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Types Of Contracts In Uruguayan Legislation

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Types of contracts in Uruguayan legislation

The contract is a legal business mode, we can say then, that the contract is a pact in which both two, whether a buyer or seller or lease that may be more or multipersonal agree or agree on what they are going to negotiate and has tohaving mutual approval that falls on the subject of contracts, agreed.

The concept of contract must be framed in a part of the private law that are called obligations and contracts This part of private law is characterized by being a contribution that has a fundamentally economic content that has a patrimonial character, the important thing about the contracts is that they have aeconomic content that are made for economic benefit of the two contracting parties. The contract is legal because it is regulated by law and presents legal efficacy that is to claim the obligations that are not fulfilled before the courts. The contract is nothing other than a willing agreement in which a series of people decide

Basically the contract is understood as that act of will of two or more persons and is one of the main sources of legal obligations because this is stated in article 1247 of the Uruguayan Civil Code.

In the first chapter of the contracts in general of the Civil Code of Uruguay, everything is determined about what has to do with contracts in general and the classification of the same from article 1248 to article 1252, where we have the following:

  • The unilateral contract: it is one of the subjects of the contract has an obligation, for example;In the donation contract who makes the donation, that is, the donor has the legal commitment to transfer for free in favor of another person certain assets, on the other hand the donor does not have any legal obligation in this regard.

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  • The free contract: only one of the parties takes the benefits, for example: bailment or donation, the donor or donor is the only person who is benefited economically upon receiving a certain benefit without having to deliver for his part something that benefits himTo the other contractor.
  • The onerous contract: are those in which the encumbrances and benefits are reciprocal for both contractors.
  • Bilateral contracts: are those agreements where the parties are obliged reciprocally, that is, both subjects of the legal relationship have rights but both also have obligations.
  • Switching contracts: both parties from the beginning of hiring know what to expect or what benefits one of the other will have.
  • The main contracts: are those that have an independent existence, that is, they do not need any other willing agreement to exist.
  • The consensual contract: means that it is perfected by the manifestation of the will of the parties regardless of that the object of that contract has not been delivered but it is a manifestation of will forces the parties. The sale is a consensual contract because the parties are obliged from the moment their wills coincide in the transmission and acquisition of a good.

We see that its classification is similar to many of other laws in Latin America, therefore each of these contracts gutters with different purposes and clauses but its main objective of the contracts is that an obligation is fulfilled.

The classifications of the contracts are many and very varied because they attach various reasons, interests and customs. It would be useless to establish only a contract classification, therefore, the legal function of the contract depends on its content attached to the needs of the contractors, specifically their client and the attachment that he has to the law.

Contracts are very daily use that are applied in daily life, in which both natural persons and legal persons are involved, it is a right to make a contract since it guarantees us either the payment or delivery of a well requestedAnd this serves as a guarantee of our rights.

The contract is an important document in which the agreements that have been reached between two or more persons are held either natural or legal persons to establish, regulate, modify, extinguish a patrimonial legal relationship, it is also formalized in writing orIt gives legal value to any agreement that two or more persons have previously convinced with a certain good purpose. The agreements are negotiated and executed according to the rules of good faith and the common intention of the contracting parties that are also free to hire different aspects of social life but lawful confines and within the law.

The contracts are mandatory because it is presumed that their content responds to the common will of the parties without any pressure or coercion existed but the contracts force the parties only as soon as it has been expressly considered expressly in them.

It is important that we as law students take into account and as a reference the different types of contracts since each one has a certain content and basis. Legal acts are an essential part of the law because from them derive all the rights and obligations that are regulated by the laws.

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