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Arab Spring, Claiming Democracy

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Arab spring, claiming democracy

Arab spring was a succession of demonstrations in which the people claimed democracy and human rights. The denigrating conditions in which Arab countries live of government. Arab citizens were subject to authoritarian regimes or fraudulent governments, in which the rulers remained in power more than 30 years.

It all started in December 2010, when in Tunisia, the police abused a street merchant, confiscating all the merchandise and savings of it; Subsequently, said merchant, was publicly immolated as a form of claim. Consequently, tired of the bad conditions, thousands of Tunisians decided to form a popular revolt to protest against the Ben Ali government, the wave of demonstrations began on the periphery of the country but soon arrived in the capital; To them were joined by other neighboring Arab countries that lived in the same situation. Ben Ali’s authoritarian regime came to an end.

In Egypt they got up against the Mubarak government in January 2011, but this repressed the protests based on police forces, in addition, suppressed Internet access to prevent civilians from organizing. Mubarak carried out changes in his mandate to try to stop the mobilizations, however, he did not succeed. This led him to resign and Mohamed Morsi took over through elections, but his measures were as restrictive as those of the previous governor, and the mass protests continued, reaching the figure of 30 million people throughout Egypt. Mohamed Morsi was overthrown through a coup d’etat led by the president of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces and with the support of the Army.

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In Libya, the mobilizations against the dictator Muamam. These clashes ended in a civil war. The front managed to take the capital and the army lost strength, Gaddafi was kidnapped as a prisoner and executed him, with his death the civil war ended.

In Syria, the protests against President Bashar al-Assad were peaceful, on the other hand, the repression was violent, which caused a part of the citizens and some sectors of the army to be launched to weapons and created the free army of Syria. The armed fighting led to the Civil War of Syria, which today, still continues. As for the support, the US; The European Union and the Arab League support the rebels, while China, Russia and Iran, financially and militarily support the government. This war has cost the lives of thousands of people, it is the most wild humanitarian crisis of this century and the bloodiest conflict of Arab spring.

In Yemen, the protesters carried pink tapes that symbolize the revolution of the jasmine to show their peaceful intention but the repression of the government was violent. The revolts against Ali Abdulá Saleh paralyzed the country for 10 months and although the civil war was close to exploding, Saleh was dismissed and occupied the power Abd Rabbuh Mansur al-Hadi. Saleh joined the Huzíes rebels. Currently, the war between the coalition led by Saudi Arabia continues that defends Al-Hadi and the Huzíes rebels with support from Iran.

In conclusion, Arab spring in some countries has achieved its objective, ending dictatorial governments; although on the other hand, he left the Middle East with a situation of economic, political, geographical and social instability. This situation favored the presence of terrorist groups such as Islamic State (ISIS)  

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