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Values. Clarification and analysis

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Values clarification and analysis
Organizational values are codes of ethics that are upheld by an institution, to guide its employees conduct in services provision. The values also give a clue to the customers the kind of services they should expect from the organization. The values help to control behaviors of employees at work in respect to their position as they relate to the clients. For instance, in the hospital setting, employees in different department depend on each other to provide quality healthcare. In this context, team spirit is required, and healthcare providers are expected to respect each other in their respective departments as they work with integrity to provide services. The organization expects all its employees to uphold its values since it’s their basis of the provision of service Grimaldi, (2007). The values of the organization could be found in its mission, vision, goals, and sometimes printed on the institution’s logo. For instance, our organization values are included on the logo that says “patients first.” The employees are expected to abide by such value and anyone acting contrary may face a punitive measure from the organization disciplinary body. On the other hand, personal values are the personally held beliefs concerning what is vital, that the society accepts, and what one believes is the right to be done Hereford, Z. (n.d). The personal values are obtained from the culture that the society promotes, the religious teachings one has acquired, from learning institutions, and sometimes at the workplace Hereford, (n.

Wait! Values. Clarification and analysis paper is just an example!

d). Hard work, honesty, integrity, accountability and a passion for excellent patient care are my core values. I have applied them to my services for the patient as I am currently working the Colorectal and Transplant Surgery operating room Nursing Assistant nurse manager, which has helped in the developments in my career.
Organization’s values
As stated above my organization value are embedded on the logo, “patients first,” meaning the healthcare providers should consider patient’s need before theirs. As a healthcare provider, one of the governing codes is beneficence Esterhuizen, (2006). On this code, the provider is required to issue services that benefit the patient and not harm them. The interest or life of the patient is the most important aspect when in a hospital setting. That is the reason nurses are considered risk takers since they are asked to put another person’s life before theirs. This discourages those who want to join the profession for profit. The service of saving another person’s life is like a humanitarian activity where the person should not have commercial interests but to save a life. In the American nursing association, some provision on how the nurses should address some of the ethical issues has been stated. For instance, the fifth provision obligates nurses to care for themselves in their line of duty. They required embracing personal care to promote personal development as they are also required to care for the patients as well. This means they are expected to operate with the highest level of integrity. For instance, in cases of contagious diseases like the Ebola in the West African cases or anthrax, the action of quarantine or isolation of the patient is applied to protect the nurse or the associated healthcare provider Grimaldi, (2007). So the “patients first” value does not mean nurses doesn’t have to care for themselves but rather is used to show nurses that patients are the main reason they are working at the healthcare center.
Personal values
Hard work, honesty, integrity, accountability and a passion for excellent patient care, being my personal value gives me an easy time working in the organization. Through hard work as my fellow nurses get reluctant to serve on the overtime basis, despite being aware that there is a shortage of nurses in the facility, I choose to serve as I encourage them to work Grimaldi, (2007). The working extra time allows me to serve the values of the organization from which I get personal fulfillment. Possessing the value of integrity in the nursing field is very vital. One gets to be honest and without expecting any reward maintains high morals that can be emulated by others Hereford, (n.d.). As a leader in our facility, other nurses are looking up to me, and I have to be a role model. Having the passion for what one does makes the difference between who is doing it genuinely and those who do it to be recognized. Being accountable for what one does keeps them on toes to ensure they have given quality results Grimaldi, M. E. (2007).
The implications for deciding where and how you work.
When one chooses where to work it mean they are comfortable with the environment and the setting meets their needs. For instance, when some people work where their friends or family work, they tend to be more motivated and feel supported in working and will probably give good results Hoban, (2012). Some will tend to be lazy or reluctant to give their best when working with family and friends as they may tend to view the environment as a social platform where matters are not handled seriously. How one chooses to work is greatly dependent on their moral standards Grimaldi, M. E. (2007). So having the best moral standards will steer one towards giving a good performance in the work they are expected to do.
Organization’s and personal values should be directed towards saving the patient’s life. When the two values are not in harmony, the patient becomes the victim of circumstance. Following codes that govern the performance of nurses is critical for nurses in service.
Esterhuizen, P. (2006). Is the professional code still the cornerstone of clinical nursing practice?*. Journal of advanced nursing, 53(1), 104-110.
Grimaldi, M. E. (2007). Ethical decisions in times of disaster: choices healthcare workers must make. Journal of trauma nursing, 14(3), 163-164.Retrieved from, Z. (n.d.). Have a Personal Value System. Retrieved January 2, 2016, from
Hoban, J. (2012, April 9). Products. Retrieved January 2, 2016, from

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