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What are three components of an attitude?

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Attitude and Its Components
Based on psychological grounds, attitudes are quite commonly known as the evaluations that are made by people related to ideas, objects, events, along with other people. Like any other entity, attitudes can also be constructive and destructive. Quite commonly, attitudes are considered with two other core elements; like, behaviors and beliefs. Beliefs are the representation of learning that is the result of different experiences.
Attitudes and its Importance
Attitudes have a number of important features that enhances the way of understanding the core consideration within cognitive domains. Attitudes are one of the most vital ways of organization of relationship within the world. The most important feature of it includes the interaction with a more predicting thereby owing much better degree of control on their mind and body. Attitudes have also enabled for the reduction of the numerous amount of the very information that people quite commonly possess as part of manageable units. Attitudes are also quite better indicators for making better judgments about other persons. People having similar attitudes quite commonly enjoy each other’s companies and the best example in this regard is people likeness based on certain political parties. Nevertheless, the attitudes of people are quite good in determining the behavior of people.
Types and Components of Attitudes
Attitudes comprises of three basic components; namely, informational, emotional and behavioral.

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Affective Component
It quite commonly involves the feelings of a person along with its impact whether it is negative, positive or neutral related to an object. Hence, the development of emotional intelligence is quite an important part of leadership studies. On the other hand, in organizational behavior domain, emotions play quite an important role.
In addition to the complete expression of emotions, it can either be positive, negative or neutral. The positive emotional component can be exemplified by queries taken by CSR (Customer Service Representative). For negative emotions, the police officer and bill collectors are good examples. And for neutral emotional attitude, the example of public servant and academic administrator is quite common.
Cognitive Component
Beliefs and information are quite briefly described above. However, the information component of attitude deals with both information as well as beliefs a person has related to the object. Quite common example of it is the supervisors’ perception of a worker to have three weeks of training as a necessary step before starting to operate the equipment. However, it is possible that the average worker can have the better learning curve and has started to operate the machine in less than one week of training. Hence, the information that is being used by supervisor is nothing but his/her attitude towards training.
Behavioral Component
The behavioral component comprises of a person’s tendency for behaving as part of specific events and/or objects. In the above-presented example, the supervisor can assign two weeks of training for all of his/her newly hired employees.
Among all these three basic components, only the behavioral component can easily and directly be observed. The core reason behind it is that it is virtually impossible for people to know another person’s feelings (affective component) or beliefs (cognitive component) without observing their behaviors. Recalling the previous example can also support the above-mentioned argument. When the supervisor has assigned a newly hired employee for two weeks of training on the specific machine, a basic perspective can be inferred quite easily. It includes that the supervisor has quite a strong feelings related to the strong feelings along with the training duration that is required by individuals. It also encompasses the individual’s core belief that the mentioned training duration is quite a useful step for having complete grip over ever issues related to that specific machine (Neovistas 2).
Attitudes Formation and Alteration
Attitudes can be formed and altered based on these three component mentioned above. The most common attitude formation is through previous experiences. The experiences of life-long events and journey are the main proponents for the formulation of attitudes. It includes the influence of family, peers, and schooling groups are the most important part of these experiences under different social contexts. However, these attitudes are altered and waned from time to time. Change is surely one part of changing attitudes for a number of reasons. The most common reasons for changing attitudes includes influencing a decision along with persuading person(s) to do specific work. Attitude change is quite an important aspect of organization behavior and is considered quite vital in corporate success (University of Rhode Island 14).
All in all, attitudes play quite a significant role in the development of person’s personality. These attitudes are nothing but the course of action taken by people under different circumstances. The most important factor in this regard includes the demarcation of its basic components and their contribution in making attitudes and also in changing them. The affective component helps in providing outlook related to personal feelings. The Behavioral component of attitude is quite useful in assessing the persons’ tendencies under certain circumstances and events. And, the cognitive component helps in assessing the information and beliefs of persons related to certain events and/or objects.
Work Cited
Neovistas,. ‘Attitudes: Formation And Change’. 2015. Web. 5 May 2015.
University of Rhode Island,. ‘Attitudes’. 2015. Web. 5 May 2015.

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