profitability. In a nutshell, as the aforementioned authors express it, "legitimacy is related to the perception that society has on the actions that an organization develops, without having to consider exclusively the degree of profitability of this". For all the above, as Scott expresses, cited in legitimacy manages to become a factor as relevant as technology, social networks, capital or staff within an organization, why? Because if an organization lacks legitimacy (or it was insufficient) it would mean, then, that it is not acting according to social laws and values ​​and this, finally, would conclude in the failure of the same since it would prevent access to resources that They are indispensable for it to grow and survive in the environment.

Types of legitimacy (dimensions)

Several authors have classified different measures related to the sources of legitimacy. On this occasion we will talk about the classification made by Suchman cited in, which proposed a frame of reference that includes three types of legitimacy:

Pragmatic legitimacy: This type of legitimacy is set in the existing interests of the direct environment in which the organization is.

The organization’s interest groups can put pressure on this in the sense that they can support it (or not) if they observe that the organization is acting according to the interests of these groups. Therefore, the organization cares and tries that both its policies and objectives are well seen before this specific environment and therefore creates a "materialistic power and dependence" relationship 

In a nutshell, "organizations gain legitimacy when they demonstrate and share the interests (objectives) of their interest groups"

Moral legitimacy: This type of legitimacy implies a positive normative evaluation, both of the organization and the activities it performs, that is, it is fixed more in the actions that the organization must do to be considered desirable. For example, an organization can prove to be desirable if the treatment of clients or employees is expected by the social system where it operates. 

It can be said, then, that: "Organizations gain legitimacy when they demonstrate and share the values ​​and beliefs of their interest groups" 

Cognitive legitimacy: According to the author who raised this classification, this type of legitimacy is based on knowledge unlike the previous ones, which had to do with interest or evaluation.

It corresponds, then, in the legitimacy based on actions, accepted by professionals and scientists, who help or simplify decision making, that is, they contribute to the solution of the problems. This legitimacy tells organizations how to see the world and what actions are effective.

We can conclude, then, that: “Organizations gain legitimacy when they commit and develop methods, practices, ideas, etc., that are widely accepted by professionals and scientists in the sector ”

Trust from an administrative perspective 

Initially to understand the term of trust it is important. According to Güemes, trust is the set of expectations in the positive sense that different actors or subjects have on the behavior and intention of another subject or organization. 

Another definition of confidence that we can emphasize is Fukuyama, defines trust is an asset valuable strongly linked to economic success, that is, when in an organization or community a real confidence between all parties this will bring positive consequences in the economic part From the organization therefore generating this will be a vital asset within the company.

Trust is linked to ethics since the behavior between the different parts must be justified from the ethical and moral point, that is, the action of a person within an organization both with the internal and external parts must be based on words and actions that generate a high confidence level.

When we talk about trust which is a term that is of vital importance in many areas such as administrative, philosophical, sociological, economic, etc. Confidence in organizations is a topic that is most frequently spoken today since this is essential to improve the processes that occur within the organization taking into account actors that are internally and externally related to the company.

But it is worth asking, why the importance from the administrative area? Trust allows within an organization that the work between all its related parts is given jointly, optimally and efficiently, in addition to teamwork and open communication is propitiated. On the other hand, it is important to keep in mind that trust is too easy to violate within an organization and this occurs with the passage of time in which the company is immersed in changes or growth process, which can affect The solidity of trust within an organization. 

Trust levels

When we want. Trust levels will have an influence directly within teamwork since it will be important to measure the ability of an organization to achieve positive results. If in an organization the level of trust is low, the learning of the essential parts that make up the organization and the consequence of this is that the efficacy in the processes will be lost will be difficult. While in an organization the level of trust is high or elevated in the different groups that make up the organization what will happen is that there will be less uncertainty generated and thus the effectiveness in the company’s processes will be greater. Consequently, this can assume greater risks with greater tranquility since the uncertainty that is available is minimal. (Queen et al., 2018) 

Types of trust

According to there are three types of confidence that are constantly spoken between different authors. First we have the trust calculated basically this occurs when the subject trusts another, taking into account a fairly important concept when confidence is sought and it is cooperation, the subject trusts the other having the certainty that this will bring benefits and that To the subject who gave the trust, it should not be disappointed. The second type of trust is the regulations, this occurs when a subject trusts another person, but it is no longer because of the benefits but because both the subject that gives his trust, as well as the one who receives it shares standards and values. The third and last type of trust is cognitive, this corresponds to a vision between reality and how it is interpreted and the form is what different visions are shared.

Trust dimensions

Trust presents different dimensions in this case we will speak the two main ones: honesty and benevolence. Trust from the dimension of honesty refers to the belief that the other party will fulfill its promises and its obligations. Taking this to the organizational context, it would be evidence. The second dimension is the benevolence which is defined as the belief that the other party is interested in achieving joint benefits and will not make decisions or undertake actions that harm the one who trusts or gave it their confidence. That is, the company will avoid opportunistic actions at all costs or decrease the level of trust with the related parties of the company. 


This research work carried out in the city of Medellín, presents a study on the perception with respect to the mobile operator that the client has, which is based on a sample of 172 individuals. The data that make up this sample are classified into four groups:

  • Cluster
  • Information
  • Characterization
  • Personal information
  • General
  • General data on mobile operators
  • Legitimacy
  • Data orienteds towards each of the dimensions for a better analysis.



Within the first data agglomerate we have the basics that identifies an individual, there we find information such as: their sex, age, educational level, occupation, sector where it resides and its strict socioeconomic. That to help obtain a more precise segmentation of the sample and thus evaluate the perception that the different groups in front of mobile operators. Next, it presents the most notorious results of the sample:


Sample account


Sample account



18 to 24 years




25 to 34 years


Grand Total


35 to 44 years


45 to 54 years


55 to 64 years


Grand Total


In the same way we can infer from the sample that approximately 60% of this is between the strata two and three. Continuing, we find the general data of mobile operators, it is here where we can show that mobile operator tells each of the individuals who conducted the survey, in addition to the posture that the service in general have.

Why is it necessary when analyzing the data know the mobile operator? While the perspective that users in front of the service in general can have a similar effect, this does not happen when we go in the specific, this because, the policies of organizations are not equal, which makes the experiences that the experiences that the customers has your service in front are not in the end so positive and that at the time of treating trust and legitimacy you can vary your views.

In the case of this investigation about 70% of the sample considers communication through total importance through mobile devices, and more now that, out of necessity and not because of desire the use of these devices is essential for interaction with other people.

Entering the issue of legitimacy and trust we have several questions within the survey that are oriented to the dimensions, such as: for example:

In the case of trust we have this question, do you consider as a client that the operator somehow rewards the time it takes with him?

Sample account







Grand Total








Of course







Mobile success





















Virgin mobile







Grand Total







As you can see the results have variations according to the operator, since the perspective of all customers will not be the same because each mobile operator generates a different confidence level from its users, some have had better experiences than others and therefore The result will be different.


According to the information collected, research and analysis ratify the importance of trust and legitimacy within the administrative perspective in organizations, since one of the points that determine the success of a company is the perspective they generate within the environment in which they develop their economic activity, and that perspective is radically affected by trust and legitimacy.

So, it is important to mention that an organization that has low levels in these two concepts mentioned will be more complex. It should be noted that the behavior of the level of trust and legitimacy does not depend strictly on the economic sector that is being talked about, on this possibility that there are companies that belong to the same sector, but some may be more reliable or legitimate than others, this depends of the work they do to get the endorsement of their customers.

Therefore, trust and legitimacy are factors that, although important within the organization and their entire team, have an externally given importance to what are the clients of these entities who determine that level and to whom the reason for being is finally directed of that entity.


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  • Díez Martín, F., Blanco González, A., & Prado Román, C. (2010). Legitimacy as a key factor of organizational success. European Management and Economics Research of the Company, 16 (3), 127-143.
  • Güemes, c. (2018). Corruption and (des) trust as social norms: change of focus, new perspectives. Dialnet, from https: // = 6410104.
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  • Martín, f. D., González, a. B., Roman, c. P. (2010). Measurement of organizational legitimacy: the case of reciprocal guarantee societies. Economy and Company Management Notebooks, 13 (43), 115-143.
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