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Critical Review of Applied Ethical Concepts
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There are four types of stakeholder managers: resourceful, show stopper, a key player, and Marginal. The resourceful has help potential and thus controls resources that the project can take its advantage. The show stopper has low help potential and high harm potential and thus ability to stop or hinder the project, but no resources for the project. The key player has both help and harms potential and is accordingly essential to the project both in terms of relevant resources and ability to harm the project. Finally, stakeholders with moderate support and low damage potential are not significant for the project ad have therefore been labeled marginal.
A management stakeholder who has small harm potential at the beginning of the project may well gain in damage potential once the project has started because the interdependency between the project and the stakeholder typically will grow. Replacing such a stakeholder will involve higher costs and more effort. The same dynamic is often seen as the help potential. As project specific knowledge grows, the help potential of a given stakeholder becomes higher than at the outset of the project.
Moreover, ethics is standards of behavior that direct how people should act. Ethics involves moral decisions and choosing between right and wrong. They lead to appropriate decisions when applied to problem-solving situations and not the optimal ones.

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At times, employees get grounded ethically in various situations. There are, however, many ways to solve such problems. As an employer or organization, you first need to identify the ethical issue. Make sure that your moral decision does not harm any party. Then contrast the costs and advantages of the solutions created through your moral choice.
Consider other people in the organization as they might probably affect some other parties in the same organization. Then serve broad interests where you look beyond your objectives and consider the group as a whole. Solutions that meet the interests of a wider group are preferable to those that only benefit certain individuals. Finally, be true to yourself. When you solve problems, you are contributing to your reputation, either positively or negatively. Never compromise your values for some short-term benefits.
To be moral or ethical as commonly understood is to display a commitment to right action. According to this view, leadership cannot be coercive or authoritarian, but it can seek ends that most people would regard as morally unjustified. Contemporary commentators on management agree and emphasize the need to build a shared mission that extends beyond financial achievement.
Successful leadership requires infusing employees and inspiring commitment to a grand vision of quality, service and excellence. The ethics officer can manage ethics in organizations by establishing an ethics management program. These programs corporate values using policies and codes to guide the decisions and behavior of the employees working in the organization. They need to provide guidance in ethical dilemma situations through extensive training and evaluating ethical situations in their organizations.
Working with stakeholders is fraught with challenges and can reveal biases when some stakeholders groups get privileged over others. Organizations can argue that their Corporate Social Responsibility efforts are indeed sensitive to stakeholder concerns because they elect to define only particular groups of people as relevant stakeholders. Managers and organizations are typically involved in several issues simultaneously, and a company’s ethical and discretionary duties are increasingly seen as significant as economic and legal issues.
Social responsibility has become an important topic of the corporate agenda in the light of corporate scandals and growing mistrust of businesses. Managers must take sound steps to make sure that the company stands on an ethical root. Organizations should be aware of the various ways in which people think about Corporate Social Responsibility to better appreciate the range of stakeholder expectations that can accompany calls for responsible behavior. Failure to recognize and act on expectations may damage the perceived social legitimacy of organizations.

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