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Versailles Treaty: The Principle Of World War Ii

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Versailles Treaty: The Principle of World War II

The Versailles Treaty was an "agreement" between the triple entente and Germany to conclude the bloody great war, without knowing that after 20 years World War II would explode, taking more lives in the most inhuman ways possible. In this historical investigation, what is sought is to see how the Versailles treaty influenceas he harmed in Germany what a World War II will explode.

How did the Versailles treaty be carried out?

At the end of 1918, the German Kaiser Guillermo II would begin to seek a way to reach a peace with the members of the triple entente, this due to the lack of resources due to the social and economic crisis that occurred in the country almost at the endof the great war. Despite this, Germany was never invited to meetings to discuss the conditions to carry out the treaty, especially being in the hands of the three greats: Great Britain, the United States and France;The latter being the most radical in his orders and sanctions against Germany and his allies due to the fear he felt of being attacked or said again by the words of Prime Minister Galo Georges Clemenceau “America is far away, protected by the oceans. Not even Napoleon was able to touch England. You are both protected. But we are not ”(Ràfols, 2014). When Germany was invited to the signing of the Versailles Treaty, German Foreign Minister Ulrich Von Brockdorff-Arontzau, found a document that assured a peace that was going to harm and humiliate Germany.

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The Foreign Minister stressed the fallacy that Germany was the sole responsible for the war saying “you ask us to confess that we are the only guilty part of the war. This confession in my mouth would be a lie ”(Ràfols, 2014). Despite their claims, which were never heard, he was forced to sign the treaty threatening that the troops would move towards Berlin in 24 hours, so Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles, giving the first World War.

Due to this, it can be evidence.

What did the members of the Triple Entente in the Versailles treaty demand?

The demands of the countries of the triple entente towards Germany were simply atrocious for the latter. First in the economic field, Germany had to pay compensation of 6.6 billion pounds sterling, claiming that Germany and its allies are responsible for the losses of the other countries in the war, this is mentioned in article 231 of the Versailles Treaty. Germany was also forced to have its natural resources to pay for the very high compensation, or as mentioned in the Treaty “from the date on which this treaty enters into force, all coal deposits located in the Sarre basin,As defined in article 48 of said treaty, they become complete and absolute property of the French State ”(National Archive of Honduras).

On the other hand, with respect to the political and geographical sector, Germany had to recognize the independence of Poland, losing more than 50000 square kilometers. In addition, the Brest-Litovsk treaty was canceled losing about 65000 square kilometers and an approximate of 7 million inhabitants and was forced to return Alsacia and Lorena to France, the province of Poznan and Pomeriana and Eastern Prussia is separate. In total Germany lost 13% of its territory. It also ends up losing its colonies in Africa, in China and in the Pacific. In what has been exclusively in politics, losing countries were forced to establish a democratic government in their territory. With this great empires such as Germany and Austro-Hungarian would be dissolved or democratic states would become. In addition to Germany would assume all the fault of war, as the only cause of this.

And finally Germany was also forced to reduce their troops to only 100,000 men, divided into a maximum of 7 infantry divisions and three cavalry. Military schools were reduced to three: one for each weapon. And forced recruitment was abolished. All this due to the desire of France of a weakened Germany.

With all this, it is evident that the winning countries wanted to humiliate and weaken Germany, to such an extent that they were not able to commit an attack to another country or even defend them.

A Germany humiliated by an unfair treaty

"Heer them, Wehrlos, ehrlos". Unarmed, defenseless and humiliated is how the Germans felt after the signing of the treaty. In itself Germany already during the war was having difficult moments due to a growing revolution that they had to retain at all costs, the great demographic fall due to deaths in the front and the economic crisis that lived. All this added to the Treaty of Versailles led to a resent. In fact, the same new Chancellor of Germany Philipp Scheidemann described the treaty as "the murderous plan". In fact, Versailles’s treaty created a situation of acrimony and hate. The German people understood the treaty as the revenge of the victors.

Also if Versailles’s treaty had not been so drastic with Germany, it is possible that he could recover from the economic crisis of the 30s and with that Hitler would not have risen to power. And in fact in his book "Mi Causa" Hitler denied against the Treaty of Versailles.


In conclusion, the Versailles treaty if it greatly influenced the outbreak of World War II in 1939 because if it were not for the conditions so draconians implemented in the treaty, Germany had recovered, although slowly, from the great war and theFeelings of hate and revenge would have faded over time, and with this Hitler could not take advantage of him to get to power. However, there are also other factors such as the economic crisis of the 30s that, together with the Versailles Treaty, made the war explode again in 1939. 

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