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Aids, Diagnosis And Stages Of The Disease

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HIV HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY HIV is a disease that attacks the immune system of the subject affected by this virus, the immune system is responsible for protecting the body naturally from all strange infections or agents such as bacteria, fungi and diversemicroorganisms that can affect any organ or important part of the human body.

Human immunodeficiency virus or virus is then the disease that hit CD4 lymphocytes until they exterminate them, on the other hand, the CD4 lymphocytes mentioned above are the cells responsible for the creation of antibodies that constantly fight with strange microorganisms, virusor bacteria that cause other diseases or infestations.

Commonly HIV and AIDS are known as a single disease but it is essentialThe body spreading continuously and destroying CD4 lymphocytes causing the immune system to be more fragile and weakens, but this does not mean that there is already a condition in itself.

AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) instead is the cluster of various clinical infections that are already presented in the organisms when the immune system is already too weak because of HIV, AIDS is when the virus is already developed and is themost serious stage of all the infection, when the patient is already diagnosed with AIDS the condition of many opportunistic diseases become a very high risk factor for the life of the individual .

Virus characteristics

"HIV-1 has a sphere shape with a diameter of 100-120NM, like all wrapped viruses, the wrapping consists of a lipid bilayer taken from the human cell membrane during the process of geming new particles".

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"Some proteins of the host cell and very significantly the HIV wrapping glycoprotein are present in the wrapping.".


Some theories indicate that AIDS began its pandemic in Africa, this theory is based on the finding of animals such as monkeys and apes in this country, which have a virus very similar to HIV which is known as SIV (immunodeficiency virus in apes), This discovery makes scientists assume that this virus could have reached human beings through wild animals of this type from the country’s central Africa. Despite the assumptions, scientists still have several doubts about how the virus could transfer the species barrier, the most successful hypothesis is the one that mentions that the virus could be transferred through individuals who ate infected chimpanzees.

According to calculations, scientists based on the evolution of HIV strains, mention that the virus could originate in years close to 1930, however, AIDS was not revealed until the 80s by doctors who detected patients with patients with the United Statesstrange and uncommon diseases such as Kaposi sarcoma that is an exceptional skin cancer case.


HIV can be diagnosed at any medical center, in ETS prevention centers (sexually transmitted diseases), in some pharmacies or NGOs;The diagnosis consists of a blood test that can be managed by any doctor, this test can be requested by routine checks or when there is an unusual health problem that could have been caused by HIV.

In general, the diagnosis of the virus is not to find the presence of HIV in the blood, but in the search for antibodies that have occurred as a reflection to combat germ;The presence of the virus in the body can be made present or be discovered in an analysis in a month or in six weeks.

Transmission or forms of contagion

HIV has various forms of infection, then some will be broken down:

  • It can be transmitted by semen, vaginal secretions, blood and breast milk, cuts or leather wounds and through mucous membranes (such as the interior of the vagina, rectum and penis opening)
  • Have vaginal or anal sex
  • Share needles or syringes to get high, get perforations in the body, tattoos, etc
  • Be puncture with a needle that has infected blood with HIV
  • Have open wounds or ampoules that come into contact with blood, semen (sperm) or vaginal secretions infected with HIV

Stages of the disease

The HIV infection phases are:


The infection is the first phase of HIV, this occurs when the virus enters the body through any form of contagion mentioned above, at this stage the HIV is already in the cells of the affected person and this individual is already able to transmit or infectThe germ.

Acute HIV infection

The second phase is known as acute HIV infection, in this period the infected individual can present symptoms similar to the flu such as fever, headache and cutaneous eruption;This section is the earliest part of the virus and the time it takes to develop is 2 to 4 weeks.

Serological conversion

Serological conversion is the stage in which the immune system responds to the presence of the virus in the organism and multiplies the amount of antibodies existing to protect themselves from HIV, in most of the infected take a development time of 3 months and in others6 months.

Chronic HIV infection

The next phase of HIV development is known as chronic or asymptomatic HIV infection, in this period HIV continues to multiply in the infected body, but slowly because of what its presence is not remarkable and there are no symptoms for approximately 10 years that is whenThe disease is already at a serious stage, the only way to be detected would be through a test.

The early and middle symptomatic stage

The fourth stage of the virus begins when the immune system is already very affected by the progress of the disease, in this journey most organisms begin a series of slight diseases or symptoms that would indicate the presence of advanced HIV in the body, some of these manifestations are presented as eruptions in the skin, excessive sweat at night, decrease in weight, and several infections;The virus develops to this magnitude in a time of 5 to 7 years before more serious diseases such as persistent diarrhea, candidiasis or continuous fevers occur.


The last stage of the disease is known as AIDS, it is the final stage and the most dangerous for the health of the affected individual, in this part of the disease the virus has already destroyed the immune system of the organism and as a consequence the body no longer hasThe ability to defend themselves from any external agent or serious infections that are present in the environment, the lymphocytes of people diagnosed with AIDS are 200/mm3, so without treatment these people have an approximate living time of 3 years.

HIV classes

There are two types of HIV, HIV-1 and HIV-2, but how are different, these viruses are unequal because they have genetic disagreements, and the main disparity is that HIV-2 has less number of circulating in the body,In other words, it usually has a relatively low plasma viremia, which prevents its propagation from being rapid, since the HIV-2 incubation period is longer;However, the two types of HIV reach AIDS only have a 45% similarity in their genomes.


For all disease there is a treatment to maintain it, in the case of HIV there are medications known as TAR (antiretroviral therapy), this medication regime is suggested for people affected by the human immunodeficiency virus, as HIV is knowncure, but these medications allow the virus to be controlled.

Although HIV has no cure the treatment is indispensable, since this prevents the propague virus from in the body;The medication process is chronic, that is, once the medication begins to be taken.

Some medications for HIV patients:

  • Inverse transcriptase inhibitors Analog of nucleosides (ITIN): They block the reverse transcriptase enzyme.
  • Inhibitors of the inverse transcriptase not analogous of the nucleosides (iTinn): they join and then change the inverse transcriptase enzyme.
  • Integrate inhibitors: block the integrate enzyme.
  • Proteasa inhibitors: block protease enzyme.
  • Fusion inhibitors: prevent HIV from entering cells.

CCR5 antagonists and post -fixing inhibitors: so that HIV affects a cell needs the union of two types of molecules at the top of the cell, this medicine does is block the molecules in the cell to avoid propagationof HIV .

Pharmacokinetic enhancers: The function of this drug is to enhance the effectiveness of HIV and AIDS medicines, the potentiar decreases the decomposition time of the drug so that it remains in the body more time and with greater concentration.

Forms of prevention

  • Perform an HIV test to detect the virus, control it and let the couple know their own health status before maintaining sexual contact and thus take precautions.
  • Reduce risky situations where the virus can be infected such as having vaginal or anal sex without condom or without medications that prevent contagion.
  • Routine the use of condom during sex.
  • Restricting the number of sexual couple, the less the people with whom the risk of contracting HIV or some sexually transmitted disease is interacting that increases the possibility of contracting the virus.
  • Insist on knowing the couple’s medical situation regarding sexual diseases or HIV, insist on performing the test to prevent contagion.
  • Converse with your doctor about pre -exposition prophylaxis (PREP), a medicine that is ingested for HIV prevention after a risk situation .Talk to your health care provider on pre -exposition prophylaxis (PREP). 
  • Do not get high with injections, but if you do not share used syringes, always check that they are sterilized.
  • Vaccinate against STDs such as human papillomavirus vaccine and hepatitis B virus.
  • Do not make vaginal showers, as they eliminate necessary bacteria for the protection of the vagina against infections.


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